Occupy Wall Street supporter and Democratic congressman from Oakland, Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA) is suddenly concerned about preventing violence. During the OWS protests, her city was perhaps the most violent of all and she helped fan the flames. In 2009, Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA) cheered the appointment of Marxist Van Jones as Obama’s Green Jobs […]
Tag Archives | Arab Spring
Three Years After Cheering Rise of Muslim Brotherhood, Doofus John McCain Wonders Why ‘Radical Islam’ On the Rise
Like an arsonist who sets a fire and wonders why the building burned down, Senator John McCain is all of a sudden bemoaning the rise of ‘radical Islam’. With little due respect, Senator… Duh! During an appearance on Fox & Friends, McCain appears ignorant to the fact that he has been a key player in […]
Professors Claim Rise of ISIS caused by Fall in ICE
The pseudo-intellectuals are at it again. In this case, two geniuses smarter than you or I claim that the reason ISIS was created and began beheading innocent people is because that darned drought just made them so cranky. You see, pseudo-intellectuals are in a perpetual conundrum. They want to be taken seriously and they want […]
While Obama Helps Jihadists, He Kills Christians
By The Persecuted Christian As we have already pointed out in part 1 that the persecution of Christians in the Middle East is accelerating and nobody is paying attention. The rise in Islamic militancy is a byproduct of the Arab Spring and Christian minorities throughout the Islamic world are facing threats that until now, are […]
The Arab Spring, But The Christians’ Winter
By The Persecuted Christian The joke of the “Arab Spring” has intrigued the thinkers & analysts of the topic since its sudden upsurge in 2011. One of the most neglected of these revolutionary democratic waves that destroyed countries, displaced millions and killed & persecuted hundreds of thousands of minorities are Christians here. When discussing the […]

TIME Magazine (almost) gets a clue 2.5 Years Late
Is it any wonder why TIME Magazine is running on fumes? Two and a half years after the Arab Spring began in January of 2011, the liberal rag spent a few paragraphs entertaining the notion that Barack Obama supports the Muslim Brotherhood. After writer Jay Newton-Small spends an entire article presenting claims and evidence that […]
John McCain secures Dhimmi status; thanks man who let Benghazi suspect go
Three days after the U.S. Consulate (Special Mission Compound) and the CIA Annex in Bengazi, Libya were attacked on 9/11, the U.S. Embassy in Tunisia was attacked by wacko birds (a pejorative Senator John McCain used in reference to Republican Senators Ted Cruz and Rand Paul). As Daniel Greenfield points out, Tunisia’s president did more […]
Getting closer to why the U.S. Continues to support Syrian Rebels
Before checking out Diana West’s article entitled, Uncle Sam and the Saudi Crescent, consider op-eds penned by former president George W. Bush and his former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice last year; both were bizarre. In May, Bush expressed his continued support for the ‘Arab Spring’ and then in November, Rice continued arguing in support […]
Islamic Fundamentalist Boko Haram blows up several Buses in Nigeria, targeting innocent Christians
The rise of Boko Haram in northern Nigeria can most assuredly be deemed a consequence of the ‘Arab Spring’. At minimum, the radically fundamentalist group is emboldened to murder innocent non-Muslims. It’s now blowing up packed buses full of innocent Christians and the death toll is mounting. Via Mail and Guardian: Initial reports indicated that […]
Leftists just Refuse to Learn: Founder of Group that helped overthrow Mubarak face to face with reality
Ahmed Maher is an Egyptian who co-founded the April 6th Movement, a leftist group formed circa 2008 to fight for social justice and other left-wing causes in Egypt and elsewhere. Ultimately, Maher’s movement was instrumental in the overthrow of Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak in early 2011. Now, two years later, an Irish news source is reporting […]
Confirmed: Algerian Terror attack NOT motivated by anti-Muhammad video
At least three Americans were killed in the Algerian terrorist attack on a gas plant last week. Unlike the attack in Benghazi, the State Department did not blame an anti-Muhammad video. Via USA Today: Three Americans were among 38 workers killed in the siege of an Algerian gas plant in which Islamic terrorists used hostages […]
Algerian Hostage: Kidnappers came and Murdered ‘in the name of Islam’
Every once in a while, the liberal media prints something that torpedoes all that it seems bent on defending. While the details of the attack on a gas plant in Algeria have been slow in coming, one of the hostages was quoted by the New York Times as saying the following: One Algerian who managed […]
Obama’s Secretary of Defense nominee, Chuck Hagel played victim card in defense of Palestinians in 2007
In 2007, then-Senator Chuck Hagel (Barack Obama’s nominee for Secretary of Defense) essentially became an apologist for terrorists when he alleged that the reason Palestinians commit acts of terror is because they “lack hope” and “have been chained down for many, many years”. He also said this, via WND: “…this is not about terrorists don’t […]
Egypt votes for Sharia Constitution; Retrograde push continues
Just like in the 1800’s, the left – an entity that claims to champion civil rights – is on the side of slavery. Remember, the left-wing mainstream media cheered the ‘Arab Spring’. Now, Egypt has just voted in favor of a constitution based on sharia law. It’s not like this wasn’t predictable. Egypt’s draft charter […]
Slavery on steroids: Saudi puts ‘Castrated’ black ‘slave’ up for sale on facebook
As bad as the history of slavery in the United States is, it’s no match for the type of slavery that continues to exist in the Muslim world to this day. This find by Daniel Greenfield doesn’t just demonstrate that but the collective silence from the mainstream media over real slavery taking place today is […]
Infiltration: Rep. Louie Gohmert says a ‘bunch of Muslim Brotherhood members’ giving Obama administration ‘advice’
In a radio interview with Frank Gaffney, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX), one of the five congressmen who sent five letters to five separate Inspectors General last June over concerns about Muslim Brotherhood infiltration, expressed that the Obama administration’s decisions relative to the ‘Arab Spring’ were ‘horrendous’. Gohmert went on to say that the only way […]