By Theodore Shoebat Major Jihadist leader in China’s Xinjiang region, Abdulheq Damolla, who heads the terrorist group, Turkistan Islamic Party, congratulated the Muslim Uighurs for their killings of Chinese people in the knife and bomb attack at the railway station in Urumqi on April 30th. He described the attack was “good news” done by “our […]
Tag Archives | islam
China Arrests Twenty-Five Muslim Women For Wearing Hijab, Muslims Try To Fight But Chinese Kill 2 Of Them
By Theodore Shoebat China has arrested up to twenty-five Muslim women for wearing hijabs, or the Islamic veil. As has reported, the Chinese government recently outlawed the Muslim veil and Islamic beard, and now they are seriously taking this law into action. The Uyghur Muslims were furious on account of the arrests, and so […]
Harlot Of Babylon Saudi Arabia And Antichrist Nation Of Turkey Organize The Massacre Of Christians
By Theodore Shoebat The Muslims are slaughtering Christians every day in Syria, and who is backing and organizing this horrific killing? The Harlot of Babylon nation of Saudi Arabia, and the Antichrist nation of Turkey. Just this week Syrian church leaders gathered together in a meeting in London, and Eustatius Matta Roham, Metropolitan of Jazirah […]
Muslims Seize Twenty Nine Poor Farmers As They Till Their Fields, And Execute Every One Of Them
By Theodore Shoebat Muslims, members of Boko Haram, in the Nigerian area of Maiduguri took 29 poor farmers as they were tilling their fields and executed every one of them. As one report states: Suspected militants from Islamist group Boko Haram shot dead 29 farm workers as they tilled their fields in remote north-east Nigeria, […]
Muslims Take Thirty Three People, And Butcher All Of Them Mercilessly
By Theodore Shoebat
Muslims Butcher Thirty One Innocent People, Mutilating Them And Burning Their Flesh
By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in China detonated a suicide car bomb in the middle of a crowd in Xinjiang that cut people to pieces and brought about many fires. The Muslims butchered thirty-one people and injured over ninety people. One witness heard a dozen large explosions, as opposed to just one. Police have sealed the […]
If Islam Had Its Way, Christianity Would Be Outlawed And All Christians Would Be Slaves To Muslims
By Theodore Shoebat If Islam had its way, Christianity would be outlawed and all Christians would be forced to become the slaves of the Muslims. Look no farther than the countries that are dominated by Islam to see an illustration of this reality. Just today it was reported that a 27 year old woman in […]

The Muslim Antichrist Is Coming To Destroy Christianity, And Christendom Will Arise To Destroy Him
SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat The Muslim Antichrist is coming soon, to destroy Christianity, and Christendom will arise to destroy him. This Antichrist will come from Turkey, not Iran or the New World Order. Stop focusing On Iran as though it will be the nation of Antichrist. We must focus on Turkey as the main […]
Why Islam cannot be separated from Radical Islam
Fox News Channel’s Megyn Kelly took the opportunity to once again have Ayan Hirsi Ali on her program to discuss sharia law since the kidnapping of hundreds of Nigerian schoolgirls by Boko Haram remains in the news. Ali, who was born in Somalia explains perfectly why the transformation from the so-called ‘peaceful’ brand of Islam […]
Elite Leader Of The European Union Says That Christianity Is The Enemy
By Theodore Shoebat An elite leader of the European Union, named Carl Bildt, had declared Christianity as the enemy and biggest hinderance to the leftist conspiracy of establishing anti-Christian values. He said this regarding Putin’s anti-homosexual policies in Russia: The new anti-west and anti-decadent line [of conduct] of Putin is based on the deep conservatism […]
Bill Maher: There is no ‘Smoking Gun’ Email in Benghazi Scandal
According to ‘comedian’ Bill Maher, there is no ‘smoking gun’ email in the Benghazi scandal and the attack actually was the result of a video. Maher completely contradicted this blatantly transparent attempt to defend the Obama administration in the same show when he made the argument that ‘Islam is the problem’. Fortunately, one of the […]
Muslims “cut hands, cut heads, play with corpses” Of Their Victims
By Theodore Shoebat A battle is occurring right now between Kurds and Muslims who are members of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), in the area of Kobani in northern Syria. The Kurds, fighting for the Democratic Union Party (PYD), are combating the jihadist besiegers of their lands, and look upon the […]
Famous Psychologist Does Detailed Study On Muslims, And Then Concludes: “Islam creates monsters.”
By Theodore Shoebat A well known Danish psychologist, named Nicolai Sennels, did a detailed study on the effects of Islam on Muslim youths, in which he concluded: The cultural and psychological cocktail of anger, low self-esteem, victim mentality, a willingness to be blindly guided by outer authorities, and an aggressive and discriminatory view toward non-Muslims, […]
Christian Pastor: “They are killing Christians because they are Christians.”
By Theodore Shoebat Bishop Ibrahim Ibrahim, founder of the American branch of the Chaldean (Iraqi Catholic) Church, just recently made this eye-opening statement about the Muslim persecution of Christians in Iraq: No one is defending us…They are killing Christians because they are Christians. …We know that before the invasion of the Americans in Iraq, (terrorism) […]
Two Muslims Cut Young Boy’s Body Into Pieces, Cook His Flesh In Curry, And Eat Him
By Theodore Shoebat Two Pakistani brothers, Mohammad Arif Ali and Mohammad Farman Ali, were arrested after police caught the severed head of a young boy in their home. Superintendent of Police Ameer Ali Khan described the scene: We found the severed head of a young child, about two or three years old. They probably dug […]
Muslims Trap Human Beings In Markets And Stores, And Burn Them Alive
By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Nigeria trapped many human beings in markets in stories, and burned them alive. This happened in the most recently horrific attack on Christians in Nigeria, in which 300 people were slaughtered. As one report tells us: Wearing military uniforms, the militants arrived with three armored personnel carriers, villagers said. The […]