Tag Archives | isis

Rand Paul is RIGHT and WRONG about John McCain meeting with ISIS

As Shoebat.com has reported, the unsubstantiated reports that McCain met with self-proclaimed ISIS Caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi during the Senator’s trip to Syria last year are false. If Senator Rand Paul was relying on this claim to allege McCain “(met) with ISIS”, it was ill-advised. In fact, as Shoebat.com reported a year ago, who McCain […]

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What Every Christian Needs To Know About Homosexuality

  By Thomas King    Regarding the sin of sodomy: What every Jew and Christian should know This is an issue that has been hotly debated amongst professing Jews and Christians. Instead of resorting to popular worldly opinion, I will discuss things purely from the perspective of the Old Testament (Tenach) and the New Testament. I […]

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The Cult Of Bill Gothard And The Duggars (Homeschooling Cults Exposed)

By Theodore Shoebat I have nothing against homeschooling. What I do have a problem with are cults that use homeschooling as a means to prey on children with abuse and indoctrination. For those of you who keep track to this blog, I have written an in-depth article exposing the cult of the Duggars and Bill […]

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House Speaker Boehner Preparing to Help ISIS

Arming the Syrian rebels helps no fewer than three states – Qatar, Turkey and the Islamic State. Despite this, House Speaker John Boehner is signaling that he will sign on to a plan that arms Syrian rebels. The main line of distinction between the FSA and ISIS is that there is almost no difference. FSA […]

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Texas Gun Shop Posts Up Sign That Says, “Does one of Obama’s family members have to be beheaded for ‘change’ to happen?”

By Theodore Shoebat A Texas gun store posted up this sign: According to a report: A Texas gun shop known for its controversial signs has managed to raise eyebrows once again by criticizing President Barack Obama and bringing up the gruesome issue of beheadings to do it. Outside of the Katy, Texas-based Tactical Firearms, the […]

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Satanist Cult In Florida Will Be Passing Satanic Literature To School Children To Indoctrinate Them On Satanism

By Theodore Shoebat A Satanist cult in Florida is planning on passing Satanic literature to school children in order to indoctrinate them on satanism. As a report tells us: The Satanic Temple has announced that it will provide pamphlets on Satanism to students in Florida, following the school board’s decision permitting the distribution of religious […]

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ISIS is Islamic then what is It?

Keith Davies political Commentator Based on The Obama administration’s logic as well as the prime minister of UK David Cameron – “Islamic terrorists are not Islamic”. If this is true, then based on the historical facts of brutal violence against innocent people by Islam this would mean that the Prophet Mohammed was also not Islamic, […]

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Phil Robertson: AIDS Virus Was Created By God To Punish Homosexuals

By Theodore Shoebat I find myself liking Phil Robertson the more he speaks on religious issues. Phil has yet again said something that everyone else is too afraid to say: AIDS was created by God to punish homosexuality. I absolutely agree! Phil said: I mean, a great question to ask is, ‘Why is it that […]

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Government Official, And The Israeli Government Say That Pope Francis Is Being Targeted For Assassination

By Theodore Shoebat Pope Francis is being targeted for assassination, said The Iraqi ambassador to the Holy See, Habeeb Al-Sadr. The ambassador said, What has been declared by the self-proclaimed Islamic State is clear – they want to kill the Pope… The threats against the Pope are credible. He continued to say: I believe they […]

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John Kerry Schooled on Islamic Terrorism by Egyptian Counterpart

Secretary of State John Kerry was in Egypt this weekend and received a bit of an education from his counterpart – Foreign Minister Sameh Shukri – on the issue of terror groups; it’s a point we’ve been making for a long time. To focus on al-Qaeda or ISIS specifically is like focusing on a small […]

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Muslims Take Christian Girls And Cut Their Breasts Off

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in the Middle East took Christian girls and cut their breasts off. Sister Hatune Dogan interviewed 280 girls and said that a number of them suffered this sort of mutilation, alongside rape and lacerations with blades. I did a video with some extensive commentary As a report from Katie Yoder says: […]

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If ISIS Shot at U.S. Planes, would Obama Blame Assad?

Would the Obama administration blame the Assad regime if ISIS shot at U.S. planes in Syria? Without the help of credible reports – one by Yossef Bodansky and the other by Seymour Hersh – that last year’s chemical attack in Syria was actually caused by Turkey and carried out by rebels so that Obama could […]

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Brother of Beheaded British man and British Prime Minister both say ISIS not Islamic

British citizen David Haines became the third westerner beheaded by ISIS Muslims for YouTube. Shortly thereafter, his brother released a video claiming that David’s death had nothing to to with Islam: Like the two men beheaded before him – James Foley and Steven Sotloff – Haines appeared to be sympathetic to the Muslim cause. According […]

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Texas Sheriff wants to Scare ISIS so bad it makes them ‘Urinate down Both Legs’

Last week, Midland County Sheriff Gary Painter made news when he issued some tough talk to any members of ISIS planning to cross the U.S. / Mexico border and set foot in his county as Shoebat.com reported. This morning, Painter appeared on Fox n’ Friends and used even more colorful language to express his contempt […]

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ISIS formally Aligns with ‘Moderate’ Rebels against Assad in Damascus

It should be clear that ISIS is a greater threat to America than is Bashar al-Assad at the moment. Say what you will, Assad’s troops are not beheading Americans and putting it up on YouTube. As such, wouldn’t any ‘moderate’ rebels the likes of Senator John McCain are behind have the same priority list? Uh, […]

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Muslims tell British Prime Minister to Call the ‘Islamic State’ the ‘Un-Islamic State’

As the Islamic State / ISIS / ISIL / Da’ish was about to release a video of the beheading of British aid worker David Haines, British Muslims sent a letter to Prime Minister David Cameron. What were the contents of the letter? Well, they want Cameron to stop referring to the group as ‘Islamic State’ […]

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