Tag Archives | fox news

A Rare Light in the Democrat party, Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard slams Obama

A two-term Democratic lawmaker from President Obama’s home state of Hawaii appears to be the rare exception to a well-established rule: thou shalt not criticize Barack Obama. It’s a lesson former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani found out the hard way recently, but it’s not being forced on U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard. A complicit […]

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MUST WATCH: Fox News Host Megyn Kelly Grills Mayor Giuliani for Telling Truth About Obama

Mayor Rudolph Giuliani made news recently when he said he didn’t believe that Obama loves America. This was the reason for his appearance on Fox News with Megyn Kelly. After giving Giuliani the opportunity to apologize, Kelly hammered the former New York City Mayor for not doing so. Giuliani then invoked two names when describing […]

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Breaking News: CNN reports one of the Taliban Terrorist released in return for Sgt Bowe Bergdahl has now returned to Terrorist operations

Berdaghl is a deserter that is why there is a stonewall going on and now one of the terrorist’s released for him has returned to terror operations. Obama did this, he can provide no excuses, it was his decision alone, Congress was not informed. Fool or Traitor you decide!! Video Report from Fox News Watch […]

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Obama, the anti semite in the White House along with Prophecy in the News

Short Video made by David Horowitz Freedom Center in 2011 which is as relevant in 2015 as it was back in 2011. Charles Krauthammer Fox News contributor and columnist for the Washington Post gives his analysis on the current Bi Lateral relations with Israel and the United States. Iran and Turkey are flexing their muscles […]

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Louisiana Governor Says Muslim Leaders Should PROCLAIM that Muslim Terrorists Are ‘Going Straight to Hell’ not Paradise

During an interview with Neil Cavuto of the Fox News Channel, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal made the claim that Muslim leaders should not just condemn terrorist acts but should declare that Muslims who commit them will ‘go to hell’, not paradise. Cavuto then switched gears and asked Jindal about the Governor’s claims about ‘no-go zones’ […]

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Mayor of Paris Responds to Islamic Terror Attacks by Threatening to Sue Fox News

It’s still unclear how Fox News “prejudiced” and “insulted” the image of Paris but that city’s Mayor Anne Hidalgo is threatening to sue the News channel for doing just that. Ironically, in so doing, Hidalgo is actually making the case that Paris deserves to be insulted whether it was or not. Instead of confronting the […]

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State Department Official Admits Someone Responsible for Refusing to Give Americans Machine Gun to Protect Against Muslim Terrorists

Another potentially very explosive admission was made by a State Department witness at the second House Select Committee on Benghazi hearing last week. It came after Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-SC) asked Asst Secretary of State for Diplomatic Security Gregory Starr about a request made for a machine gun by personnel on the ground in Benghazi. […]

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#BringBackOurGirls Campaign Officially Failed to Rescue Schoolgirls From Muslims But Served Its Purpose for Obama and Hillary

“If we keep on getting distracted by this problem, then we are not solving it.” – Senator Barack Obama, 2007 When Barack Obama uttered those words during a debate, he was saying something totally ridiculous but it was also a predictor of how he would govern. The notion that a problem is not solved if […]

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99.9% of Mosques are “Radical” or the TRUE Islam

Megan Kelly is one of the few in the media who gets the issue of Islam and tries the hardest on Fox News to give you the truth despite I am sure getting some heat from time to time from above. The very pretty face along with great intelligence and her charm could be the […]

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Oklahoma City Mosque Attended by Muslim BEHEADER Preached About BEHEADING Infidels according to Former Attendee

In an interview with Fox News Channel’s Megyn Kelly, a former attendee of the Islamic Society of Greater Oklahoma City (ISGOC) attended by Alton Nolen said that the mosque’s leaders preach hatred and anti-Semitism against that which is not of Islam. The man – whose identity was withheld – went by the name ‘Noor’ in […]

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Fox News Panelist GOES OFF on Islam and says ‘Aren’t All Muslims Suspect’?

The panel on Fox News Channel’s Cashin’ In with Eric Bolling was nearly unanimous in its support for profiling Muslims (save for the Democratic strategist on the bottom right-hand corner). Jonathan Hoenig (top right-hand corner) took it to another level, even saying that the last war the U.S. won involved putting Japanese Americans in internment […]

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Megyn Kelly Traps ‘Moderate’ Muslim

Harris Zafar is supposed to represent the moderate face of Islam. He is from a minority sect known as Ahmadiyya which bills itself as another one of those Muslim ‘reformist’ groups. Zafar has been on Megyn Kelly’s show multiple times and most recently, to discuss Yale’s decision to allow Ayaan Hirsi Ali to speak there. […]

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Resident Liberal at Fox News says Global Warming a bigger threat than ISIS

Again sounding like an arm of the Hillary Clinton campaign team, liberal Fox News pundit Bob Beckel actually said he thought global warming was a bigger threat to the U.S. than is ISIS. He even used some of the exact same verbiage while doing it. Note how he says the threat is “so much more […]

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Fox News ‘Experts’ in Denial about Syria

In response to a video clip of Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) in which Paul said ISIS has grown stronger in Syria as a result of the Obama administration’s “degrading” of Bashar al-Assad, resident Fox News expert Charles Krauthammer said the notion was “preposterous”. Beginning at the 4:13 mark of the video excerpt from Special Report […]

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John McCain Admits he wanted to Support ISIS in Syria

During an appearance on Fox News with Greta Van Susteren, Senator John McCain said that he wanted to support ISIS last year. Whether it was a freudian slip or not is almost academic; McCain did want to support ISIS last year while outwardly operating from the premise that he was supporting the FSA. With the […]

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Gaza UN Rep. Takes out Earpiece to Avoid Answering Questions

When confronted with uncomfortable truths about what is taught to Palestinian children, UN’s Gaza representative Chris Gunness took out his earpiece so he would not hear follow-up questions. As he sat there spewing his unchallenged, unfounded claims, host Shannon Bream was visibly taken aback at the behavior. Opposite Gunness was human rights attorney Brooke Goldstein […]

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