By Theodore Shoebat Muslims broke into a family home and murdered a mother and her sons, and then afterwards, beheaded their corpses. They committed the murder because the father was a member of the Sunni political movement, Sahwa, which was calling on America to turn against Al-Qaeda. As a journalist writing for The Economist, tells […]
Tag Archives | al-qaeda

U.S. Officer Jailed for Killing al-Qaeda Operative is Now Home after Five Years behind bars
Five years ago, 1st Lt. Michael Behenna was sentenced to 25 years in prison – which was later reduced to 15 years – for killing an al-Qaeda operative just days after two of his military brothers were killed by an IED. After endless tears and legal fights, Behenna’s family has now brought him home after […]
Al-Qaeda’s invasion of Syria
Powerful documentary made by Vice News that exposes what we have been relaying on Syria for many months. The take over of “rebel” held positions in Syria by people indoctrinated with Nazi-style propaganda by al-Qaeda PLEASE CONSIDER A ONE-TIME OR MONTHLY DONATION TO RESCUE CHRISTIANS
Why ex-CIA Deputy Director may be ‘a Co-conspirator with Al-Qaeda’
If former CIA Deputy Director Michael Morrell lied to administration officials when altering the Benghazi talking points, he became a ‘co-conspirator with al-Qaeda’ according to Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer, who appeared on Fox and Friends this morning to discuss these developments. Shaffer is a winner of the Bronze Star and the Defense Meritorious Service Medal […]
Obama’s Brother an ‘Al-Qaeda Enemy Combatant’ according to Egyptian who filed Complaint his Country is taking very seriously
On Today’s Ben Barrack Show… Note: At the beginning of the program, Barrack makes a verbal addendum to last week’s show by commenting on Karl Rove and Oliver North. Here is a link to that show. To view the show on T-SPAN Channel 5, click here. An extremely explosive charge was levied against the brother […]
Muslims Murder Woman’s Husband, She Remarries, They Murder Second Husband
By Theodore Shoebat Muslims murdered the husband of a Christian woman in Nigeria, named Faith Kore Usman. When she got remarried, the Muslims murdered her second husband. As Faith explained it herself: My first husband, Davou Philip, was killed by Muslim Fulani herdsmen in Jol Village in Riyom Local Government Area in 2002 …I had […]

Schizophrenia: McCain, Graham oppose al-Qaeda in Iraq
Senators John McCain (RINO-AZ) and Lindsey Graham (RINO-SC) are publicly chastising Barack Obama over Al-Qaeda’s takeover of Fallujah in Iraq. This is quite curious considering both McCain and Graham supported al-Qaeda in Libya and Syria, not to mention their work as Obama emissaries to Egypt in August to negotiate for the release of leaders from […]
Muslim Puts Castrated Slave For Sale On Facebook
By Theodore Shoebat A Saudi Muslim man has tried to sell a castrated slave on Facebook, with this horrifying advertisement: Peace be upon you … I have a [male] slave I bought from an African country and arranged for his visa and stay till I got him to Saudi [Arabia] His description: 1 – Black […]
Turkey Border Patrol letting Al-Qaeda flow into Syria?
When it comes to the U.S. border with Mexico, the Obama administration and the Democrats have essentially instructed the Border Patrol to look the other way as illegals stream in. In Turkey, the Border Patrol there appears to be doing the same thing as al-Qaeda is allowed to stream into Syria. The rendezvous point for […]
Evidence that could send Egypt’s Mursi to the Gallows
What would evidence that Mursi was colluding with al-Qaeda during his tenure as president of Egypt reveal about Barack Obama’s support for Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood regime? By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack Authors’ Note: The ensuing report constitutes Addendum N of Ironclad: Egypt Involved in Benghazi Attacks. His name is Dr. Abdel Reheem Ali and […]
Video: Turkey providing Al-Qaeda supplies at Border?
Note: if anyone knows how to speak Dutch and is willing to transcribe the audio in this video report by Bram Vermeulen, please send us a note. There doesn’t appear to be a corresponding news article so translation of the video is needed. A short description of the video in text form we were able […]
Bin Laden: Al-Qaeda must change to Ansar Al-Sharia
Ansar Al-Sharia IS Al-Qaeda By Walid Shoebat The Muslim Brotherhood umbrella is very large and covers countless front-groups. Yet, westerners often trip over themselves while trying to identify individual terrorists as being responsible for any given attack. Then they talk themselves into believing that some of these front-groups are moderate and can be dealt with. […]
Shocker: Al-Qaeda pledges to fight for Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood President
Sean Hannity: How is it that Sean Hannity – and a few others of us out here – predicted with pinpoint accuracy that the Muslim Brotherhood would be in charge of Egypt?… How is it that the administration, with all of their intelligence and all of the money we spend to help them and the […]
The Black Flag of Islam already Flies on top of the White House
By Keith Davies The high-information voters know that the objective of Islamic fundamentalists is world domination. The prominent Islamic Imam Abu Islam has said as much on Egyptian television. There are several examples of UK Islamic supremacist Anjem Choudary of Great Britain saying at both his rallies and in mainstream media interviews on USA and […]
Satanic Music Has Invaded The Church
Theodore Shoebat on how satanic music is invading the church. Follow me on Facebook Twitter Get the latest book, For God or For Tyranny
Liberalism Is Pure Evil
Theodore Shoebat on multiculturalism and tolerance. Follow me on Facebook Twitter Get the latest book, For God or For Tyranny