Tag Archives | syria

Associated Press: Assad may not have launched Weapons

Yesterday, Barack Obama told a couple of adoring sycophants in Judy Woodruff and Gwen Ifill the following about the use of chemical weapons in Syria: “We have concluded that the Syrian government in fact, carried these (chemical weapons attack) out.” One day later, The Associated Press (h/t WZ) reported something a bit different: The intelligence […]

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Is Obama about to create his own Vietnam?

By Keith Davies World War Two was the last major war America has chosen to win. Every other war the United States has fought since then, we have decided to lose in the halls of Congress or to mass hysteria from the left that destroys the single purpose of winning any war. Winning elections at […]

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Benghazi is why Obama can’t be trusted on Syria

Today, Barack Obama told media sycophants Judy Woodruff and Gwen Ifill of PBS, that his administration had ‘concluded’ that Syria’s Bashar Al-Assad had used chemical weapons on his people. Of course, sycophants never do their job, which is why these two met their unassailable leader with adoring eyes instead of adversarial questions, which is what […]

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John Brennan, the CIA, and Chemical weapons Propaganda

As a result of various reports today which allege that U.S. spies are certain Assad used chemical weapons because of intercepted communications, we received email about our report, Evidence: Syrian Rebels used Chemical Weapons (not Assad). To be clear, at the time we posted that article, all the evidence we could find implicated the rebels; […]

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Enemy Agents or Cowards? Politicians should come clean

As we approach the twelfth anniversary of the attacks by Muslim Brotherhood-inspired jihadists on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, our leaders have either forgotten or have switched sides. Today, far too many of our elected officials want to side with… Muslim Brotherhood-inspired jihadists in Syria despite the fact that only 9 percent of the […]

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Nazi-Style Propaganda from the Obama Administration

By Keith Davies Watching the US media today – along with the Chief of propaganda John “Goebbels” Kerry, we are watching a classic case of Nazi-style aggression against another country without any concrete proof of the use of weapons of mass destruction by the accused party. “Undeniable evidence” has not been shown to us just […]

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If Bush lied then Obama is Lying now

By Keith Davies As events unfold in the Middle East and our dear leader Barack Hussein Obama through Mr. Purple Heart himself John Kerry, tells us that there is “undeniable” evidence that Bashar al-Assad’s regime used weapons of mass destruction on innocent civilians. The “undeniable” evidence is conveniently “classified”. The UN has not said there […]

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Did the Saudi Harlot Proposition Putin over Syria?

Harlots are emotional wrecks. They are very irrational and borderline schizophrenic. When one takes a look at Saudi Arabia, that country has many of the same characteristics, to be sure. For example, it supports Muslim Brotherhood expansion all over the world financially but is siding with the Egyptian military’s effort to defeat the Brotherhood. In […]

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When is it OK to Blame Bush?

By Ben Barrack While it’s accurate to say that the Barack Obama administration has been overplaying the ‘Blame Bush’ card for years now, there’s something Bush didn’t do that has allowed members of the legislative branch to get in bed with America’s enemies. After 9/11, Bush committed a grave sin of omission. He failed to […]

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Where in the World has the U.S. Gone? Muslim Mad!

By Bob Michael LAPD Police Detective Capt. (Ret) I have been working on a story after receiving many inquiries as to why there would be a marriage between Communist Bolsheviks (Obama), Islam (Obama) and the Muslim Brotherhood (Obama). I found Walid’s recent article very convincing as to the evidence overwhelmingly pointing to the Syrian rebels/Muslim […]

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Biblical Nugget on Damascus

By Walid Shoebat Note: We have received several requests asking about what the latest developments in Syria might mean from a Biblical perspective. So, here are some of my thoughts. We can sense the beginning signs for the fulfillment of Isaiah 17’s destruction of Damascus when we witness the embryo forming with the influx of […]

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Evidence: Syrian Rebels used Chemical Weapons (not Assad)

By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack Recent news of a chemical weapons attack in Syria smacks of desperation. The question comes down to who is most desperate right now, the Assad regime or the Muslim Brotherhood rebels? Consider that since June, Assad’s forces have been winning. According to a CBS News report from last month, […]

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Bill Cunningham interviews Walid

Talk show host Bill Cunningham had Walid back on his Sunday night national show to talk about the latest in Syria amidst reports that a strike on the Assad regime is allegedly imminent. Once again, the Obama administration’s interests are clearly in line with those of the Muslim Brotherhood. Is it a good thing to […]

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Jerry Doyle interviews Walid

Walid was interviewed recently by Jerry Doyle about the latest goings-on in Egypt and Syria, as well as who the U.S. should be supporting in the Middle East. Additional topics included a discussion about the Muslim Brotherhood, its objectives, and methods of operation. Toward the end of the interview, Shoebat made reference to Barack Obama’s […]

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Syrian rebels McCain supports executes young boys

Syrian rebels have done it again. They’ve justified their cause by executing two young boys at point blank range. These are the forces supported by jailed Muslim Brotherhood leaders in Egypt who the Obama administration is wanting released. When Senators John McCain (R-AZ) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) went to Egypt recently, they pleaded for the […]

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‘Persecuted’ Syrian Rebels Slaughter 120 Children

If you ever want to see an example of propaganda, just watch any Democratic or RINO politician in America talk about the Syrian rebels. Those politicians ignore the persecution of Christians and they ignore stories like this. Via FNA: According to al-Alam, terrorists attacked villages in Tal Abyad, near al-Hasakah governorate, killing civilians including women […]

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