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There Are No Allies, Not Even Israel

Israeli Soldiers Were Threatened With Jail Time For Warning About October 7th Massacre

Israel’s Shin Bet Warns: ‘Israeli Police Are Deliberately Ignoring Jewish Right-wing Violence.’
Israel’s Shin Bet has been warning that the unit of the police in charge of dealing with Jewish extremist crime in the West Bank has been ignoring reports of crimes committed by Jewish extremists. As we read in Haaretz: The Shin Bet division in charge of Jewish terror has been claiming in closed door arguments […]

Christians Who Want A “Third Temple” In Israel Are Worse Than Satanists

All Those Who Hate Christ, Love Death
By Theodore & Walid Shoebat For it is evident that our Lord was descended from Judah, and in connection with that tribe Moses said nothing about priests. This becomes even more evident when another priest arises in the likeness of Melchizedek, who has become a priest, not on the basis of a legal requirement concerning bodily descent, […]

The Biden Administration Is Warning Israel: ‘Our Trust For You Is At An All Time Low.’
The Biden administration has been warning Israel that its trust is at an all time low, as we read in Axios: The Biden administration has in recent weeks grown increasingly distrustful of what the Israeli government says about its military and diplomatic plans in the multi-front war it is fighting, four U.S. officials told Axios. […]

Major Catholic Leader Who Has Been Appointed To Be Cardinal By Pope Francis Declares: ‘All Christians Must Watch Homosexual Film Brokeback Mountain, Read Homosexual Novels, And Live With Homosexuals. He Also Declares That Gay Sex Is Holy.”
A major Catholic leader, who has been chosen to be a cardinal by Pope Francis, believes all Christians must read homosexual novels, watch Brokeback Mountain and live with homosexuals; he also describes or gay sex as “eucharistic”, as we read in Breitbart: Pope Francis has announced his intention to make 21 new cardinals on December […]

The Horrors Of The Middle Ages: Tragedy And Cruelty In The 100 Years War

We Are Seeing History Repeating Itself In Real Time

Netanyahu Is Enraged At France, Germany And Canada As They Stop Giving Weapons To Israel
Netanyahu is very upset with Western countries France, Germany and Canada as they announced that they won’t be sending weapons to Israel, as we read in Haaretz: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday sharply criticized France’s president and other leaders who called to stop delivering arms to Israel, saying “shame on them.” “Today, Israel is […]

If Israel Hits Iran’s Oil Facilities, Gas Prices Will Skyrocket And This Might Help Trump

I Don’t Care If You Speak Facts, I Care About Your In Intention Behind Speaking Facts

This Port Union Strike Could Just Be Our October Surprise
The port union strike could just be our October Surprise. Last year (August 2023) Harold Daggett, president of the International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA), made a speech decrying replacing human workers with automation. What makes this speech notable is Dagget’s attack on President Biden, exclaiming that automation is being pushed “to eliminate good paying American jobs, […]

The Horror Of Saving Private Ryan: Forgetting The Past And The Repeat Of History’s Nightmare