By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Iraq murdered a number of people who worked in a bakery by cooking them in their own own ovens. One Iraqi resident, Muhammad Al-Said, said: The situation was terrible – with killing, atrocities, and fear as the background. Unidentified armed men came into town, but it was obvious that they […]
Tag Archives | syria
Pro-Iran Jeremiah Wright supporter vs. Anjem Choudary
Dr. Randy Short supports Iran and has defended Rev. Jeremiah Wright, referring to him as a ‘man of God’. As such, he supports Bashar al-Assad in the latter’s war against the Islamic Front. Salafist and prominent U.K. Islamic cleric Anjem Choudary is a Sunni who supports the rebels. If you enjoyed Alien vs. Predator, you […]
Christians Heroically Kill 65 Jihadists And Destroy Their Mosque (Amazing Footage)
By Theodore Shoebat and Walid Shoebat A small band of Christians have formed an army to fight and kill jihadists who attack the holy sites of Syria. This is an incredible story of heroism, of how a few men can defeat entire armies, and it has never been reported before in the English language, until […]
Syria: WE WERE RIGHT, The World was Wrong
Honestly, we’re freakin’ tired of being vindicated while the wacko birds in power are continuously proven wrong and continue to have credibility. Senator John McCain (RINO-AZ) is a prime example. He’s so bad that he’d make Wrong Way Feldman blush. When the debate over who launched the chemical weapons attack in Syria last August was […]
Obama Hates Christians
By Theodore Shoebat The actions of the current administration indicates that Obama hates Christians. The Obama administration singled Christian nuns who are part of the Little Sisters of the Poor, because they refuse to capitulate to Obama’s forceful edict that they pay for abortion-causing pills and contraception. The Supreme Court has granted the nuns a […]
New Information Reveals That Obama Administration Covers Up For Muslim Terrorists
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack The Obama Administration has been seeking to dialogue with The Islamic Front which comprises six major Islamist rebel groups. And in doing this, they have been covering up for Muslim terrorists. Secret documents which have been circulating the Middle East media for some time, reveal that Saudi Arabia, instead […]
Muslims To Christians: “O Christians: Convert to Islam and you will be safe.”
By Theodore Shoebat When Muslim fighters entered the village of Maaloula, one of the oldest Christian villages in history, they made this proclamation: O Christians: Convert to Islam and you will be safe. Abu Sarkis, a leader in the National Defense Committees, told Al-Akhbar of what the Muslims said after this command was said: Afterward, […]
Muslims Shove Crucifix Into Christian Man’s Chest
By Theodore Shoebat Yesterday I wrote about how two Christians in Syria, Fadi and Firas, were attacked by five Muslims, and that Fadi was beheaded as soon as the attackers saw that he was wearing a cross. Now, from a report from Agenzias Fides we know that after the Muslims decapitated Fadi, they took the […]
Obama Administration Rules That Muslims Cannot Be Profiled Because Of Islam
By Theodore Shoebat The Department of Justice, which is led by Attorney General Eric Holder (who was nominated by Obama), has ruled that federal agents are now prohibited from inquiring a person’s religion in the process of carrying out an investigation. This means, that when Muslims are investigation, their religion (Islam) cannot be put into […]
Patriarch Of Russia Calls Out Obama
The Patriarch of Russia has called out Obama for his support of the Muslim rebels in Syria. The Patriarch remarked that his measures in favor for the rebels has resulted in the deaths of Christians, he wrote: Our special concern is for the fate of the Christian population of Syria, which in that case will […]
Muslims Humiliate, Beat, And Tear Out The Mustache Of Old Man
Posted by Theodore Shoebat This video shows Muslims in Syria beating and humiliating a poor old man, even going so far in their cruelty to call him a “pimp” tear out his mustache. PLEASE DONATE TO SAVE CHRISTIAN LIVES
Armenian Christian Murdered For Refusing To Convert To Islam
By Theodore Shoebat According to, an Armenian Christian named Minas was murdered in Syria after refusing to convert to Islam. He was executed by the Islamist group, Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, in one of the Aleppo prisons controlled by the group. It is because of martyrs and persecutions like these that […]
This Story Will Melt Your Heart, But Will Compel You To Take Action
Everyone, read the words of this Christian man from Syria, that recount how his father and sister were murdered and burned by Muslims. Read this story, and realize how tormenting, unendurable, and horrifying the life of a Christian is under the Islamic yoke. The author’s name is Kamil Toume, and this is the story: ‘In […]
Muslims Kill And Attack Over 451,000 Christians, In A Very Short Time
By Theodore Shoebat In an interview with Xinhua, Gregory III Laham, Patriarch of the Church of Antioch and all East, said that the violence in Syria has displaced 450,000 Christian Syrians and has butchered more than a thousand of these blessed saints. Everyone, these are the signs of a greater holocaust, the greatest in human […]
Muslims Force People Into Furnaces, Throw Children from Windows
By Theodore Shoebat A horrific massacre of unfathomable cruelty and grisly violence has just taken place by fundamentalist Muslims in the Syrian village of Adra in which innocent people were butchered and children thrown down windows. One survivor recounted: What is happening in Adra is unthinkable … Children are being slaughtered and thrown out of […]
Prince Charles: Christianity Is Beginning “to disappear”
By Theodore Shoebat The killing of Christians is getting so bad that even Prince Charles is speaking about it, he fears that Christianity is beginning “to disappear”. At this point, he is more righteous than Obama, or most of American politicians in this regard. Prince Charles made some important and revealing statements on the current […]