By Theodore Shoebat The Department of Justice, which is led by Attorney General Eric Holder (who was nominated by Obama), has ruled that federal agents are now prohibited from inquiring a person’s religion in the process of carrying out an investigation. This means, that when Muslims are investigation, their religion (Islam) cannot be put into […]
Tag Archives | obama
Patriarch Of Russia Calls Out Obama
The Patriarch of Russia has called out Obama for his support of the Muslim rebels in Syria. The Patriarch remarked that his measures in favor for the rebels has resulted in the deaths of Christians, he wrote: Our special concern is for the fate of the Christian population of Syria, which in that case will […]
Muslims Take Joy In Killing Innocent Man Without Mercy
Posted by Theodore Shoebat This man was killed in a horrendous way, without mercy by a mob of blasphemous Muslims devils who are absent of any affection or moral reason: After watching this, PLEASE DONATE NOW AND SAVE CHRISTIAN LIVES
Muslims Humiliate, Beat, And Tear Out The Mustache Of Old Man
Posted by Theodore Shoebat This video shows Muslims in Syria beating and humiliating a poor old man, even going so far in their cruelty to call him a “pimp” tear out his mustache. PLEASE DONATE TO SAVE CHRISTIAN LIVES
Heart Shattering Video Shows How Evil Islam Is To Christians
Posted by Theodore Shoebat Watch this video, and understand how oppressive Islam is to Christians in Syria. PLEASE DONATE TO SAVE CHRISTIAN LIVES
Muslims Murder Woman’s Husband, She Remarries, They Murder Second Husband
By Theodore Shoebat Muslims murdered the husband of a Christian woman in Nigeria, named Faith Kore Usman. When she got remarried, the Muslims murdered her second husband. As Faith explained it herself: My first husband, Davou Philip, was killed by Muslim Fulani herdsmen in Jol Village in Riyom Local Government Area in 2002 …I had […]

Obama: ‘If Distracted by problem, we’re not solving it’
Sometimes, a few short words say a lot. In 2007, during a presidential debate, during a discussion about drivers licenses for illegal aliens, Barack Obama piped up and said, “If we keep on getting distracted by this problem, then we are not solving it.” Nearly seven years later, that statement – perhaps more than any […]
Muslims Say “Jesus is a dog” And Throw Bags Of Urine At Christians
By Theodore Shoebat Last year a mob of Muslims surrounded a church in Indonesia, throwing rocks and frothing from their poisonous lips were their declarations of blasphemy. They hung up signs with demonic statements such as, “Jesus is a dog” and “Kill the Christians.” They threw rocks, dirt, and even bags of urine at the […]
Muslims Kill And Attack Over 451,000 Christians, In A Very Short Time
By Theodore Shoebat In an interview with Xinhua, Gregory III Laham, Patriarch of the Church of Antioch and all East, said that the violence in Syria has displaced 450,000 Christian Syrians and has butchered more than a thousand of these blessed saints. Everyone, these are the signs of a greater holocaust, the greatest in human […]
Muslims Disembowel Young Christian Boy
By Theodore Shoebat Muslim men, who are members of Boko Haram, have murdered countless Christians, and have recently gone so far as to disembowel a two year old boy named Miracle. The heretics broke into a Christian home and made a great slaughter. The father of the boy had this to say: I found out […]
Christian Man Gets Thrown Into Prison And Tortured By Corrupt Government
By Theodore Shoebat In just one month Pakistan has had three cases of so-called blasphemy. The Third is the case of Tariq Yousaf and Arif Yousaf who were both arrested in the village Thatha Faqir Ullah. When the police arrested Arif, his brother Tariq escaped, but he would not be in a state of liberation […]
Uganda Will Imprison People For Doing Gay Weddings
By Theodore Shoebat The crusade lives on… Uganda has now passed a bill which decrees that anyone conducting gay weddings will face imprisonment, and this deserves our emulation. It rightfully punishes anyone who “conducts a marriage ceremony” for sodomites with seven years of jail. The man who wrote the bill, David Bahati, said: This is […]
Muslims Force People Into Furnaces, Throw Children from Windows
By Theodore Shoebat A horrific massacre of unfathomable cruelty and grisly violence has just taken place by fundamentalist Muslims in the Syrian village of Adra in which innocent people were butchered and children thrown down windows. One survivor recounted: What is happening in Adra is unthinkable … Children are being slaughtered and thrown out of […]
Caught on Video: Obama’s Brother admits buying Girl
Does Polygamy, Underage Sex Slavery, and Wife-Beating Constitute a War on Women? Regular readers to our site are well aware of the multiple claims against Malik Obama, half-brother of President Barack Obama. Lost in these shocking discoveries, however, has been Malik’s preference for multiple wives. At least one of these wives was both purchased and […]
The Homosexuals Go After Duck Dynasty, While Preying On Children
By Theodore Shoebat The Sodomite nazis are going after Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty , simply because he pointed out a truth to the darkness of the sick, violent, and twisted mindset of homosexuals: Everything is blurred on what’s right and what’s wrong… Sin becomes fine. Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from […]
Muslims Murder One Year Old Boy, Including 90 Year Old Grandmother
Watch Theodore Shoebat on The Dove , talking about the horrific massacres taking place in the Muslim world against Christians. DONATE NOW AND SAVE CHRISTIAN LIVES