Tag Archives | free syrian army

Muslims Attack Christian Elementary School And Murder Twelve People

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims attacked a Christian elementary school in Syria and murdered twelve people, mostly children attending the campus. Hanna, a Christian woman living in Damascus, was a witness to the aftermath of the of carnage, and this is what she said: I want to tell you about Tuesday. It was a terrible day. […]

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Look At What America Is Giving To Terrorists

By Theodore Shoebat Look at what America is giving these terrorists in Syria. This is a BGM-71, one of the most widely used anti-tank guided missiles.The weapon is used in anti-armor, anti-bunker, anti-fortification and anti-amphibious landing roles. The TOW is in service with over 45 militaries and is integrated on over 15,000 ground, vehicle and […]

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Actual And Literal Islamic Human Slaughterhouses For Christians Discovered

EXCLUSIVE By Walid Shoebat and Theodore Shoebat Saif Al-Adlubi told the story when the Egyptian butcher would examine the row of people who were waiting their execution. Al-Adlubi witnessed at least two Armenians who were waiting their turn to be slaughtered since no one paid their ransom, the sum of $100,000 each. “He grabbed the […]

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Muslim Gang Seizes Christian Man And Thrusts Crucifix Into His Heart

By Theodore Shoebat A Muslim gang in Syria seized a young Christian man, and as soon as they spotted his Crucifix, they violently seized him, decapitated him, and then took his Crucifix and thrusted it into his heart. Here is the heart wrenching video of the victim’s mother, recalling the deplorable and sadistic murder of […]

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Muslims To Christians: “the unsheathed swords of Islam will be raised on your necks in your own houses.”

By Theodore Shoebat After Muslim fundamentalists invaded the ancient Christian city of Saidnaya, the Muslim terrorist gang, Jabhat al-Nusra, made this declaration to all Christians: Over the two years we have been fighting, you supported the tyrant of Damascus and his thugs. You were uninvolved, and we protected you. Now, you have turned your churches […]

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Terrorists Use American Equipment, “paid for by US taxpayers.”

By Theodore Shoebat If every American, who actually pays taxes, knew where their money is going to, there would be a torrent of anger and uproar (not that there already is outrage, but it would be even greater). Fred Hof, who once served as Hillary Clinton’s special representative on Syria, reported this week that Islamist […]

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Muslim Puts Castrated Slave For Sale On Facebook

By Theodore Shoebat A Saudi Muslim man has tried to sell a castrated slave on Facebook, with this horrifying advertisement: Peace be upon you … I have a [male] slave I bought from an African country and arranged for his visa and stay till I got him to Saudi [Arabia] His description: 1 – Black […]

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15 Muslims Gang Rape Young Girl Until She Turns Insane, And Then Murder Her

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Syria kidnapped a young Christian girl named Mariam, she was then given to a jihadist, a commander of the battalion “Jabhat al-Nusra” in Qusair, and he raped her. Another Muslim raped her, and she was then raped every day for 15 days, each time by a different one of these […]

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Christians Raise Arms To Fight Holy War Against Muslims

By Theodore Shoebat So few ears have heard the news on the very recent and greatest massacre of Christians in Syria. Forty five saints, in the village of Sadad, were slaughtered by the Muslim heretics, this is not just a mere killing, but a foreshadowing of a future holocaust. Here is a video filmed by […]

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Cannibalism In Syria Causes An Extremely Rare Disease

By Theodore Shoebat Its called Kuru, an extremely rare disease which virtually became extinct after extinguishing cannibalism in Papua New Guinea. Amazingly Kuru has now been found in 8 to 20 people, out of all places, in war-torn Syria, and the only way it could have come about, doctors confirmed, is through cannibalism and the […]

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VIDEO: Syrian Rebels have chemical weapons

I have heard countless times people saying that Assad will be using chemical weapons. But for this video, now we know for sure that rebels will be using them on the Syrian people, civilian and military. Here is another video, filmed right after rebels have defeated a group of Syrian soldiers. Notice the heavy weaponry […]

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Syrian Revolution Is A Movement To Kill Christians

By Theodore Shoebat The Syrian Revolution is for the establishing of an Islamic state, and in so doing, Christians are being killed by the Islamist. But I fear the future, knowing that the time is coming in which a full out massacre will be implemented by the Islamist in Syria. The fall of Assad will […]

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Syrian Rebels Take 280 Christians Hostage

By Theodore Shoebat These are the people we are helping. And Though these Islamic thugs are not a part of the Free Syrian Army, it must be recognized that they are many different brigades throughout Syria partaking in the revolution. From Agenzia Fides (Thanks to Jihad Watch): Homs (Agenzia Fides) – Christians kidnapped in the […]

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