Stonewall: to block, stall, or resist intentionally In the game of cricket, the term stonewall means to: play a defensive game, as by persistently blocking the ball instead of batting it for distance and runs. When it comes to getting the truth about the 9/11 attacks in Benghazi that left four Americans dead, the Obama administration […]
The Latest News from the Shoebat Foundation
Obama’s Terrorist Arming
Theodore Shoebat talks on The Dove with Perry Atkinson to talk about the Obama administration’s support for jihadists in Syria.
Prophecy: What Lies Ahead
By Walid Shoebat The U.S. and Israel are concerned about Iran’s Uranium Enrichment; Iran experiments with Duetrium, Brillium and Tritium – agents that are only used to detonate a Nuclear bomb. They have no waste facilities and it’s like the 9/11 hijackers learning how to take off but having no interest in learning how to […]
Video: Imam in Virginia tells Muslims that if they are called ‘terrorists’, they should ‘make this title worth it’
First of all, the mosque where this Imam – Sheikh Shaker – gave this speech from the Dar Al-Hijrah mosque in Virginia. To say this mosque has a checkered history would be a bit of an understatement. Despite that history, Shaker tells the audience that because Muslims are viewed as ‘terrorists’, they should wear the […]
Audio: Rep. Louie Gohmert suggests Gun Rights needed to protect against Sharia Law
There are some politicians who do things that make you wonder if they’re not actively working with America’s Islamic enemies; there are a few who definitely understand the threat and are actively standing against it. Rep. Louie Gohmert is one who truly understands that threat and while on a conservative radio program, seemed to imply […]
Must-See Video: Omar Bakri shredded for five straight minutes by Pastor Joseph
This interview between Omar Bakri, Anjem Choudary (not seen) and a man named Pastor Joseph starts out with the typical attempt by Bakri to intimidate westerners. Soon thereafter, Pastor Joseph goes on a five minute rant directed right at Bakri and Choudary. Watching Bakri listen to it is an added benefit. Is it a good […]
Why does Hamas-supporting CAIR Executive Director have a problem with ‘DJesus Uncrossed’ Skit on SNL?
“I am a supporter of the Hamas movement.” – Nihad Awad “We strongly support free speech rights for all, but…” – Nihad Awad Nihad Awad, the founder and Executive Director for the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), has publicly denounced a Saturday Night Live skit that portrayed Jesus in a spoof of the Django […]
Syrian Rebel Shot Down
Although America is providing the guns, at least we know they don’t have a good shot: Posted by Theodore Shoebat
Video: Authors of Explosive book about Benghazi
If the charges made by former Green Beret Jack Murphy and former Navy SEAL Brandon Webb are correct, the truth about what happened in Benghazi is coming out despite the Obama administration’s attempt to avoid it. The charge made by Webb and Murphy is that John Brennan was ordering weapons raids in Libya without the […]
Obama Supports Cannibals
Video by Theodore Shoebat
Daughter of Fort Hood murder victim still close friends with Hasan’s cousin
One of the 14 murder victims of Nidal Malik Hasan was Michael Cahill. Since that day, Cahill’s daughter and the cousin of the Jihadist who murdered her father in the name of Islam have become very close friends. They’ve even co-founded an organization together called the Nawal Foundation and are speaking this week at a […]
Ode to Weak Leaders whom we can no longer afford to follow
In 1940, as Hitler’s intentions became manifestly apparent, British politicians finally began to realize that Winston Churchill had been right and Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain had been very, very wrong. Here is an excerpt from a speech given by Leo Amery, who was a British Member of Parliament at the time. Check out what he […]
The Unholy Alliance vs. Valentine’s Day — on The Glazov Gang
“Dallas” star Morgan Brittany joins PolitiChick warrior Ann-Marie Murrell and Hollywood actor Dwight Schultz to discuss The Unholy Alliance vs. Valentine’s Day. The discussion occurred in Part II and focused on why Islamists and the radical Left hate the Day of Love. The Gang referred to Jamie Glazov’s recent article, Hating Valentine’s. The segment also […]
Obama Wants To Disarm Americans But Arm Jihadists
Video by Theodore Shoebat
‘Tis the Season for Treason
In a video, Bill Whittle explained the difference between a ‘traitor’ and a ‘turncoat’. The former describes an individual who actively fights against his nation because he/she opposes it based on ideology, principles, or some agenda. The latter describes an individual who changes sides because the enemy is winning. In the case of America’s most […]
Leonard Pitts the latest Huma Abedin defender?
In a column by far left-wing writer Leonard Pitts, he bemoaned the conservative wing of the Republican Party in general and had the following to say about Rep. Michele Bachmann in particular: Via the Miami Herald: Then there is Bobby Jindal. The Louisiana governor, widely considered a rising star of the GOP has, since the […]