Afghanistan has a huge share in the fault for its fall:

Afghanistan has a huge share in the fault for its fall:
By Theodore Shoebat As the reign of terror of the Taliban has revived itself at the advent of America leaving Afghanistan, I thought I would do a video expounding more on why I believe this will lead to Turkey eventually expanding militarily into the country:
The case against the President and government of Argentina in the coverup of the largest terror attack committed on its soil is incredibly important and is being watch very closely by the world’s power brokers. Why? Because it features a battle between a corrupt, establishment government that will do whatever it takes to protect its […]
***UPDATE BELOW POST – ACCOUNTS FAKED / HACKED?*** Thanks to one of our readers who commented on an earlier post, we’ve been provided with two extremely bizarre yet fascinating screen shots from what appears to be the twitter and Skype accounts of a retired four-star Army General who was head of AFRICOM at the […]
Just over 20 years ago, a Jewish Community Center in Argentina suffered a devastating terror attack when a bombing resulted in the murder of 85 people, with more than 100 injured. After all these years, no one has paid a price except for possibly the prosecutor – Alberto Nisman – who was hours a way […]
Zbigniew Brzezinski, close adviser to Barack Obama and former National Security Adviser for Jimmy Carter, appeared on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, co-hosted by his daughter Mika Brzezinski and did not defend the right of Charlie Hebdo to publish the cartoons. Instead, the elder Brzezinski referred to the cartoons as “appallingly vulgar and directed at the prophet […]
Reza Mohebbii used to be a Muslim living in Afghanistan. He is now an atheist living in Sweden. In the YouTube video below, Reza holds up a flag of his former country and points out that it includes the Islamic Shahada or the Creed. It is also known as the conversion prayer that so many […]
With the recent news of the heinous terror attack perpetrated by Muslims against schoolchildren in Pakistan, we bring you a report from one of our Rescue Christians contacts on the ground: Islamabad, Pakistan 16th Dec, 2014 – Six Islamic terrorists stormed a school in Pakistan on Tuesday 16th Dec, 2014, killing at least 137 people, […]
By Theodore Shoebat A mass grave filled with forty mutilated bodies has been discovered in the Muslim area of Balochistan in Pakistan. Only a few of the victims have been identified, but the rest are pending: “Not all bodies have been identified. Merely three out of 17 bodies have been identified so far. The government […]
By Theodore Shoebat ISIS jihadists sold a Yezidi girl to sex slavery, and when she was in the house of her captor, she took a pistol and shot her captor to death. As one report explains: She told her interviewer that she looked for chances to escape and her opportunity came when the housekeeper, upset […]
The Army’s report on the case of Bowe Bergdahl has been completed. But you can’t see it until after the election. As if there weren’t enough red flags, cover-ups and lies: Bergdahl, who was released in May of this year, is currently stationed at Fort Sam Houston U.S. Army North in San Antonio, TX. The […]
By Theodore Shoebat Christian pastor, John Piper, said that he would not have killed Hitler because the Bible says to love your neighbor. I did an entire video on this: Killing Hitler would not have been murder, and it would not be going against loving your neighbor, but instead, it would be a great illustration […]
By Theodore Shoebat Seven Muslims in Denmark surrounded and attacked a Lebanese Christian girl for wearing a crucifix, telling her, “You Are A Wearing A Crucifix! That Makes You A Christian F***ing Whore. Do You Know What We Do To Persons Like You? You Get Stoned!” Her interview can be watched here: AFTER WATCHING, PLEASE […]
By Theodore Shoebat Hindu savages attacked and almost killed a number of cattle transporters because they to them the cow is divine and to see them for food is considered blasphemy amongst Hindus. As one report says: The Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC) warns the phenomenon is spreading in Karnataka. The Hindu radicals are […]
By Theodore Shoebat This article is a call to Christendom to rise again, to take back its inheritance, to dominate the world, and to illuminate the world. It is explanation as to the mindset of the ancient Christian warrior, and how he saw himself as a weapon for God’s holy cause. Holy war is a […]
By Theodore Shoebat An elementary school in Austria was having children do Hindu yoga rituals in gym class, but fortunately there was one Christian woman who had the sense and the courage to fight it, and so now the school has banned it. As one report says: Officials at an Austrian elementary school said yoga […]