Tag Archives | hillary clinton

Obama using Alinsky to Trap himself

On Today’s show… We’ve been told that Barack Obama is a master at the Saul Alinsky strategy. Alinsky’s son David said, “Obama learned his lesson well” during the Obama’s 2008 Presidential campaign. All that may be true but as someone who dedicated his seminal work to Lucier, the strategy necessarily must have inherent flaws. We’re […]

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Hillary Connected to ANOTHER Muslim Fundamentalist

Yet another Muslim fundamentalist has been connected to Hillary Clinton through a foundation the former Secretary of State helps lead. It’s been learned that the Shariah compliant government of Brunei – whose Sultan has been on the receiving end of Hollywood protesters for his ownership stake in the Beverly Hills Hotel – has made significant […]

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Mosque Chaired by Clinton Friend led by Boko Haram Apologists

The notorious Dar al-Hijrah mosque chaired for many years by a man who curried political favor with the Clintons and other politicians – over the span of several years – is defending Boko Haram, the group making headlines for kidnapping hundreds of Nigerian schoolgirls. The Daily Caller reports that the outreach director, who has held […]

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How Obama Administration works with Muslim Agents to Destroy First Amendment (A New Smoking Gun)

By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** We all know too well that it was president Obama who once said: “the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam”. Which brings us to ask; what exactly happened after President Barack Obama called then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton regarding Benghazi? […]

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Barack Obama IS a Muslim (No Joke)

Ain’t it funny that the only time the left-wing kooks are actually right about something is when they think they’re using satire? In this example, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews and a two-person panel are discussing the kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls when Howard Fineman sarcastically says that conservatives believe the reason Hillary went so soft on terrorism is […]

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Benghazi, IRS about Subverting First Amendment; Fast and Furious about Subverting the Second

By Ben Barrack Since being first inaugurated, Barack Obama’s administration has been both desperate and hard at work in its attempts to dismantle the U.S. Constitution. If there were two amendments they’d like to see either compromised or removed altogether, there is no doubt that the first and second would be the top two. This […]

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Hillary ‘Hamas’ Clinton and Benghazi Human Shields

On Today’s show… It is long past time for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to be called out for her latest bald-faced and shamelessly brazen attempt to distract from Benghazi. For more than three years, the Obama administration has not only ignored persecuted Christians but has facilitated that persecution by aiding and abetting the […]

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Hillary’s War on Nigerian Women is about Benghazi

By Ben Barrack What Hillary Clinton is attempting to do is – in a word – despicable. A few days after the ‘Smoking gun’ Benghazi email was revealed by Judicial Watch; two days after House Speaker John Boehner announced that he would form a Select Committee to investigate Benghazi; one day before Rep. Trey Gowdy […]

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Newly Revealed Evidence Shows That Obama Administration Refused To Call Boko Haram A Terrorist Group

By Theodore Shoebat We now know what the Obama administration refused to call Boko Haram, the Muslim group that is killing more Christians than anyone, a terrorist group. It was Hilary Clinton, when she was running the State Department, who resisted the measure of labeling Boko Haram as a terrorist group. Those who were pushing […]

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Muslim Brotherhood and Benghazi Truths being hidden by Talk Radio Congressman

By Ben Barrack House Intelligence Committee chairman Mike Rogers (R-MI) knows something big about Benghazi and he’s not telling. One thing he’s not conceding is that the attackers reside firmly under the Muslim Brotherhood umbrella. He likely knows quite a bit about Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of our government as well. Those two things alone are […]

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Hillary Clinton’s support for Muslim Brotherhood explains why no one can name her Accomplishments

The short answer to the question about why Obama administration officials and sycophantic left-wing media pundits are having so much difficulty naming Hillary Clinton accomplishments is rather simple. Accomplishments are in the eye of the beholder. As a Muslim Brotherhood sympathizer, Hillary accomplished quite a bit. However, since that doesn’t sell too well, it’s better […]

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Leaked Photos and Released Emails show Clintons in Bed with Muslim Brotherhood

By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** Bassam Estwani is one major Muslim figure that had access to the Clinton White House. Some might think this is no big deal, of course, until one examines what Shoebat.com obtained from leaked photos compared with email exchanges between Estwani and the Clintons. The photos and Arabic […]

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Why Karl Rove is Protecting Hillary Clinton

The man known as ‘Bush’s Brain’ and who Bob Woodward says will just ‘never go away’ is championing the perpetuation of a failed Republican strategy. During an appearance on Fox News Sunday, Karl Rove actually asserted that if Hillary Clinton runs in 2016, Republicans should not attack her. As for why Rove might be insisting […]

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Hillary’s Brotherhood Connection: More Coming…

We recently published an article about the allegedly very close relationship between Hillary Clinton and Mohammed Mursi’s wife, Naglaa Mahmoud. This is a developing story and there will definitely be more dots to connect. A follow-up report will be published soon but on his radio show today, Ben Barrack teased some of what’s coming. One […]

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Muslims Have People “hacked to death, burned alive, or shot”, Christians Take Revenge

By Theodore Shoebat Numerous murders by Muslims have been taking place in Nigeria, specifically in Plateau and Kaduna states. According to one report, victims “were hacked to death, burned alive, or shot simply based on their ethnic or religious identity”. These Christians are being killed every day, but there is something you can do about […]

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McCain: Hillary an ‘outstanding’ Secretary of State

Senator John McCain – also known in these circles as John McC(Pet)ain – continues to demonstrate his anti-American bonafides. The latest example comes courtesy of his assertion that aside from Benghazi, Hillary Clinton was a great Secretary of State. Via Bloomberg: “I don’t think there’s any doubt that Secretary Clinton would be a very strong […]

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