By Ben Barrack As Americans are rightly outraged at the Taliban prisoner swap for deserter Bowe Bergdahl, perhaps it’s time to ask about why such high level Taliban terrorists were released to a place like Qatar. At minimum, it’s a moral victory for Syria’s rebels. These prisoners are not just terrorists; they are terrorist commanders […]
Tag Archives | terrorists
Jay Carney LYING about Threat of Taliban Terrorists
When White House Press Secretary Jay Carney was challenged about releasing five hardened Taliban terrorists to Qatar in the exchange for Bowe Bergdahl, he assured Chris Cuomo that there was nothing to worry about. About such concerns, Carney said: “…the threat potentially posed by the returned detainees was sufficiently mitigated… we do believe and have […]
Muslim Brotherhood Caught Trafficking Terrorists while Obama Still Refuses To Call Them Terrorists
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** Obama refuses to identify the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization, while the same jihadist organization is currently and continuously participating in blatant acts of terrorism, to include bomb making. In a shocking admission, Egyptian General Abdel Fatah el-Sisi has claimed that in the days prior to […]
In Gitmo, Spare the Rod, Spoil the Jihadist
When leftists, useful idiots, and stealth jihadists in the U.S. cry about abuses at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, they’re absolutely right; abuses are taking place there every day. It’s just that the abusers are the inmates and the abused are the guards. There is perhaps no better anecdotal evidence of the sides chosen by the Obama […]
Terrorist-Supporting Muslims Express Support for British Prime Minister’s position on Syria
By Ben Barrack In a hate preaching demonstration outside a London mosque, terrorist-supporting Muslims – led by Anjem Choudary – demanded the release of terrorists like the “Blind Sheikh”, who was convicted for his role in the first World Trade Center attack. At one point, one of the protesters angrily denounced the Shias for supporting […]
While Obama Helps Jihadists, He Kills Christians
By The Persecuted Christian As we have already pointed out in part 1 that the persecution of Christians in the Middle East is accelerating and nobody is paying attention. The rise in Islamic militancy is a byproduct of the Arab Spring and Christian minorities throughout the Islamic world are facing threats that until now, are […]
Muslims Kill 115 People, Burn 1500 Buildings And Destroy 400 Vehicles
By Theodore Shoebat In just one attack on Wednesday, Muslims in Nigeria have slaughtered 115 people, put 1500 buildings to flames, and destroyed 400 vehicles, according to Al Jazeera . The Muslim jihadists who organized the slaughter, Abubakar Shekau, released a video message in which he said: The reason I will kill you is that […]
Obama sending Gitmo Terrorists back to Sudan
There are four – count ’em, four – countries on the U.S. State Department list of State Sponsors of Terrorism. Not only is one of them Sudan but that country is led by the Muslim Brotherhood’s Omar al-Bashir, a man wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for crimes against humanity. Nearly two years ago, […]
Young Man Rescues Hundreds Of People From Being Killed By Jihadist
By Theodore Shoebat A brave young man named Aitazaz Hassan Bangash, sacrificed himself in order to save the lived of hundreds of his school mates. When a jihadist holding a bomb attempted to enter the school, Aitazaz confronted him, and wrestled him down to the ground. The would-be-bomber panicked and then detonated the bomb, killing […]
Terrorists kill with SUV, Muslims say it’s not Terrorism
What would you call driving an SUV through a crowded area, murdering two people with that SUV and then setting it ablaze in a final act of suicide? Most people would call that terrorism. Muslims in the area where the terrorists were from say it was not and that the act was justified because women […]

Ansar Al-Sharia IS a Terrorist Group (Addendum to ‘Egypt Involved in Benghazi Attacks’)
Ansar al-Sharia is a jihadist group that was ultimately blamed for the terrorist attack that resulted in the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi on 9/11/12. Authors’ Note: Though the report below may be viewed as a stand-alone body of work, we introduce it as Addendum A to Ironclad: Egypt Involved in Benghazi Attacks. This […]
“Merciless Indian Savages” of the 21st Century
By Ben Barrack Operation Fast and Furious was a gun-walking operation run by the Barack Obama administration’s Justice Department and ATF that involved intentionally arming savages in Mexico who’ve left a trail of dead bodies in their wake. On the rebel side in Syria’s civil war are savages who have committed unspeakable acts. Yet, the […]
Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA) attacks FBI for Identifying Terrorists but defends IRS for Profiling Tea Party Leaders
Earlier this month, when Tea Party leaders testified in front of the House Ways and Means Committee about being profiled by the IRS, Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA) essentially told them that they should expect to be profiled when applying for tax-exempt status. Now, McDermott has complained to FBI Director Robert Mueller for the FBI having […]
Algerian Hostage: Kidnappers came and Murdered ‘in the name of Islam’
Every once in a while, the liberal media prints something that torpedoes all that it seems bent on defending. While the details of the attack on a gas plant in Algeria have been slow in coming, one of the hostages was quoted by the New York Times as saying the following: One Algerian who managed […]
Zion’s Strength Will Always Defeat Terror and the Agents of Satan
Click here for the media clip: Courtesy of Israel National News The Fogel family was brutally murdered by Arab Muslim terrorists exactly three months ago, but the real Jews of Zion always know how to respond. If you wish to support the community of Ithmar click here.

Sisterhood List and It’s Defined Goals
THE SISTERHOOD LIST AND DEFINED GOALS In Al-Liwa Al-Arabi, it defines the roll of Muslim Women in the Muslim Brotherhood: “The sources acquired by The Arab Brigade for information and documents regarding the most serious international body of the prohibited Brotherhood organization—The Muslim Sisterhood. This [branch] comes directly after the secret service of the Muslim […]