By Theodore Shoebat I hope that the caravan from Central America does not cross the US border, because I know that if that happens, it will be for the purpose of using migrants as propaganda fodder for nationalism and militarism: Click Here To Donate To Keep This Website Going
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Evangelicals And Catholics Who Are Falling For Nationalism Are Entering The Realm Of Antichrist
By Theodore Shoebat Christ said that false teachers and the Antichrist will deceive the very elect. Many Evangelicals and Catholics are falling for nationalism. If we are headed towards the Apocalypse, then that means what the world is heading to is destruction. The world is heading towards nationalism. Christians who are happy about the surge […]
The Zeitgeist Of Our Time: Genocide, Darwinism And Genocide
By Theodore Shoebat We are currently witnessing a violent shift towards dangerous nationalism, eugenics and Darwinism. This is the Zeitgeist, the spirit of the age that his possessing the soul of humanity. This is the subject of today’s video: Click Here To Donate To Keep This Website Going
The Horrific Martyrdom of St. Jean de Brebeuf
By Theodore Shoebat In this video I talk about the horrific martyrdom of St. Jean de Brebeuf, how he was murdered by sadistic pagans — members of the Iroquois Indians — and how such barbarism will appear upon the rejection of God, even in the West: Click Here To Donate To Keep This Website Going
Attempt To Incite Nationalist Sentiments Exposes How The Entire “Migrant Army” On The US Border Is An Externally Funded Government Population Transfer By Lucrative Business Contracts To Drive Nationalism
Conservative-leaning media resources have pointed out that Mexican-registered trucks are helping to transport these “migrants” to the USA: Another image has shown up involving the Honduran Invasion Caravan, where a trucking business from Texas is actually helping mobilize the Honduran Caravan. With this image of a US trucking company transporting the Honduran Caravan to the […]
Trump Is Normalizing Dangerous Nationalism, As He Declares: “I’m A Nationalist” And Tells His Followers To Use The Word “Nationalist” When Defining Their Political Beliefs
By Theodore Shoebat Trump just recently declared that he is a nationalist and exhorted his followers to use the term nationalist when defining their political position. During his speech in Houston, which was to be done to campaign for Ted Cruz (which is funny since for months Trump and Cruz were acting like […]
The Illusion Of Political Correctness
By Theodore Shoebat In this video I discuss the illusion of political correctness as solely a left-wing trait, and how if the right-wing had power they too would impose political correctness: Click Here To Donate To Keep This Website Going
The US Government, The Private Prison System And Lobbyists Are Using Illegal Immigration For Power, To Make Money And To Promote Eugenics
By Theodore Shoebat The story of a caravan of thousands of migrants coming from Honduras has, quite expectedly, sparked emotions amongst the American populace. I believe that this is really the whole point of the situation. Thousands of people coming from Honduras, reportedly fleeing violence and poverty, heading right for the United States. While this […]
Make No Mistake About It, The Ukrainian Orthodox Church Splitting From The Moscow Patriarchate Is Being Done To Expand Turkish Power In Ukraine And To Bolster Ukrainian Racist Nationalism
By Theodore Shoebat The Ukrainian Orthodox Church just split from the Moscow patriarchate, which provoked the Russian Orthodox Church to sever all relations with the Constantinople Patriarchate. But, what few people are talking about is how it was the Turkish government who pushed for an independent Ukrainian Orthodox Church. With Moscow no longer superintending the […]
Steve Bannon Is Working To Usher In The Antichrist. Bannon Is Actually A Globalist And Is Now Working To Advance Nationalism In The Muslim Country Of Pakistan While Viktor Orban Is Now Collaborating With Turkey To Strengthen Hungary’s Military
By Theodore Shoebat and Walid Shoebat ( Sunday Special) Steve Bannon is praised and revered as a savior figure for the West against Islamic immigration. While the cult lives on, what his followers do not know — or do not want to know — is that Bannon is really a globalist lobbying not just for […]
Major Protestant Organization, The John Templeton Foundation, Is Financing And Funding Eugenics And A Sinister Scientist Who Is Using Aborted Fetuses For Human Experimentation
By Theodore Shoebat and Walid Shoebat For years this website has been researching the international network of the eugenist elite. In our investigations we have found the interconnections between corporations, the medical institutions, the military industrial complex, and eugenics. But what we have not found out — until now — is a Protestant bridge with […]
Major German Politician Declares: ‘The Messiah Of Germany Is Sleeping In A Cave And When He Awakens He Will Save Germany And Revive The Reich.’
By Theodore Shoebat & Walid Shoebat ( Sunday Special) The Dutch government armed Islamic jihadists fighting for Turkey and assisted them in ethnic cleansing in Northern Syria in which they slaughtered eighty three people. This is further evidence of the Turco-Germanic alliance. This is occurring in the midst of a surge in violent nationalism, which […]
Poland Deports Chechen Nationalist Whose Family Was Directly Tied To American-Backed Islamic Terrorists In The Caucasus
Recently in Polish news, there was a story about a man involved in “Chechen Independence” named Azamat Baiduyev who was seeking asylum but was denied and sent back to Chechnya. The story was originally posted on and was later translated for, with our emphasis added in bold: On the morning of 31 August, […]
Syria’s UN Representative Announces Before The United Nations That Jihadist Rebels Are Preparing Right Now To Launch A Chemical Weapons Attack On Civilians To Make A Justification For Another US Strike On Syria
By Theodore Shoebat ( Sunday Special) The Syrian representative to the UN, Bashar al Jafaari, announced before the UN Security Council that rebels are preparing to launch a chemical weapons attack in the Idlib province so that it can be used as a pretext for another US strike on Syria. As we read in one […]
Governments, Scientists, And Billionaires Around The World Are Preparing To Wage A Massive World War With The Muslims Against Christianity To Destroy The World Economy, Massacre Christians And Enslave The Survivors While They Merge With Computers And Biotechnology To Become An “Interplanetary Species”
All of history is directed towards the fulfillment of Revelation in scripture. The progress of technology, communications, logistics, and all inventions, however beneficial they may be, bring man closer to the return of Christ and the final Judgment which all men will have to face. In modern times this is of grave concern, since not […]
The German Government Wants To Merge Its Military With The Militaries Of European Countries, And Desires To Combine Its Military With The Armies Of Muslim Albania And Bosnia. Be Prepared For The Return Of The Next Reich
By Theodore Shoebat and Walid Shoebat ( Sunday Special) Germany wants to merge its military with the militaries of weaker European countries. In other words, Germany desires to mix its iron with the miry clay of Europe. The government of Germany now wants to recruit non-German EU citizens into the German military. As we read […]