By Theodore Shoebat
Tag Archives | Rescue Christians
Christian Woman Finds Her Husband Lying On The Floor, With Two Bullets In His Head
Posted by Theodore Shoebat A Christian woman in Iraq found her husband lying on the floor, dead, with two bullet holes in his head. It is a horrifying and very disturbing story that has been retold by her son, whose interview can be watched in this documentary on the persecution of Christians in Iraq: We […]
Muslims Butcher Thirty One Innocent People, Mutilating Them And Burning Their Flesh
By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in China detonated a suicide car bomb in the middle of a crowd in Xinjiang that cut people to pieces and brought about many fires. The Muslims butchered thirty-one people and injured over ninety people. One witness heard a dozen large explosions, as opposed to just one. Police have sealed the […]
Muslims Take Christian Man, Break Off All Of His Front Teeth, Break His Fingers, And Shoot Him In The Head Twice
Posted by Theodore Shoebat Please watch this video explaining how Muslims took a Christian man named Yusuf in Somalia, broke off all of his front teeth, broke his fingers, and then shot him in the head twice: Rescue Christians has just expanded into Somalia, and we have recently rescued our first Somalian Christian. We can […]
Muslims Chase Innocent Man At Full Speed With Car, And Then Murder Him (Video)
Posted by Theodore Shoebat Here is a video of Muslim jihadists chasing after an innocent man (believed to be an Iraqi soldier) in Iraq, and then murdering him in cold blood: PLEASE CLICK HERE TO MAKE A DONATION THAT WILL SAVE CHRISTIAN LIVES IN IRAQ, SYRIA, PAKISTAN AND SOMALIA
Muslims Murder Twelve Year Old Christian Girl
By Theodore Shoebat A Muslim terrorist in Nigeria detonated a number of bombs in the Christian section of the city of Kano, murdering 20 people, including a twelve year old Christian girl. Rev. Murtala Marti of the Evangelical Church Winning All said: The bomb attack occurred on Sunday night along Gold Coast Road in the […]
Muslims Slaughter 166 People, Mutilate Their Bodies, Burn Down Their Homes And Praise Allah
By Theodore Shoebat This week the Muslims in Nigeria slaughtered 145 people. They killed thirty people in the village of Shawa, 18 people in Alagarno and Bulakurbe, and another 118 in the Christian area of Jos. In the latter of the attacks, in the words of an eyewitness, “People were using wheelbarrows to move bodies […]

Arabia is Mystery Babylon, Janet Parshall discusses prophecy with Walid Shoebat
Walid appeared on In The Market with Janet Parshall to talk about why Saudi Arabia – not Europe – is Mystery Babylon. For some background on the specific topic during this portion of the interview, check out Walid’s article, Muslims Rebuild The Tower Of Babel (Shocking Research!) Islam, not Europe, is on the rise in […]
The Bloodiest Massacre Of Christians Is About To Arise
SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat The life of the Christian is as the life of Christ. It is a struggle. It is a struggle with the forces of evil, in which the light toils and labors for justice, and triumphs even under the force of wood, nails, crowns of thorns, and piercing lances, for “the […]
Muslim Mob Takes Christian Man, Hangs Him By His Feet And Severely Tortures Him
SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat A mob of 150 Muslims attacked a Christian man’s home in Pakistan, seized him and then severely tortured him by hanging him by his feat and savagely beating him with sticks. The Christian man’s name is Amanat Masih, and the attackers charged at him after he was falsely accused of […]
Assad visits Christian Village in Syria on Easter Sunday
Many of our readers remember the Syrian Christian village known as Maaloula from last year. It was raided by Muslim fundamentalists and inhabitants were terrorized, tortured, forced to convert to Islam, and even murdered. In one instance, as reported, a Christian man’s throat was slit after he refused to convert. The town, where the […]
Police Aid and Abet Rapists and Kidnappers of Christian Girls
It’s a common theme we see in Pakistan. Authorities with the ability to discern right from wrong often don’t have the strength of character to let their consciences be their guides. Christian women in Egypt are increasingly becoming the victims of such cowardice. According to a Fox News report, one 15 year-old victim was abducted […]
Muslims treating Christian Girls as Subhuman right now, without Consequence
We’ve brought you case after case of Christian persecution in Pakistan and elsewhere in the middle east but Christian girls are among the most vulnerable in Pakistan. In addition to there being no real freedom of religion in Pakistan, the forced conversion of Christian girls is met with collective apathy because, well, they’re Christian girls. […]
First Cable Network to expose Human Slaughterhouses in Syria
Regular readers know how difficult it has been difficult to get media outlets to pay attention to the Christian holocaust in Syria. Fortunately, One America News Network (OAN) is not one of them. Executive Director of Rescue Christians appeared on the Daily Ledger, hosted by Graham Ledger to talk about these heinous atrocities: PLEASE CONSIDER […]
The Muslim who Died While Rescuing Non-Muslims from Genocide, in Defiance of the United Nations
His name was Mbaye Diagne and in 1994, he saved hundreds of lives in Rwanda, including Marie-Christine Umuhoza, the daughter of the murdered Prime Minister Agathe Uwilingiyimana, who was also the first woman to hold that position in Rwanda. While Diagne was certainly going against an overwhelming current of genocide that claimed the lives of […]
Muslims Raiding and Seizing Christian Homes; Owners have no Recourse
Imagine leaving your home to go to work only to come home to find it seized by Muslims who threaten to kidnap you or your family members if you file a complaint. Those threats are viewed as legitimate because the courts charged with meting out justice don’t do their jobs. Welcome to how Christians are […]