Keith Davies What has become of us as a nation? Everywhere I look I see dishonor, dishonesty, corruption and malfeasance, both in our Government and in our society. America has become more wicked and self-centered than righteous. America has turned away from our founding principles; it has turned away from liberty and justice for all, […]
Tag Archives | election
CAIR touts Muslim voter turnout in Tuesday’s election
Corey Saylor, spokesman for the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), is cheering the defeat of members who belong to what he calls the “anti-Muslim caucus”. Via Illume Magazine: Prior to the election, Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) identified eleven members of Congress who make repeated use of biased themes regarding Muslims. The anti-Muslim caucus […]
Election over but Benghazi-gate not going anywhere; Hillary invited to testify at House Committee hearing
Beleaguered Attorney General Eric Holder is reportedly giving serious consideration to not returning for a another stint in the Obama administration’s second term. Operation Fast and Furious – probably more than anything else – is likely responsible for Holder openly wondering if he has ‘gas left in the tank’. Ever since the death of Border […]
Associated Press: Innocence of Muslims filmmaker gets one year in prison and oh yeah, the video WAS behind Libya attack
Nakoula Basseley Nakoula was sentenced to one year in prison today for charges related to violating his probation. Perhaps just as newsworthy is the AP’s assertion that the anti-Muhammad film was responsible for the attack that killed four Americans in Libya. No, really. Via the AP: The California man behind an anti-Muslim film that roiled […]
Muslim group sees victories in all 4 ‘Key Races’ it targeted at fundraiser attended by Pelosi
It appears that all 4 of the Congressional / Senate races targeted by the National Muslim Democratic Council (NMDC) – a Muslim group that included the participation of both the Executive Director of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) and founder of the Muslim Student Association (MSA) – went their way. A fundraiser sponsored […]

Video: Michele Bachmann stands by questions about Muslim Brotherhood in last debate, another Huma Abedin defender revealed
In her final debate with her Democratic challenger, Rep. Michele Bachmann was asked if she stood by the questions she and four other congressmen raised about Muslim Brotherhood penetration into the U.S. Government (Rep. Tom Rooney’s backtrack notwithstanding). She did. When her opponent, Jim Graves spoke to the issue, he predictably pointed to the criticism […]
Video: Another lifelong Jewish Democrat explains why she is rejecting Obama this time around
Former Chairman of Democrats Abroad in Israel and Delegate at the Democratic National Convention in 1992, a woman named Byrna explains why she is not voting for Barack Obama in 2012. Here is an ad courtesy of the Republican Jewish Coalition. h/t Freedom’s Lighthouse

Munir Quddus: Muslims should vote for Obama because he defended Huma Abedin
In light of the fact that the Obama administration has implemented policies over the last four years that have benefited the Muslim Brotherhood at every turn, is it any wonder that Muslims are being encouraged to vote for him? In an op-ed entitled, Why Muslims Should Vote to Reelect President Obama, Munir Quddus offers several […]
Video: Local Denver television reporter does what Brian Williams does not; asks Obama tough questions
This interview between Kyle Clark, a reporter with Denver’s NBC affiliate channel 9, and Barack Obama is a must-see. Right out of the gate, Clark presses Obama on Benghazi and the president showed why he doesn’t like to talk about it; he’s stonewalling. For Obama to defer to a pending investigation over a matter that […]
John McCain asked to explain defense of Huma Abedin; responds with a lie
While campaigning in Florida with the Veterans for Romney, Senator John McCain was interviewed by Scripps Treasure Coast Newspapers. One of the questions had to do with why he defended Huma Abedin and railed against Rep. Michele Bachmann on the Senate floor. Not only was his answer disgraceful but it was demonstrably false (that means […]
Trump’s Obama bombshell: Could it be the Obamas’ Wahhabist Fundraising Empire?
During an appearance on Fox & Friends on October 22nd, Donald Trump promised a Barack Obama bombshell by October 24th. Via POLITICO: Donald Trump said Monday that he will reveal “very big” news about President Barack Obama by Wednesday but declined to give any hints about his plan, he said on “Fox & Friends.” “Something […]
Jews are running away from Obama in droves
The list of blatant transgressions against Israel by the Obama administration has become too obvious to ignore, even for a voting bloc (Jewish voters) that overwhelmingly votes Democrat. Check out this piece by Stella Paul at the American Thinker. American Jews have finally had enough h/t Keith
Video: The Truth About Libya – Failed Foreign Policy
Very powerful, from h/t Keith
Video: Jewish Attorney who voted for Obama in 2008 is voting for….
…yeah, this is getting easier to predict, isn’t it?
Video: Jewish Democrat who voted for Obama becomes Republican, will vote for Romney
Ari was once a Jewish Democrat who voted for Obama. He is now a Jewish Republican who is voting for Romney.
Video: Another Jewish Democrat voting against Obama this time
Michael Goldstein, another Jewish Democrat who voted for Barack Obama in 2008, explains why 2012 will be the first time in his life he will vote Republican. h/t My Buyers Remorse