Tag Archives | muslim sisterhood

Shoebat Exposes Hillary’s Clinton Foundation And How It Is Mired in Muslim Brotherhood Connections; Washington Post Up In Arms and Fails To Refute It

By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack When it comes to Middle East coverage, the western media is plagued with incompetent journalists (if in doubt, read here) who rarely do their homework. Today, there is no such thing as “professional journalism”. There are supposedly professional journalists who are simply cynics and agenda driven. So the story is, especially when […]

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Obama Administration Welcomes Major Islamic Jihadist Leader, Who Says ISIS Is Not A Terrorist Group, Into The State Department

By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** In an extremely brazen act, the U.S. State Department opened its arms to a Muslim Brotherhood delegation from Egypt, led by a MAJOR Muslim Brotherhood activist judge named Waleed Sharaby. The plans for the trip began last August in Turkey, where the Revolutionary Council of the Egyptian […]

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Hillary Clinton Adviser Huma Abedin Magically Escapes Honor Killing During Trip to Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia isn’t just governed by a strict interpretation of sharia law. It prohibits the public practice of any other religion; it is also Judenrein. Apostasy is considered much worse than being a Jew and is worthy of death. A Muslim woman marrying a Jew is about the most unspeakable crime a Saudi woman can […]

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George W. Bush Says Woman With Muslim Brotherhood Daughter as Closest Advisor is like his ‘Sister-in-Law’

The relationship between the Clintons and the Bushes goes back many years, at least to when Bill was the Governor of Arkansas and George H.W. Bush was Vice President. As Shoebat.com reported, if former Air Force Intelligence operative Terry Reed is right, the secrets held by both families necessitates each family must protect the other. […]

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Presidential Candidate With Muslim Sisterhood Daughter as Close Advisor Says U.S. Should ‘Empathize’ with ‘Enemies’

If you believe that the Muslim Brotherhood should be identified as a terrorist organization / enemy of the United States, the claim from Hillary Clinton that the U.S. should ’empathize’ with its ‘enemies’ has a palpable degree of irony. Considering that Hillary’s very close advisor and former Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin – who […]

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How Stealth Muslim Agents Infect Infidels with IslamoPHILIA

Philia: a combining form used in the formation of compound words that have the general sense “unnatural attraction” (necrophilia), “tendency” (hemophilia); also forming abstract nouns that correspond to adjectives ending in -philic, or -philous, or nouns ending in -phile. In response to leftist actor Ben Affleck’s performance on Bill Maher’s show last week, American Spectator’s […]

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Hillary’s Valerie Jarrett in 2016

The 30-year plan for a Muslim takeover of the U.S. announced by Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader Yusuf al-Qaradawi in 1989 expires in 2020. Should Hillary Clinton be elected president in 2016 and retain Muslim Sisterhood daughter Huma Abedin as her close adviser, the end of Clinton’s first term would correspond with the end of that […]

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30-Year Muslim Plan to Control America has Six Years to Go

By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** Twenty-five years ago, Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader Yusuf al-Qaradwai traveled to America and unpacked his plan for a Muslim takeover that would begin one year later and take 30 years to complete. It included a key component and tactic known as Muruna. Like the Ebola virus, it […]

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Head of Huma Abedin Defender Ben Affleck Nearly Explodes when Liberal Comedian Confronts him with Truth about Islam

The firewall behind the forehead of liberal actor and Huma Abedin defender Ben Affleck was breached by Bill Maher and his guest. It was definitely red alert / all hands on deck inside Affleck’s cranium. Liberals are quite comfortable in the echo chamber of group think where all liberals are in lockstep but in this […]

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Georgetown University Professor equates ISIS with ISRAEL

Anti-Semitism apparently doesn’t fall far from the tree of convicted terrorist financier Sami al-Arian. His son – Abdullah al-Arian – has been caught tweeting that ISIS and Israel are essentially the same thing. In reality, Israel is fighting the Hamas wing of ISIS in Gaza. Washington Free Beacon’s Adam Kredo reports on the find: A […]

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Hillary’s Book Provides MORE EVIDENCE Huma Abedin a Stealth Muslim Brotherhood Agent

While broaching the subject in her book about the controversy surrounding her adviser Huma Abedin’s connections to the Muslim Brotherhood, which went mainstream a full year after those connections were discovered by Shoebat.com, Hillary Clinton has inadvertently provided more evidence that Abedin is a stealth agent for the Brotherhood. What may seem like a harmless […]

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Stealth Jihadist in Red Dress standing next to Hillary Clinton Still Ignored after being Caught on Video

The video of Jason Mattera confronting Hillary Clinton about Benghazi caught the attention of Bill O’Reilly but not for the reasons it should have. O’Reilly thought Mattera was disrespectful To Hillary while ignoring the close proximity to Hillary of a suspected stealth jihadist. It was like a police officer arresting someone for jaywalking as he […]

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Barack Obama IS a Muslim (No Joke)

Ain’t it funny that the only time the left-wing kooks are actually right about something is when they think they’re using satire? In this example, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews and a two-person panel are discussing the kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls when Howard Fineman sarcastically says that conservatives believe the reason Hillary went so soft on terrorism is […]

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Egypt Official: Sisterhood leaders may be Executed

Earlier this month, it was widely reported by Arabic sources, that the wife of Egypt’s ousted president Mohammed Mursi, pledged to lead a revolt. In words attributed to her, Naglaa Mahmoud said she was ‘organizing a coup against the coup’ in order to overthrow the current government. Perhaps not so coincidentally, a spokesman for Egypt’s […]

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Muslim Sisterhood Leader Influencing U.S. Elections?

In comments recently attributed to Muslim Sisterhood leader Naglaa Mahmoud – who is also the wife of ousted Egyptian president Mohammed Mursi – it might be worth taking a look at one excerpt we hadn’t really examined before. It has to do with her alleged claim that Barack Obama’s election and re-election was aided by […]

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Hillary: ‘Sisterhood’ needs ‘dialogue’ and ‘justice’

Hillary Clinton didn’t just invoke the language of Islamists while giving a speech to a national black sorority last night. She used a word that her former deputy chief of staff, who is Muslim, is likely quite familiar with. Huma Abedin’s mother is a prominent leader with the Muslim Sisterhood. Clinton, who like Obama, is […]

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