Former U.S. Attorney General Michael Mukasey is now on record as saying that the Obama administration is using arms of government for political purposes and that there is no question it misled the American people on Benghazi. Lying about murder tends to be a big deal. Via GWP:
Tag Archives | Benghazi
Obama makes Nixon look like Mother Teresa
By Keith Davies Is the dam on President Obama’s “most transparent administration in history” beginning to break? Now the brain-dead, low-information voters – to include Gregory Hicks, the Benghazi whistle-blower, who was also the #2 diplomat in Libya – are regretting their vote. Hicks himself voted for Clinton in the 2008 primary and twice for […]
Where was Hillary’s Muslim Deputy when Benghazi talking points were being altered?
By Ben Barrack At the time of the 9/11/12 attacks in Benghazi, one of Hillary Clinton’s deputies was a woman named Huma Abedin. To this point, Abedin’s name has not been introduced into the scandal publicly. However, at the May 8th Oversight Committee hearing, Rep. Trey Gowdy referred to an email sent by Beth Jones, […]
Video: Liberal Kirstin Powers says Obama ‘involving himself with these repeated lies’ about Benghazi
Liberal Kirstin Powers is really starting to wake up to the left-wing agenda. Last month, she expressed outrage at the mainstream media’s refusal to cover the Kermit Gosnell trial. Now, she’s essentially calling Barack Obama a liar. Via GWP: What was she talking about? Well, this… …and this… It is interesting how Obama cites the […]
Andrew Bostom: Time to take a Second Look at Libya’s President
On May 5th, during an interview with House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, Face the Nation host Bob Schieffer played a clip of Libyan president Muhammad al-Muqarayaf’s appearance on the same program from September 16, 2012. Muqarayaf, who said the 9/11 attack on the U.S. Special Mission Compound in Benghazi was a terrorist attack has […]
Video: When asked if Benghazi talking points were ‘scrubbed’, Far left Democrat Dennis Kucinich says, ‘of course’
If you have any doubts that far left-wing Democrat Dennis Kucinich agreeing that the Benghazi talking points were ‘scrubbed’ is a big deal, just watch Chris Wallace’s reaction; his eyes seem to communicate the Fox News anchor didn’t believe what he was hearing. Via GWP:
What Benghazi Whistle-blower has in common with Station Wagon filled with Nuns
The Democratic defenders of the Obama administration stonewall have been taking political shrapnel all week; it’s even been coming from the liberal media in some cases. The spinning that has been increasingly difficult for the Democrats just got tougher. Gregory Hicks – the Benghazi whistle-blower whom the Democrats have accused of coming forward because he […]
Video: House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa talks Benghazi on NBC’s Meet the Press
When the first half of NBC’s Meet the Press features an interview with Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) about Benghazi-gate, any Democratic administration would be concerned. Via Oversight:
Joe Biden’s National Security Adviser Implicated in the altering of Benghazi talking points
Should Vice President Joe Biden fire his National Security Adviser or risk drawing the White House further into the Benghazi cover-up? When the 9/11/12 attacks in Benghazi went down, a man named Jake Sullivan was a Deputy Chief of Staff to then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. We now know that Sullivan was intimately involved […]
Video: MSNBC Panel actually talks ‘Impeachment’ over Benghazi
Don’t look now but a major hole has just been blown through the Benghazi stonewall. Perhaps that’s the reason for the smoke in the White House press room. These two events actually occurred on the same morning. Oh, the irony. h/t GWP
Another opportunity for Ranking Democrat / Registered Socialist Elijah Cummings to keep his word (Socialists never do)
Think Progress, which is essentially the media arm of George Soros’ Center for American Progress (CAP), is now engaged in a media campaign to smear Benghazi whistleblower, Gregory Hicks. This is the same Gregory Hicks who Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD), the ranking member of the House Oversight Committee, pledged to protect from intimidation. It would […]
9/16/12 Video: Susan. Rice. Lied.
If you look closely, you can see a bald face. “What happened this week in Cairo, in Benghazi, in many other parts of the region was a result, a direct result of a heinous and offensive video that was widely disseminated, that the U.S. Government had nothing to do with, which we have made clear […]
Video: Did Geraldo implicate Hillary in another Benghazi Lie?
Geraldo Rivera, one of Fox News Channel’s resident leftists – who also thinks he can do talk radio – told the Fox and Friends crew today that his sources informed him that the U.S. was funneling shoulder-fired missiles out of Libya to Syria through Turkey. That last part about going through Turkey is very important […]
Audio: Hillary Clinton Ventriloquist Dummy Victoria Nuland Lied one day after Susan Rice did
We now know that the State Department was far more responsive to Benghazi talking points it didn’t like than it was to attacks on American installations in Benghazi that resulted in the murders of four people, three days earlier. We also know that State Department / Hillary Clinton spokesman Victoria Nuland was very involved in […]
Liberal Media: Hillary’s Ventriloquist Dummy acted alone
Last week, we wrote about Stephen Hayes’ revelations that State Department spokesman Victoria Nuland sent and received emails having to do with the altering of Benghazi talking points. These emails were sent / received on September 14th and perhaps the 15th, before UN Ambassador Susan Rice lied on five Sunday talk shows on the 16th. […]
Video: Liberal Reporter on MSNBC says Democrats want her to undermine Whistleblower Testimony
Elijah Cummings, the ranking member of the House Oversight Committee, said that he would not tolerate the intimidation of Benghazi whistleblowers. Keep in mind, however, that Cummings is a registered socialist and socialists lie. Via Fox News: Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., top Democrat on the oversight committee, said Wednesday that Republicans are using the witnesses’ […]