Tag Archives | terrorists

My Post - 2021-05-13T204012.155

Benjamin Netanyahu Makes This Warning To Israel: ‘Mob Violence Is More Dangerous Than Hamas’

By Theodore Shoebat Benjamin Netanyahu just recently made the warning that the mob violence which has been taking place in Israel is more dangerous to the country than Hamas or any other outside threat, which makes sense since Hamas — while being a force of destruction — is not an existential threat, whereas internal strife […]

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Islamic Terrorists Bomb Civilian Airport From the Sky, Causing Panic and Flight Cancellations

Islamic terrorists who go by the name ‘Libya Dawn’ have carried out a bombing campaign on a civilian airport in western Libya. Once again, the name game is played here. The truth is these fighters are no different than other terrorist groups like ISIS. It was recently learned that ISIS joined with Ansar al-Sharia. No […]

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VIDEO: Savage ISIS Mobs Stomp and Kick Three Men To Death, then Tie Their Bodies to Backs of Motorcycles and Drag Them Through Streets

The savage murders of defenseless people in ISIS-controlled territories continues. Today, you can add the surrounding of three people by Muslim mobs who then proceed to stomp and kick them to death. When they are dead, the bodies are tied to the backs of motorcycles with chains and dragged through the streets. The three victims […]

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Terrorist Who State Department Spokesman Says is a Christian is Funded by Muslim State Sponsor of Terrorism Who Obama’s Brother Worked For in Sudan

After State Department spokesman Marie Harf embarrassed herself by suggesting that ISIS terrorists needed jobs to prevent them from becoming terrorists, she doubled down, as Shoebat.com reported but she also did something unbelievably egregious. While appearing on Morning Joe, Harf invoked the name Joseph Kony as an example of a Christian terrorist. Doing so was […]

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Kayla Mueller was an Anti Israel activist and human shield for Palestinian Terror Groups

Shoebat Exclusive by Lee Kaplan expert on Palestinian terrorism and the ISM Kay Mueller was allegedly killed by the Jordanian air raid attacks according to ISIS who held her hostage. The truth of how Kayla Mueller, 26, died may never be discerned. However, the myth that she was wonderful altruistic young woman needs to be […]

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“Muslim Terrorists are not Muslim” according to one liberal ostrich

Howard Dean who also happens to be a medical doctor which might lead you to believe he might have an ounce of intelligence, exposes that not only has he no intelligence, but he also has no common sense. Watch this video of his comments on today’s atrocity in Paris The biggest problem we have today […]

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After Terrorist State Pledges to Deport Terrorists, Those Terrorists Say They’re Not Going Anywhere

Before the year ended, it was learned that Qatar had pledged to deport Hamas terrorists to Turkey, including Khaled Meshaal as part of its effort to ease relations with Egypt and other Arab Gulf states, as Shoebat.com reported. Qatar has made such empty promises before, as it did after the overthrow of Mursi as President […]

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U.S. Military Takes Out Slew of Muslim Terrorists

If you have the time, worth the watch. U.S. military taking the time to rid the world of dozens of Muslim terrorists. Note how instead of laying waste to the entire tent village, pilots go to great pains to only target individuals with weapons. As the likes of Hamas builds tunnels underneath hospitals, schools and […]

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Western Leaders Are In OVER THEIR HEADS with Islamic Jihadists and MUST COME CLEAN

THREE TERRORISTS FEDS WANT YOU TO IGNORE By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** Everyone knows that when you’re in the human intelligence business, you have to engage and deal with dirty characters. What happens, however, when those dirty characters who double as informants, spies or human intelligence assets commit heinous crimes? Do their […]

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Muslims Murder Innocent School Students in Pakistan

With the recent news of the heinous terror attack perpetrated by Muslims against schoolchildren in Pakistan, we bring you a report from one of our Rescue Christians contacts on the ground: Islamabad, Pakistan 16th Dec, 2014 – Six Islamic terrorists stormed a school in Pakistan on Tuesday 16th Dec, 2014, killing at least 137 people, […]

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Obama ADMITS To Defending Islamic Terrorists

In the days after Egypt’s President Mohammed Mursi was removed power last year, a White House petition was started that called on the Obama administration to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization. Sixteen months later, we finally have a response. It reads (h/t DC): “We have not seen credible evidence that the Muslim […]

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CNN Turns Muslims Into Victims After Terror Attack on Synagogue

Sorry folks, CNN gets no leniency here. There is no way this was an accident. We have already been informed by an unimpeachable source that CNN has been in collaboration with Muslim Brotherhood front groups in the past. The latest infraction is particularly despicable. In the moments after a Synagogue in west Jerusalem was besieged […]

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New York Opera Glorifies Palestinian Terrorists who Executed Elderly, Wheelchair-Bound Jewish Man

The New York Metropolitan Opera is planning to do something very despicable in the name of art. Beginning in October, it will be featuring an opera that reaches a new low in moral equivalency. The death of a wheelchair-bound Jewish man at the hands of Palestinian terrorists is reportedly justified by pointing to Israel’s supposed […]

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Terrorists Express Solidarity with Muslim Brotherhood while saying they Reject Muslim Brotherhood

An expression of solidarity with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt is the holding up of all four fingers without the thumb. It signifies opposition to the crackdown on the Brotherhood at Rabaa Al-Adaweya in Cairo last August. That’s what makes the video below a bit confusing. The video, shot in Cairo on August 14th, features […]

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John McCain Scared by Obama

Senator John McCain is outraged at the release of five Taliban terrorist commanders in exchange for deserter Bowe Bergdahl. Seemingly not lost on the Senator is the gravity of this release and the implications of it. In his own words, he said the five that were sent to Qatar have the “blood of thousands” on […]

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Lying State Department Spokesman says Bergdahl not a Deserter

Even the attempt to use legalese doesn’t get State Department spokesman Jen Psaki off the hook on this one. When asked during a press briefing if Bowe Bergdahl is a deserter, Psaki ignored the question while describing how the Obama administration does view Bergdahl – as “a member of the military who was detained while […]

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