Tag Archives | gaza

Video: CNN uses fraudulent Pallywood footage which makes Anderson Cooper’s report fraudulent

Earlier this week, we posted BBC footage that showed Pallywood on full display. A man in Gaza, allegedly injured, was carried away by several other men, only to be seen walking around moments later as if nothing happened. Whomever was responsible for running video footage during this Anderson Cooper news segment should be out of […]

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Video: Pallywood is back in Gaza

The phenomenon that is Pallywood was discovered by Richard Landes after he gained access to the France 2 studios and was exposed to raw footage or “rushes” from the Palestinian territories. His 2006 documentary blew the lid off of a despicable strategy used by Palestinians. That strategy involves staging scenes for news cameras in which […]

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Displaced Israelis can use your help

Imagine having your own business that you use to support your family. Then, one day, you are forcibly removed from your home and relocated as a result of senseless political decisions made above your head and outside your control. Not only is your home left behind but so is your means to provide. In 2005, […]

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Hamas Official Channels Newt Gingrich

It would seem that a senior Hamas official has validated Newt Gingrich’s claim last year that the Palestinians are an “invented people.” h/t Keith: Here is then Presidential candidate Newt Gingrich saying the same thing last year: Ben Barrack is a talk show host and author of the upcoming book, Unsung Davids

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Report: New French President has banned consumption of Pork in Government Offices

This is a new report translated from a French website but if true, it’s not surprising. We will monitor to confirm or deny its authenticity. Via BNI: Effective immediately, the new French head of state never again will allow pork to pass his lips…or the lips of his staff, other government officials, or foreign guests. […]

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Hamas calls for new French President to visit Gaza

Considering that French president-elect Francois Hollande garnered a vast majority of the Muslim vote in his race with Nicolas Sarkozy, he is beholden to Islamist to some degree. Hamas certainly seems to think so. Via ynet: Hamas has urged france’s president-elect, Francois Hollande, to visit the Gaza Strip and “correct” French policy towards the Palestinians. […]

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Israel: Game called on account of Rockets

Imagine taking your young son to a ballgame. The weather is perfect. You hand your tickets to the attendant, walk through the turnstiles, head to the concession stand to get something to eat, and then just as you’re about to take your seat you hear an announcement on the intercom system. On your way home, […]

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Mastermind of Gilad Shalit Capture an Israeli Missile Strike Victim

While many in the West bemoaned the trade of Gilad Shalit for 1000 Palestinian prisoners, part of the deal apparently involved a future player to be named later. That player was the mastermind behind Shalit’s capture – Zuhair al-Qaissi. Via the Telegraph: Zuhair al-Qaissi, the commander of the armed wing of the Popular Resistance Committees […]

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Turkey denies Funding Hamas

What are the odds that Turkey is telling the truth here? Via IPT: Turkish officials are denying media reports that Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh was promised $300 million during his visit to Turkey earlier this month. “There is no cash aid to Hamas, but Turkey is, of course, engaged in projects to deliver humanitarian […]

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Muslims from Gaza Launched Multiple Rocket Strikes against Israeli Population Centers

From: Israeli Uncensored News Muslims from Gaza launched multiple rocket strikes against Israeli population centers of Ashdod, Ashkelon, Beersheba, and smaller locations. Such indiscriminate attacks against civilians are classified as war crimes during armed conflicts, much more so during hostilities short of war. No condemnations ensued from the UNSC, and the Israeli government continued supplying […]

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CNN Propaganda for Gaza Flotilla

Click here for the video clip: http://shoebat.org/videos/flotillaGreece.php CNN Propaganda for Gaza Flotilla Here is SUN news in Canada reporting in the Gaza Flotilla incident. They are using the CNN reporter Phil Black who is on board with the activists, how interesting, and supporting the “Audacity for Hope” boat along with the self hating Jews who […]

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First US targeted assassination in Gaza pre-empts next Al Qaeda offensive

First US targeted assassination in Gaza pre-empts next Al Qaeda offensive DEBKAfile Exclusive Report November 4, 2010, 1:18 PM (GMT+02:00) Tags: Al Qaeda-Gaza US missile Anti-US terror in Sinai Missile struck Al Qaeda operative’s car in Gaza A missile fired from an American warship in the Mediterranean hit the car in which Muhammad Jamal A-Namnam, […]

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