By Ben Barrack About two weeks after three Qurans were burned outside a Dearborn mosque, a Muslim man has been arrested in connection with the burnings. After the initial Quran burnings, the imam of the Karbalaa Islamic Center – Husham Alhusayni – exploited the incident, using it to call for laws to be passed that […]
Tag Archives | conspiracy

Blaming Video the BEST DEFENSE for Benghazi Suspect AND America
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** Far be it from us to offer legal advice to the defense team of Ahmed Abu Khatallah but paradoxically, if taken, it could ultimately help Americans get the whole truth about Benghazi. In response to an 11-page motion filed by the U.S. Justice Department, which alleges that […]
Lois Lerner Points Finger at Eric Holder
On Today’s Ben Barrack Show… Segment 1: Former IRS official Lois Lerner may be getting ready to crack. On May 10, 2013, the mainstream media pivoted away from the increasingly hot Benghazi scandal over to the IRS scandal after Lerner was asked a question by a subordinate Lerner planted. Little did anyone know that not […]
Obama CAUGHT in Illegal Alien Conspiracy at the Mexican Border that helps PROVE Administration involved in Benghazi Video
The recent massive influx of illegal aliens from Mexico into U.S. border states is confirmed to be a community organizing operation out of the White House. As far back as January, the Obama administration was advertising for “escort services for unaccompanied alien children”. This proves a conspiracy at the Obama administration level, which also adds […]
Episode 14: Lying In Islam
Click here to watch on Youtube — Posted by Theodore Shoebat
9/11 Truther Alex Jones has a new target – Angelina Jolie
First, where Alex Jones is right. In the video below, the conspiratorially-minded talk show host rightfully calls out Angelina Jolie (assuming he has her positions on Libya and Syria correct). If Jolie supported the NATO action in Libya and supports similar action in Syria, we are in mutual agreement. The problem is where Jones goes […]
Video: Malcolm X’s Grandson a 9/11 Truther
Well, chalk up another person who shares the views of Ron Paul’s biggest fan club – the 9/11 Truthers. Hajj Malcolm Shabazz, grandson of Malcolm X has plenty to say about the OWS movement too. h/t MEMRI
Ron Paul openly courting the Muslim Vote in Michigan
A significant contingent of Ron Paul’s followers believe 9/11 was an “inside job.” So does a significant contingent of Muslims. Former Ron Paul aid, Eric Dondero insisted that his former boss was “most certainly anti-Israel.” Ron Paul has cited Robert Pape, a man with close ties to the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) as […]
Author: The American Spartacus Click here for the article and media on our primary website:
Islamists Blame Jews for Coptic Church Bombing
Islamists Blame Jews for Coptic Church Bombing IPT News January 3, 2011 The New Year’s Eve suicide bombing at an Egyptian Coptic church that killed 21 people is stoking fears of a new onslaught against Christians by radical Islamists. In response, some radical Islamists are turning to their great bogeyman to deflect attention – […]