By Theodore Shoebat 200 Muslims attacked the Cherebeen convent in Syria, but Christian militants protecting the premises fought back, slaughtered the Muslims and took the victory for Christ. One of the head Christian militants, named Sari, said: We stopped them and we killed them but Christian guys from Saidnaya also died in the battle… The […]
Tag Archives | syria
Muslims Demand Money From Christians, The Christians Say That They Don’t Have Money, Then The Muslims Steal Their Wives, Christians Get Enraged, Take Assault Rifles And Fight Off The Muslims
By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Iraq are demanding money from the Christians there, but when the Christians say that they don’t have money, the Muslims steal their wives. This type of violence is happening in the Christian village of Qaraqosh. A local shoekeeper said: They killed the Christians. They took money from them, and if […]
CAUGHT ON FILM: Muslims Brutally Torture And Beat Innocent Woman
A Newly released video filmed in Afghanistan shows a woman being brutally beaten. obtained a video showing the torture: And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. (Genesis 3:15) AFTER WATCHING THIS, CLICK HERE […]
Muslims Rape Christian Women, 600 Christians Take Up Arms And Make One Final And Heroic Stand Against Muslim Jihadists
By Theodore Shoebat After so much rape has been done against Christian women in Iraq, 600 Christians in Iraq have now taken up arms to make one final stand against Muslim Jihadists, members of the ISIS terrorist group, at the frontiers of the Christian settlement of Bartella on the outskirts of Mosul. These 600 Christians, […]
Stealth Jihadist says Caliphate a “Silly” Notion
Parvez Ahmed, the former national chairman of CAIR, a stealth jihadist organization masquerading as a civil rights group, is distancing himself from the claims of an Islamic caliphate by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, leader of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). One of the many problems with Ahmed’s credibility on such a topic […]
Brave Young Woman Escapes Five-Year Syrian Hell
Rania Farrah grew up in Saudi Arabia until her abused mother – an Australian woman who married a Muslim – fled to her home country when Rania was eight years-old. Rania’s life became somewhat normal and she was happy… until she was 13. As a new teenager, Rania was tricked by her father, abused mother, […]
Republican Congressman Blames Obama for ‘Policy Failure’ without Acknowledging his Support of the Policies that Failed
In a recent speech, House Intelligence Committee Chairman, Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI) attempted to defend his turf over the failures in Syria and Iraq. He maintains that the terrorists are making such huge gains not because of an ‘intelligence failure’ but because of a ‘policy failure’. That is actually quite true but what Rogers does […]
Lois Lerner Caught Granting Muslim Brotherhood front groups Tax Exempt status as far back as BUSH ADMINISTRATION
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** One of the reasons Republicans like Rep. Mike Kelly from Pennsylvania won’t come forward with the truth about Malik Obama’s tax exempt status and Lois Lerner’s role in it likely has to do with what she was permitted to do when a Republican president was in office. […]
State Dept Spokesman: Terrorism NOT on the Rise
There was a time when no one thought the “Baghdad Bob” schtick would get old. Well, thanks to the Obama administration, it’s as worn out as Light My Fire by the Doors. The latest incarnation comes from State Department spokesman Jen Psaki who, in response to a question about putting what’s going on in Iraq […]
George Clooney Stands Up Against The Islamic Persecution Of Christians
By Theodore Shoebat George Clooney is standing up against the current Islamic genocide of Christians by Omar al-Bashir, the Muslim ruler of North Sudan. In a newly written article, George Clooney and John Prendergast both reveal how Bashir is killing Christians and even other Muslims: If you care about religious persecution, Sudan is attacking Muslims […]
Obama Personally Negotiated Deal that allows Taliban Commanders to Freely Roam Qatar
Five of the worst Taliban terrorist commanders are right now roaming free in Qatar, despite assurances from the White House press secretary that any “threat potentially posed by the returned detainees was sufficiently mitigated”, as reported. The translation of that into English is that the deal was done because the Obama administration was confident […]
State Dept. Says Soldiers who Served with Bergdahl and Claim he’s a Deserter are LYING
State Department Jen Psaki must have needed a breather after trying to explain away the ridiculous decision to swap a deserter for five top Taliban fighters. Psaki said Bergdahl wasn’t a deserter. One day later, Psaki’s deputy, Marie Harf accused soldiers who served with Berdahl and said he was a deserter, are liars. In this […]
U.S. Ambassador Helps Stealth Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrators
U.S. Ambassador to Syria Robert Ford became Former Ambassador Robert Ford. So why did his ‘excellency’ quit? He feels that the Obama Administration didn’t do enough to remove the ‘dictator’ and ‘tyrant’ Bashar Al-Assad. He said that he could no longer support the Obama administration policy in that country. But Ford’s argument for the removal […]
Bergdahl, Taliban Prisoner Release Aids Syrian Rebels
By Ben Barrack As Americans are rightly outraged at the Taliban prisoner swap for deserter Bowe Bergdahl, perhaps it’s time to ask about why such high level Taliban terrorists were released to a place like Qatar. At minimum, it’s a moral victory for Syria’s rebels. These prisoners are not just terrorists; they are terrorist commanders […]
Jay Carney LYING about Threat of Taliban Terrorists
When White House Press Secretary Jay Carney was challenged about releasing five hardened Taliban terrorists to Qatar in the exchange for Bowe Bergdahl, he assured Chris Cuomo that there was nothing to worry about. About such concerns, Carney said: “…the threat potentially posed by the returned detainees was sufficiently mitigated… we do believe and have […]
Antichrist Turkey using Water as a Chemical Weapon
Water is a chemical weapon when it is withheld from people. Preventing thousands of people from having access to is chemical warfare. When Sarin gas killed people in Syria last year, it was the presence of the chemical that caused deaths. When people are murdered with thirst, they end up just as dead due to […]