Tag Archives | erdogan

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The Kurdish Deal With Syria Might Lead To Trump Doing A Military Withdrawal Out Of Syria, Which Will Only Empower Turkey

Syria’s new rebel government has made a deal with the YPG (now known as the SDF). The Kurdish force has agreed to relinquish its control over its territory in Syria’s northeast and to integrate themselves with the Syrian military. As we read in AP News: Syria’s interim government signed a deal Monday with the Kurdish-led […]

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Erdogan Demands For An “International Protection Force” To Enter Israel And Defend The Palestinians

By Theodore Shoebat Erdogan is demanding for an “international protection force”. He made this known to Putin recently. Turkey is a country that is encroaching in the Eastern Mediterranean, entering the maritime territories of the Greeks and Egyptians, and also causing consternation for Israel. Meanwhile, Turkey’s military has been occupying the Northeastern part of Syria. […]

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Erdogan Announces That 18,000 Migrants Are Now Heading Towards Europe And In A Few Days The Number Will Jump To 25,000 Or 30,000

By Theodore Shoebat It looks like another migrant crises is in the making with the president of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, announcing that 18,000 migrants are heading towards Europe and that the number could increase to 25,000 or 30,000. According to the BBC: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says 18,000 migrants have crossed Turkish borders […]

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JUST IN: Erdogan, the President of Turkey uses the same “Mein Kampf” arguments as Hitler, Turkey now moving to Nazi style aggression.

Hurriyet Daily News, news paper that covers the Turkish Region Erdogan reported as stating “those who fought against Islam and Muslims throughout the centuries have never given up” and that “this is an eternal struggle.” Hitler railed against the Versailles treaty and his book “mein Kampf” means “my struggle.” History is lining up to repeat […]

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The Demonic Turkish Iranian Alliance Just Begun in the Land of Antichrist

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Reports from the Middle East covered what is probably considered one of the most important events for Turkey’s advancement into the Muslim world during the three days (July 17 to 19) which was held in the Turkish city of Istanbul. The impressive initiative was carried out by the religious affairs […]

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The Antichrist Nation is not ROME but TURKEY. Get ready for the End Times.

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Many students of Bible Prophecy insist that the Antichrist stems from a revived Roman Empire centered in Rome, a model that positions the end-times beast kingdom in Europe. But current news out of the Middle East provides some damning evidence that debunks such theory.   The “Europe” model for an Antichrist kingdom became prominent during […]

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Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan Has WON–So What Lays Ahead?

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) As we predicted. Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has won the presidential election with 52 percent of the vote, according to early results. Thus, Erdogan has become the country’s first popularly-elected head of state. He appears triumphant with the crowds of millions carrying fiery red, hyacinth blue, and sulfur yellow flags. (Revelation […]

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The Middle East Is Aflame And With Another Caliphate On The Horizon Using Peace To Deceive Many

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) The Middle East is aflame. The rapid march of the Islamic State or ISIS, from Syria into Iraq has rattled Washington and Brussels. Then we have the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is also heating up. And then we have the world powers continue to wrangle with Iran over its nuclear-weapons program. All […]

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At Last, a Jewish Politician with Balls

From Israel National News Yisrael Katz Israeli Minister of Transport Hits Back at Erdogan: What About the Armenian Genocide? Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz (Likud) hit back at Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Thursday, after the latter accused Israel of attempting a “systematic genocide” of Palestinian Arabs in Gaza, in his strongest attack yet […]

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The Islamic Antichrist System is Forming as Iran and Turkey Are Already Uniting

The so-called “Iran experts” and “Turkey experts”, including all the U.S. government officials, both right and left, with their propaganda machine pitting Sunnis against Shiites, and also saying that Iran is growing increasingly unstable and that Erdogan was on his way out, were all wrong and we who study our Bibles are RIGHT. This observation […]

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Muslims Take Christians And Keep Them As Slaves For Twenty Five Years Straight

By Theodore Shoebat A Christian family in Pakistan was kept as slaves for twenty five years straight in a brick kiln. They lived without any basic comforts, such as toilets. As one report states: There were no reports of arrests, with police allegedly reluctant to further investigate the case. In statements obtained by BosNewsLife, Christians […]

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Man Challenges Muslims, Muslims Take Man, Cut His Head Off, Wrap It In Plastic, And Dump His Head Into The Local Mosque

By Theodore Shoebat A man in Libya, Abdul Moaz Abdul Razk Turkawi, challenged some members of a Muslim jihadist group. The next day his head was found wrapped in a plastic bag dumped in a mosque. According to a Libyan report: The severed head of a Derna student who apparently challenged members of an Islamist […]

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Rebuilding the Empire of Antichrist

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) If you think that rebuilding Babel was a crazy project, you need to contemplate on the “Kanal İstanbul”, a Turkish project, which is proposed to be built by the Republic of Turkey on the European side of Turkey, connecting the Black Sea to the Sea of Marmara. And it is […]

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Turkey’s PM carried ‘a copy of Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf’ around as a child, says former Classmate

According to a man who claims to have been a classmate of Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan from ‘first to fifth grade’ says that Erdogan used to “walk around with a copy of Adolf Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf’”. This, according to an article that appeared in ynet news. The ynet article focuses on an anti-semitic […]

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Antichrist Turkey more Brazen; embraces al-Qaeda Financier who Founded University where Huma Abedin’s mother Served as Vice Dean

Al-Qaeda financier Yasin Kadi has reportedly been making multiple trips to Turkey and meeting with senior government officials there. As Shoebat.com reported in 2012, Kadi is also a founder of Dar Al-Hekma College in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. This is the same institution where Saleha Abedin – the mother of close Hillary Clinton aid Huma Abedin […]

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State Dept Spokesman refers to Turkey as ‘Close NATO Ally’ while dismissing claims U.S. Supports Fethullah Gulen

The dynamic that exists between Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Turkish Islamic cleric Fethullah Gulen, who resides in Pennsylvania’s Poconos  is enigmatic. Reports that the two men have become bitter adversaries have increased as well. In the wake of Erdogan’s sweeping electoral victories on March 30th, which Shoebat.com predicted accurately, there are news […]

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