Secretary of State John Kerry was given the equivalent of a diplomatic slap in the face by Egypt, on his way to Israel to negotiate a ceasefire between that country and Hamas. Diplomacy is a funny thing; actions that may go unnoticed by the layperson are intended as very strong messages among diplomats. Kerry and […]
Tag Archives | John Kerry
Sympathy for Hamas is Sympathy for the Devil
The Obama administration is showing sympathy for the devil by showing sympathy for Palestinians while holding Israel responsible for deaths caused by Hamas. There is a despicably concerted effort on the part of Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry to clamor for a ceasefire in the name of moral equivalency. Israel has provided […]
Obama Commits Blood Libel by Blaming Israel for Palestinian Deaths
Often times, what’s NOT said says everything you need to know. Such was the case during a Barack Obama news conference earlier today. While announcing that Secretary of State John Kerry would be traveling to the region to help negotiate a ceasefire, Obama clearly implied that Israel was completely responsible for all Palestinian civilian deaths. […]
John Kerry and State Dept Caught Revealing Pro-Hamas Bias
Secretary of State John Kerry and his Under Secretary for public diplomacy and public affairs have both unintentionally revealed their pro-Hamas / anti-Israel position. During an appearance on a Sunday show, Kerry was caught on an open mic mocking Israel’s attempt to avoid civilian casualties with its strikes in Gaza. Here he is clearly impugning […]
White House Smearing Honorable Soldiers by accusing them of ‘Swift-Boating’ Bergdahl
The Obama administration is making another ill-advised political calculation by using a pejorative term to describe soldiers who served with Bowe Bergdahl and insist he was a deserter. Speaking on background, several White House aids told MSNBC lapdog / White House ventriloquist dummy Chuck Todd that Bergdahl is being “swiftboated” by his former soldiers. For […]
This is what a Liar Looks Like when he’s Frustrated
By Ben Barrack Secretary of State John Kerry has spent years making his liberal bed; now he’s lying in it (yes, that’s a double entendre). As and others have demonstrated with far more evidence than Kerry has shown, the fact is that the charge that Syrian rebels were behind the chemical attacks in Syria […]

Is John Kerry working with Europe in threatening Boycott of Israel?
Rhetoric against Israel lately includes talk of boycotts. We’ve been seeing it on college campuses (National University of Ireland and UCLA). Earlier this month, Barack Obama issued a veiled threat to Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu about agreeing to a deal with the Palestinians, consequences could be in store for Israel. Secretary of State John Kerry […]
John Kerry wakes up to Muslim Brotherhood
If, as the Daily Beast’s Josh Rogin reported earlier this week, the rift between National Security Adviser Susan Rice and Secretary of State John Kerry was bad before, it likely just got worse. During a speech two days after Rogin’s report, Kerry accused Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood of stealing the 2011 revolution. Via New York Times: […]
Another John Kerry Gaffe over Libya?
Just a few days after U.S. Special Forces captured Abu Anas al Libi in Tripoli, the Prime Minister of Libya was kidnapped and then released after several hours. Once again, the U.S. Secretary of State – in this case, John Kerry – may have demonstrated incompetence relative to Libya. The abductors pointed to Kerry’s comments […]
Syrian Rebel spokesman IS Muslim Brotherhood
While studying Egyptian media for this report on Barack Obama’s half-brother, Malik Obama, a distinct difference between how Egypt’s government is dealing with their Muslim Brotherhood problem and how the U.S. is doing the same, emerged. While U.S. media, politicians, and military generals debate things like whether Al-Qaeda, Ansar Al-Sharia, the Jamal Network, or a […]
Sarin Gas is all they’ve Got
By Keith Davies As the Western media, the propaganda department at the State Department, and the White House all lobby to strike Syria in a “limited” fashion, it is obvious that the administration does not have the proper evidence to prove Assad ordered and carried out a Chemical weapons attack against his people. Every media […]
Huma Abedin / John Kerry ignore deadline to respond to Senator’s letter
On June 13th, Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) sent a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry in which a June 27th deadline was given for a response to 18 questions in that letter that pertained to Huma Abedin’s time as a “part-time consultant” and “special government employee” beginning in June of 2012. The deadline has […]
News Media Lies by Omission
The current successor to Hajj Amin al-Husseini – the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem who allied with Hitler in World War II – was recently detained by Israeli police. The reason had to do with attacks on tourists. To read the AP’s account of the incident, the concerns of the Palestinian President and Secretary of State […]
1971: John Kerry sells out fellow Soldiers / 2013: John Kerry sells out bombing victims in his state
In 1971, John Kerry sold out his fellow soldiers; in 2013, he sold out the victims of bombings that took place in the largest city belonging to the state of Massachusetts, the citizens of which repeatedly sent him back to the U.S. Senate. Those injured and killed at the Boston marathon bombing were cheering on […]
Video: State Department spokesman stumbles over question about why meeting between Kerry and Saudi Foreign Minister abruptly closed
AP Reporter Matt Lee has quite a reputation for holding State Department spokesmen accountable. The latest instance involves news reports that a scheduled open-door meeting between John Kerry and the Saudi Foreign minister was abruptly closed the day after a Saudi national became a person of interest in the Boston marathon bombings. Toward the end […]
Closed doors: Meeting between John Kerry and Saudi Foreign Minister suddenly not open to press
Oh, to be a fly on the wall in this meeting. Via POLITICO: A meeting Secretary of State John Kerry was to hold with Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Saud Al-Faisal was abruptly closed to press coverage Tuesday morning. The State Department provided no reason for the change, which was announced just 15 minutes before the […]