Iraq’s Foreign Minister has insisted that he is powerless to stop weapons transfers from Iran to Syria across what’s been called an ‘air bridge’ over his country. However, Hadi al-Ameri, Iraq’s Transportation Minister, who has been implicated in the 1996 Khobar Towers bombings (among other things), has expressed loyalty to Iran’s Ayatollah in the past. […]
Tag Archives | syria
Syrian Rebel Lobby supported by McCain, Rubio
By Ben Barrack Syrian rebels have a friend in Mouaz Moustafa, Executive Director of the Syrian Emergency Task Force (SETF). As such, those Syrian rebels have a friend in Senators John McCain (R-AZ), who sings Moustafa’s praises, and Marco Rubio (R-FL). SETF is essentially a D.C. lobbying arm for those Syrian rebels McCain and Rubio […]
John McCain: Next Ambassador to the Muslim Brotherhood?
Senator John McCain (R-AZ) doesn’t have much left to do to shore up his pro-Muslim Brotherhood bonafides. In politics, that “R” next to McCain’s name is like an affirmative action hire for a Democratic president who is ideologically aligned with the Brotherhood’s every move. He’d make the perfect ventriloquist dummy ambassador for the Obama administration […]
The Beheading of Christians is Now Confirmed
By Walid Shoebat Many asked me as to the name of men beheaded in a video and I did not know at the time. But I analyzed the video and it was obvious that one of the men was dressed in a Roman Orthodox habit when the scum-bucket butcher slaughtered him. Now we know who […]
G8: Putin rips the West for supporting Cannibals in Syria; West… has… no… Coherent… Response
As the leaders of western nations remain mired in a toxic tank of groupthink that says Syria’s Bashar al-Assad must go and that if you disagree, you’re a heartless and ridiculous twit who doesn’t know anything, Russian President Vladimir Putin explained that it’s the rebels who are making Assad’s supporters heartless – by eating them […]
How Christians in Syria celebrate the Resurrection of Christ
The Christians in Syria believe that there was an earthquake when Jesus rose and the stone was removed from the tomb. So they make this noise to emulate the sound – God, Gun, and Country style. In Syria, it’s part of the liturgy. As soon as the priest says, “Al-Maseeh Qam” (Jesus has risen), the […]
Liberalism Is Pure Evil
Theodore Shoebat on multiculturalism and tolerance. Follow me on Facebook Twitter Get the latest book, For God or For Tyranny
Mass Execution of people by Syrian Jihadists
McCain wants to help these people — this video helps us see just how corrupt this government has become since it is now supporting these very murderers: Posted by Theodore Shoebat Follow me on Facebook Twitter
Syrian Jihadist Eats Human Flesh In The Name Of Allah
By Theodore Shoebat Our predictions of cannibalism on the rise are becoming more and more true. First Al Azhar University decreed that it was permissible to cannibalize enemies of Islam, then human sacrifice was being promoted by Safwat Hegazi, then a Syrian rebel grilled a man’s head, now we have actual footage, recently released, of […]
Video: Did Geraldo implicate Hillary in another Benghazi Lie?
Geraldo Rivera, one of Fox News Channel’s resident leftists – who also thinks he can do talk radio – told the Fox and Friends crew today that his sources informed him that the U.S. was funneling shoulder-fired missiles out of Libya to Syria through Turkey. That last part about going through Turkey is very important […]
Audio: Walid’s interview with Bill Cunningham
On Sunday night, Walid was interviewed by Bill Cunningham on Bill’s nationally syndicated program. They discussed current events in the Middle East as well as what is likely to happen in the future. Is it a good thing to be afflicted with Islamophobia? Get the new book from Walid Shoebat, The Case FOR ISLAMOPHOBIA: Jihad […]
Obama administration further Allying with Pro-Hitler Sheikh?
The Muslim Brotherhood’s spiritual leader – Yusuf al-Qaradawi – is calling for every Muslim to engage in the war against Bashar al-Assad in Syria, even to the point of telling Muslim children they do not have to get parental consent to do so. This would put the Barack Obama administration squarely on the side of […]
Video: Leaders of Al-Qaeda in Yemen and Syria from same clan as former ‘person of interest’ (Saudi) in Boston
As Walid wrote about here, Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi, the 20 year-old Saudi student who was briefly a ‘person of interest’ in the Boston marathon bombings, comes from a clan that is home to several Al-Qaeda members and former Gitmo detainees. In the case of Muhammad Atiq Uwaid Al-Awufi Al-Harbi (#73), he became the leader […]
Is John Kerry putting his In-laws’ family in danger by helping Syrian rebels?
There is much at stake for both sides in the war taking place in Syria. For the Turks and the Muslim Brotherhood, taking Syria would be a monumental victory for the neo-Ottomans who seek a return of the caliphate. For Iran, such a scenario would mean a major defeat. For all intents and purposes, Assad’s […]
Getting closer to why the U.S. Continues to support Syrian Rebels
Before checking out Diana West’s article entitled, Uncle Sam and the Saudi Crescent, consider op-eds penned by former president George W. Bush and his former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice last year; both were bizarre. In May, Bush expressed his continued support for the ‘Arab Spring’ and then in November, Rice continued arguing in support […]
Video: Smoking, Eight year-old Syrian Rebel learns how to blow things up while shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’
Apparently, Syrian rebels are breeding their children to become little smoking terrorists. In this case, the child is eight years-old and carries around a rifle while blowing things up and chanting ‘Allahu Akbar’ as he does so. Via Ynet: He was meant to start school, learn how to read and write and meet friends. Instead […]