The Muslim Brotherhood pledged that it would not run for the Egyptian presidency. They have since reneged on that promise (are you shocked?). While visiting Istanbul, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton – who has been known to go back on a word or two – didn’t seem to much mind. Via CNS News: Secretary of […]
Tag Archives | egypt
Egyptian Cleric: “the trees and the animals” glad Coptic Pope is dead
Can you imagine a religion where trees and animals celebrate the death of a Christian pope? Let me save you the trouble. An Islamic cleric has made such a claim; his name is Wagdi Ghoneim and as an added bonus, take note of how he champions the Muslim Brotherhood sentiment that “the Koran is our […]
Egyptian Cleric issues fatwa to kill Syria’s Bashar Al-Assad
Folks, don’t look now but some very serious lines are being drawn in the Middle East. A fatwa has been issued for the death of Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad by an Egyptian cleric. Via Gulf News, h/t Jihad Watch: Egypt’s prominent Muslim cleric Safwat Hejazi has said that the killing of Syrian President Bashar Al […]
Video: Former CAIR Official says “Moderate Islam” a “violation of Islam”
Former CAIR official and current Egyptian presidential candidate Bassem Khafaji appeared on Al-Hekma TV in Egypt last week and talked about his time in America, how he loved the “place” he lived in but hated the country. Once again, the true sense of their misery is always lost on such individuals but I digress. The […]
Egyptian MP proposes Crucifixions as Punishment for Crimes
An Egyptian Member of Parliament from the Nour Party (Salafist) has announced that he would like to see strict enforcement of Sharia law relative to punishment for various forms of criminal behavior. That punishment would include crucifixion. Via the Egyptian Independent: The People’s Assembly Proposals and Complaints Committee discussed in a meeting Tuesday a bill […]
Jimmy Carter says the Muslim Brotherhood can be Trusted
During a national radio interview, former president Jimmy Carter was asked about the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and if its success in elections there might jeopardize the peace treaty he brokered between Israel’s Menachim Begin and Egypt’s Anwar Sadat. Carter’s response? Well, of course, the Muslim Brotherhood should be trusted to honor […]
Want proof CAIR is a Muslim Brotherhood Entity?
…As if you needed more. His name is Bassem Khafaji and he is running for President in Egypt. In the video below, you can see him pledge that if elected, he will implement the strictest interpretation of Sharia Law. According to Atlas Shrugs, Khafaji is the former Community Affairs director for CAIR. The evidence of […]
Egypt Threatening to Reject U.S. Aid
Already reeling from the after effects of Mubarak’s removal, Egypt’s parliament appears ready to cut off its nose to spite its face. To say the Egyptian economy is in a shambles would be an understatement. Nonetheless, their apparently threatening to end more than $1 Billion in aid from the United States. Via the AP: Egypt’s […]
Muruna: Violating Sharia to Fool the West
Sorry, just getting around to posting this. Last week, our column on a newly discovered tactic sanctioned by Muslim Brotherhood Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi was published at Pajamas Media. That tactic is called Muruna: Via PJM: Westerners who understand Islamic deception often refer to “taqiyya” as being the tactic of lying in order to guard the […]
Video: Newt Gingrich draws attention to Christian Persecution
This is an excellent exchange between CNN’s Piers Morgan and Presidential candidate Newt Gingrich regarding the recent Qur’an burnings in Afghanistan and the subsequent apologies that have come from the Obama administration. Morgan’s attempts to trap Gingrich fell flat (we always like it when CNN looks bad). When asked to explain his position that Afghanistan […]
Huh? John McCain hints that Muslim Brotherhood not that powerful in Egypt
In October of 2008, then presidential candidate Senator John McCain told an audience at a town hall that they have, “no reason to be scared” of an Obama presidency. Then, in 2009, he told another town hall audience that he believed Obama “respects the Constitution of the United States.” Two years later, in April of […]
Ask not what Egypt can do for you; ask what Egypt will Blackmail you to do for them!
Seriously, what more evidence does one need? The Obama administration helped to facilitate the fall of Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak. It was all about Democracy! Freedom! If that were true, the Muslim Brotherhood, which filled the vacuum, should be thanking America, asking us how we can be re-paid, right? Uh, not so much. One day […]
Egyptian Presidential candidate running on Hopelessness and Chains
Typically, if a presidential candidate for any country wanted to take away liberty once elected, being honest about it before an election is usually a recipe for defeat. Look no further than the 2008 presidential campaign. However, there is a candidate in Egypt who has decided to just come out and say Muslim women will […]
Salafist: Victims of Soccer Riots in Egypt are not Martyrs because….
See if you can follow this logic. Sharia law forbids watching soccer, therefore if you die while watching soccer, you will not be eligible for martyrdom. Via AhramOline: Controversial Salafist sheikh Abdel Moneim El-Shahat denied that the victims of the Port Said tragedy were martyrs because they died while watching football which he said is […]
Video: Egyptian Newscaster goes Berserk over Soccer Deaths
Among those of us who saw this all coming, yes, it does get frustrating. It gets frustrating when we see a western mainstream media retain credibility among the hardworking masses who only tune in occasionally, while assuming unbiased reporters are delivering the news, not shaping it. Perhaps the Kardashians should see their ratings tank; maybe […]
Egyptian Comedian Arrested for telling Islamic Jokes
For those who cheered the ouster of Hosni Mubarak in Egypt, perhaps it’s time for some context. Under the Mubarak regime, and before that, the Sadat regime, an Egyptian comedian named Adel Imam has spent his career making jokes about his country’s leaders. Now, he has been sentenced to jail time for insulting Islam. Via […]