Tag Archives | pakistan blasphemy law christians

Satanist Cult In Florida Will Be Passing Satanic Literature To School Children To Indoctrinate Them On Satanism

By Theodore Shoebat A Satanist cult in Florida is planning on passing Satanic literature to school children in order to indoctrinate them on satanism. As a report tells us: The Satanic Temple has announced that it will provide pamphlets on Satanism to students in Florida, following the school board’s decision permitting the distribution of religious […]

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Phil Robertson: AIDS Virus Was Created By God To Punish Homosexuals

By Theodore Shoebat I find myself liking Phil Robertson the more he speaks on religious issues. Phil has yet again said something that everyone else is too afraid to say: AIDS was created by God to punish homosexuality. I absolutely agree! Phil said: I mean, a great question to ask is, ‘Why is it that […]

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Government Official, And The Israeli Government Say That Pope Francis Is Being Targeted For Assassination

By Theodore Shoebat Pope Francis is being targeted for assassination, said The Iraqi ambassador to the Holy See, Habeeb Al-Sadr. The ambassador said, What has been declared by the self-proclaimed Islamic State is clear – they want to kill the Pope… The threats against the Pope are credible. He continued to say: I believe they […]

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Muslims Take Christian Girls And Cut Their Breasts Off

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in the Middle East took Christian girls and cut their breasts off. Sister Hatune Dogan interviewed 280 girls and said that a number of them suffered this sort of mutilation, alongside rape and lacerations with blades. I did a video with some extensive commentary As a report from Katie Yoder says: […]

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Iraqi Officers Arrest ISIS Terrorists And Beat Them Up, ISIS Terrorists Scream For Mercy And One Cries For His Mother

By Theodore Shoebat A video found on American Military News , shows Iraqi officers beating up ISIS terrorists, and one of them begging for his mother: AFTER WATCHING, PLEASE CLICK HERE TO MAKE A DONATION THAT WILL SAVE CHRISTIAN LIVES

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JUST DISCOVERED: Video Of British Aid Worker David Haines Getting Beheaded

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat Shoebat.com just found the video done by ISIS showing the beheading of British aid worker, David Haines. The reason why we are showing this video is not for shock, but to teach a lesson: never trust Muslims, and never go to the Middle East without heavy security and you know […]

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Courageous Christian Men Realize That Another Genocide Of Christians Is Coming, Pick Up Their Guns To Fight Muslims And Say, “We are not afraid of any enemy”

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat A recent development to the Christian militias in Syria has come to my attention. They call themselves “Sutoro” and they are a very organized Christian militia consisting of mostly Syriac Christians. One of their mottos is “Our struggle is lightened by our martyrs,” and as one of the militants explained: […]

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Russian Government Bans Jehovah’s Witnesses Literature, And Deems The Watchtower Movement As Dangerous And Extremist Cult

By Theodore Shoebat The Russian government has banned Jehovah’s Witness literature, including their magazine, and deems the Watchtower Society as a dangerous and extremist cult. They are doing the same thing to Islamic literature as well. Good for Russia for squashing down these satanic cults. I did an entire video on this and it can […]

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Boko Haram Now Controls Chunk Of Land The Size Of Ireland

By Theodore Shoebat Boko Haram has now managed to control a chunk of land the size of Ireland. As Breibart tells us: Boko Haram has control of a swath of land the size of Ireland and the group’s leader, Abubakar Shekau, says he will rule the land as a caliphate in a fashion similar to […]

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Muslims Are Already Slaughtering Christians In America (Get Ready For More Persecution Of Christians In Your Own Country)

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims are already slaughtering Christians in America. Get ready for more persecution of Christians in your own country. In one of the recent murders almost totally ignored by mainstream media, a 19 year old Roman Catholic named Brendan Tevlin was shot to death by an African American Muslim named Ali Muhammad Brown […]

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Putin Wants To Ban Alcoholic Energy Drinks In Russia

By Theodore Shoebat Russian lawmakers want to revive a bill banning the sale of all low alcohol energy drinks in Russia, after has voiced his support for a ban on alcoholic energy drinks in Russia. Their active enthusiasm came after Putin said to Russia’s Lower House lawmakers: My position on the issue is most close […]

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ISIS Rapes Three Year Old Girls In An Open Market, And Forces Women To Divorce Their Husbands So They Can Be Sold Into Sex Slavery

By Theodore Shoebat ISIS is capturing and selling girls as young as three years old to be raped, being in accordance to their false prophet Muhammad who married a six year old girl himself. They are also forcing women to divorce their husbands so that they can be sold into sex slavery. The women are […]

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Muslims Force THOUSANDS Of Women Into Major Sex Brothel, And Place Veiled Muslim Women To Rule It As The Brothel Guard

By Theodore Shoebat ISIS Muslims have kidnapped and forced thousands of women forced them to be in a major sex brothel. On top of that, ISIS has placed veiled Muslim women, armed with weapons, to take charge over the brothel. This female division is called the ‘Al-Khanssaa brigade, and according to Melanie Smith, a research […]

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The Seven Biggest Myths About ISIS

By Theodore Shoebat In my years of studying Islam, and in the recent months observing ISIS, I have noticed that there are seven myths that are commonly and frequently said when talking about ISIS and Islam in general. I did an entire video dealing with each myth: PLEASE CLICK HERE TO MAKE A DONATION THAT […]

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Satanists Take Five Year Old Boy And Scoop One Of His Eyeballs Out With A Spoon, And Call Upon Satan To Reveal Himself To Them

By Theodore Shoebat A Satanist family cult in Mexico took their five year old soon, and the mother scooped the poor child’s eye out with a spoon, as they all called upon Satan to reveal himself to them. One report states: A Mexican family has been jailed for gouging out the eyes of their five-year-old […]

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Muslims Charge Into Church, Take Christian Man And Slash His Body With Knives, Cut His Knees All The Way To The Bone With An Axe, And Tell Him, “You must convert to Islam or else you will die a painful death.” Christian Man Says, “You can kill my body, but not my soul”

By Theodore Shoebat A horrifying story has come out of Nigeria. Boko Haram Muslims charged into a church in the village of Attagara; they hacked children to pieces, and slaughtered men and women. They took one 6 year old boy and threw him into a ditch, and were about to behead him when a Christian […]

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