When viewed through the prism of the Benghazi Consulate Special Mission Compound and C.I.A. annex, this news is indeed interesting. Via New York Times: With help from the C.I.A., Arab governments and Turkey have sharply increased their military aid to Syria’s opposition fighters in recent months, expanding a secret airlift of arms and equipment for […]
Tag Archives | syria
Syrian Rebels elect former leader of CAIR as first Prime Minister
As if we needed more proof that the mainstream media is either willfully blind – relative to western civilization’s Islamic enemies – or complicit in aiding and abetting them, here it is. As Syria’s Bashar Al-Assad has been getting creamed in the propaganda war, the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood rebels, which are far more barbaric than […]
The Promotion of Human Sacrifice and Cannibalism in Egypt
Walid and Theodore Shoebat The promotion of ritual human sacrifice and cannibalism has been a topic of discussion on two Egyptian TV programs recently. On Al-Tahrir Egyptian TV advisor Ahmad Abdo Maher, discuses the high-school curriculum issued by the highest religious authority in Egypt, Al-Azhar University, which encouraged students to cannibalize apostates and Muslims who […]
An increasingly disturbing Trend with Marco Rubio
Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) has long been considered a Tea Party favorite and a young champion of conservatism who is on the short list of 2016 Republican presidential candidates. The problem is that he seems to be accumulating a long train of very questionable positions / behaviors. Most recently, Rubio called for sending arms to […]
Turkey’s Prime Minister Erdogan employs interesting propaganda strategy with Syria and Israel
The Muslim Brotherhood’s Syrian rebels are murdering innocent civilians but still are still being portrayed as righteous fighters by the western media. Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is on their side. As such, it would make sense for him to exploit any advantage he may have over Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad. What to do… […]
Did Senator accuse Barack Obama of Manslaughter in Benghazi?
It’s now a matter of record that Barack Obama made no phone calls during the many hours that transpired during the 9/11/12 Benghazi attacks. What’s also now a matter of record is the fact that Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) – whether he realizes it or not – seems to have made the case for Obama’s […]
Video: The John Brennan puzzle is slowly being pieced together
Folks, don’t look now but the pieces of the Benghazi puzzle are starting to come together. Check out this video from Tom Trento – the same guy who interviewed John Guandolo last week about John Brennan’s alleged conversion to Islam. Before scoffing at the conversion, ask yourself if Brennan HAD converted to Islam, would he […]
Video: Rand Paul says he believes Obama administration involved in ‘Gun Running operation… in Benghazi’
Save for Republican Senator Rand Paul, the Senate Foreign Relations committee blew the opportunity to find out what was really going on in that Benghazi annex before the 9/11 attacks. Here is Paul on Fox News, talking about some strong evidence that weapons were being shipped from that annex to Turkey. When Hillary Clinton played […]
Time to call David Petraeus back to Testify about Hillary not knowing if CIA Annex involved in Gun Running?
Yesterday, when Senator Rand Paul asked Secretary of State Hillary Clinton if the CIA Annex in Benghazi was being used as a hub for gun trafficking to Turkey and other countries (Syria), Clinton initially directed Paul to the CIA to have his question answered. She ultimately said “I do not know” after being pressed. Even […]
Audio: House Speaker John Boehner knows something about CIA Annex (and he’s not telling)
Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) appeared on Laura Ingraham’s radio show and discussed the testimony of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton relative to the Benghazi attacks on 9/11. At the end of this clip via the Daily Caller (h/t Diana West), Boehner addresses the question asked of Clinton by Rand Paul, which involved whether or not […]

Did Hillary commit Perjury… twice in one day?
In two otherwise pathetic performances by Republican congressmen – save for a few exceptions – who laid down like subjects in front of Queen Hillary, there were two exchanges – one during the Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing and the other during the House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing – where the Secretary of State may […]
Obama’s Reelection Simply Means More Power To Islamists
By Theodore Shoebat With Obama’s inauguration for his reelection, many people are exalting him as another Martin Luther King Jr., and a voice for social equality. But is this event really worth celebration? No. Obama’s policies has only made the West lose control of the Middle East, and this will only lead to the formation […]
Video: Rebels in Damascus rally to call for Islamic Caliphate
Turkey’s leaders must be smiling like cheshire cats. h/t WZ
Egyptian Cleric: Jews will be gone from the earth when Mahdi comes
As the West attempts to split hairs when determining if Islamists with this view are part of al-Qaeda or not, the words of Islamists like this fall on deaf ears. His idea of victory is for the earth to be uninhabited by a single Jew. Understand how history repeats itself with today’s persecution of Christians […]
Report: Egypt’s Morsi considering alliance with Hezbollah
If this report is accurate, it indeed demonstrates the lengths to which warring Islamic sects will go to align against the West. Egypt’s Mohammed Morsi is allegedly expressing an interest in working with Hezbollah to fight against Israel, if his ambassador to Lebanon is any indication. Via Times of Israel: Egypt’s ambassador to Lebanon said […]
More Rocket Science: Syrian Rebels announce plans to implement Sharia when Assad falls
Those who were adamant that Bashar al-Assad should be removed (John McCain and Lindsey Graham, for example) have some ‘splaining to do. Via Digital Journal: Jabhat Al Nusra has emerged as the most powerful fighting group amidst the Syrian rebel opposition. The Islamist group has outlined its plans to impose sharia law once President Assad […]