During a radio interview with Jan Markel and co-host Eric Barger, Rep. Michele Bachmann discussed the Muslim Brotherhood’s agenda in the United States as well as attempts by Muslim groups to quash dissent. There are several notable excerpts from the interview over at Right Wing Watch, which obviously has a problem with Bachmann’s take but […]
Tag Archives | Michele Bachmann
CAIR touts Muslim voter turnout in Tuesday’s election
Corey Saylor, spokesman for the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), is cheering the defeat of members who belong to what he calls the “anti-Muslim caucus”. Via Illume Magazine: Prior to the election, Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) identified eleven members of Congress who make repeated use of biased themes regarding Muslims. The anti-Muslim caucus […]

Video: Michele Bachmann stands by questions about Muslim Brotherhood in last debate, another Huma Abedin defender revealed
In her final debate with her Democratic challenger, Rep. Michele Bachmann was asked if she stood by the questions she and four other congressmen raised about Muslim Brotherhood penetration into the U.S. Government (Rep. Tom Rooney’s backtrack notwithstanding). She did. When her opponent, Jim Graves spoke to the issue, he predictably pointed to the criticism […]
Three ‘experts’ fail in attempt to debunk Bachmann
The Muslim Brotherhood and Ansar al-Sharia (the group that claimed responsibility for the Benghazi attack) share one thing in common. Both seek the implementation of Sharia law wherever it does not exist. The most important difference between the two groups is how to get there. Groups like Ansar al-Sharia and al-Qaeda believe in doing it […]
Bachmann-like letter sent to Hillary Clinton by Rep. Jim Jordan
Earlier this month, we reported on the appointment of the Executive Director of the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), Salam al-Marayati to the represent the United States at the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). There are a plethora of reasons which illustrate why al-Marayati is worse than a bad choice. Anti-Semitism is […]
Oversight Committee should call Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin to testify over Benghazi-gate
With Secretary of State Hillary Clinton publicly accepting ‘responsibility’ for the security of all State Department diplomats stationed at the various outposts all over the world – including at the Benghazi consulate – shouldn’t the matter of her closest adviser, Huma Abedin become relevant again? Hillary’s acceptance of responsibility should also come with a requirement […]
David Horowitz: Huma Abedin ‘worse than Alger Hiss’, John McCain is ‘bonkers’
While appearing on the Janet Mefferd show, David Horowitz discussed the topic of Muslim Brotherhood infiltration and singled out Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Chief of Staff, Huma Abedin, saying that she has been a ‘Muslim Brotherhood operative’ for ‘all her life’. He even said Abedin is ‘worse than Alger Hiss‘. You can listen […]
Video: David Horowitz calls Huma Abedin a ‘Muslim Brotherhood operative’ on Fox News; Megyn Kelly shuts him down
This interview between Fox News Channel’s Megyn Kelly and David Horowitz started out by discussing Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the producer of the anti-Muhammad film, and his being interrogated by police. However, that’s not the point of this post. Pay particular attention beginning at the 2:25 mark. This is where Horowitz refers to Hillary Clinton’s Deputy […]
Video: Super-PAC points to Embassy Attacks in pro-Bachmann ad
Hard to argue. Senator McCain and Speaker Boehner, care to chime in on this one? Didn’t think so.
Video: Rep. Michele Bachmann’s speech at Values Voters Summit
Rep. Bachmann gets it. Via C-SPAN:
Do Embassy Attacks bolster Bachmann’s case?
In the wake of the Islamic attacks on U.S. Embassies in Cairo, Benghazi, and elsewhere continue to reveal lapses in both judgment and security on the part of the State Department, perhaps it’s time to revisit the concerns of Reps. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), et. al. about Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of the U.S. Government. Though there […]
Huma Abedin Defender Alert: CAIR Attorney in South Florida
His name is Wilfredo Amr Ruiz. In addition to being Legal Counsel for the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) in South Florida, Ruiz is also a writer for the Huffington Post. He has written about Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Chief of Staff, Huma Abedin and guess whose side he’s taking? Before we get to that, […]
It’s really hard NOT to call this guy a Doofus
Last month, Rep. Steve King (R-IA) stood by Michele Bachmann, et. al. at a town hall when he was asked to chime in about the Huma Abedin controversy. King responded by saying that Abedin – Hillary Clinton’s closest advisor – has distinct Muslim Brotherhood ties. Recently and to his credit, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, […]
Latest Huma Abedin defender: George Washington University Dean who defended Ground Zero mosque
Doug Guthrie, Dean of the George Washington University School of Business is now the latest individual to come out and express support for Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Chief of Staff, Huma Abedin. Ironically, Guthrie actually bemoans the loss of importance that is placed on facts in general and cites none other than MSNBC as an entity […]
Wow! Saudi Gazette publishes Op-Ed that concedes Huma might have Muslim Brotherhood ties
The Huma Abedin sieve may be breaking… Based on the fact that Walid unearthed the Saudi Manifesto that clearly identifies the force behind the work of the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA), the entity for which Hillary Clinton’s closest advisor – Huma Abedin – worked for twelve years as a subordinate to Abdullah Omar […]
Rep. Keith Ellison projecting again; calls Republican Party ‘Bigoted’
Rep. Keith Ellison has decided to identify anyone who has a problem with Sharia law being implemented in the United States a bigot. Well, if one starts from the premise that says Sharia law is inherently bigoted, where does that leave things? As is the case with the left, the accuser is more often than […]