On today’s Barrack-Ast: Stories are constantly fighting for time in the 24-hour news cycle. The Obama administration has proven quite adept at determining what stories dominate. If you see a story in any mainstream media outlet involving the administration, odds are beyond very good the administration wanted it there, even if it seems unflattering. That’s […]
Tag Archives | Michael Brown
Muslim Arrested for Threatening Darren Wilson on Facebook
In a report from the Seattle Times, Jaleel Tariq Abdul-Jabbaar as a black man – through his quotes only, not the reporting – who took to Facebook to issue threats to kill ex-Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson. What is not made known in the article is that Abdul-Jabbaar is a Muslim: Federal prosecutors have charged […]
Muslim Ferguson Agitator Displays Arrogance and Belligerence During TV Interview
Bassem Masri is an arab Muslim who has been arrested on more than one occasion in Ferguson. As Shoebat.com has reported, he is doing his part to foment unrest in the area and was recently interviewed by Michael Smerconish. In the exchange below, it’s clear what kind of person the police are having to deal […]
Trouble Continues Finding Muslim State Senator
Missouri State Senator Jamillah Nasheed who is also a Muslim, has become one of the prominent faces in support of the Ferguson protesters as Shoebat.com has reported. It’s now being reported that she was recently the victim of an attempted robbery and carjacking in her own driveway and that she had a gun put to […]

Democrat Muslim State Senator Arrested
Missouri State Senator Jamilah Nasheed, a Muslim who once refused to sign onto a bill that would ban the use of sharia law as Shoebat.com reported, was arrested for not getting out of the street in front of the Ferguson Police Department while protesting the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson last August. Presumably, Nasheed’s […]
Ferguson Man would Rather get Beheaded than be told by Police to Stop Walking in Traffic
File this one under People with Firewalls behind their Foreheads and who can’t structure a sentence… There are actually people walking around in Ferguson wearing t-shirts that say they would rather be stopped by ISIS than by the Ferguson Police. Would love to know if this guy’s willing to trade places with one of the […]
Leader of Muslim Civil Rights Group Disgracefully Exploits Michael Brown Funeral in Ferguson
Why did CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad attend the funeral of Michael Brown, who was shot in Ferguson earlier this month? To say Awad had ulterior motives would be an understatement. Muslim Brotherhood operatives have been exploiting race and the civil rights movement to their advantage for decades. If Awad were truly concerned about healing […]
Muslim State Senator in Missouri wants Prosecutor who served on ‘Barack Obama Truth Squad’ Off Michael Brown Case
The St. Louis County Attorney at the heart of the latest subtext controversy relative to the Ferguson riots once promoted the Barack Obama Truth Squad. Today, demands from the black community that Robert McCulloch be removed from any case involving the prosecution of Police officer Darren Wilson for the shooting death of Michael Brown, are […]
CNN Ignores ISIS Sign on Streets of Ferguson
While reporting on the protests / riots in Ferguson, MO CNN’s Jake Tapper spent two minutes on camera walking and talking with one of those protesters. As Tapper was speaking with a black man who had some controversial language on his clothing, he entirely missed a much bigger story. Walking directly behind Tapper was someone […]