One could argue that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has directed more anger at the anti-Muhammad film – that the administration has pointed to for causing the riots, acts of war, and murder in the Middle East – than she has toward the rioters and murderers themselves. In fact, Clinton called the film “disgusting and […]
Tag Archives | talk radio
Audio: Walid’s interview with Bill Cunningham on WLW
Walid recently appeared on the Bill Cunningham show to discuss the U.S. Embassy attacks in the Middle East as well as the true motivations of the 9/11/12 attackers. Via 700 WLW:

Huma Abedin’s Defenders Outed
Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack Much has happened since Reps. Michele Bachmann, Louie Gohmert, Trent Franks, Lynn Westmoreland, and Tom Rooney fired off those five letters to various Inspectors General back on June 13th. Based on all that has transpired to this point, we thought it a worthy endeavor to chronicle the individuals / entities […]
Predictable: Left blames Michele Bachmann for Sikh Temple shooting
Now that the Sikh Temple shooter – Wade Michael Page – has been identified by multiple news sources as a neo-Nazi, the Los Angeles Times writes in the very first sentence of this story that Page associated with ‘right-wing extremists’. Leftists are using twitter to blame the likes of Michele Bachmann and Rush Limbaugh. If […]
9/11 Truther Alex Jones has a new target – Angelina Jolie
First, where Alex Jones is right. In the video below, the conspiratorially-minded talk show host rightfully calls out Angelina Jolie (assuming he has her positions on Libya and Syria correct). If Jolie supported the NATO action in Libya and supports similar action in Syria, we are in mutual agreement. The problem is where Jones goes […]
The Pack of Wolves that want George W. Bush Dead
By Walid Shoebat Dennis Miller, with his typical comic wit, once asked me, “Why can’t Muslim terrorists be just like us, wanting to live and just get laid”? I responded by saying, “Are you kidding me? They die to get laid.” Take Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari, the Muslim terrorist who was recently convicted for acquiring materials […]
Smoking Guns: Why Rush Limbaugh was Right about Hillary and Huma
Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack Was Rush Limbaugh right when he discussed Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin, criticizing the Secretary of State for her Deputy Chief of Staff’s familial ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and the close relationship between Huma’s mother and Egypt’s new first lady? Think Progress refers to Limbaugh’s claims as ‘baseless’. First, […]
Rush Limbaugh picks up on Huma Abedin story
Yeah, it’s true we were not cited as the source but the important thing is that Rush Limbaugh used his mega-sized megaphone to get the word out. Here is the transcript, via RUSH: I checked the e-mail during the break, “You were going to tell us about Egypt.” I am going to tell you […]
Bill Press channels Meathead when ripping National Anthem
Proof the left hates America and proof that Bill Press channeled Michael “Meathead” Stivic (played by liberal whack job Rob Reiner) on his talk show. First up, earlier this week, liberal socialist, marxist, commie pinko, whacko Bill Press ripped this country’s national anthem, the Star Spangled Banner. His argument? It’s “un-singable,” it’s “an abomination,” and […]
Alex Jones is helping Islam and Russia
Radio talk show host Alex Jones was leading protests against the Bilderbergs this past weekend and whenever he’s calling attention to the mysterious European New World Order bunch, he’s taking it away from Islam, which is precisely what the Muslim Brotherhood wants – less attention. Cliff Kincaid over at Accuracy in Media adds to this […]
2007 Flashback: MSNBC Host explains why he won’t Criticize Muhammad
It’s what we all know but few on the left ever admit; criticism of Islam is off-limits because of fear. This is a fascinating piece of audio in light of how Islam has risen in the world since current MSNBC host, Lawrence O’Donnell made a shocking admission nearly five years ago on Hugh Hewitt’s radio […]
Righteous Liberal Journalist Defends Walid against CNN
Righteous Liberal Journalist, Abigail Romaine, Defends Walid against CNN Click here for audio clip: