Tag Archives | trinity

Muslims Take Young Girls And Force Them Into Sex Slavery, Slaughter All Of The Men, Cut Off Their Heads And Put Them In Cooking Pots, Force The Women To Watch, And Drain Blood From The Women To Make Them Physically Weak

By Theodore Shoebat ISIS has now further shown how truly their religion is. A recent story exposes this. They captured numerous women and men, separated them, and slaughtered the men. They cut the men’s heads off, and placed them on cooking pots or even stood on top of them, and forced the women to watch. […]

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Muslim Jihadists Attack Two Schools, And Brutally Slaughter Thirty Small Children

By Theodore Shoebat Muslim jihadists attacked two schools in Syria, placing two bombs in each campus, detonating them and slaughtering 39 people, 30 of whom were small children. Its an absolute tragedy and a horror to even imagine. As read in a report: A pair of bombs ripped through a school compound Wednesday in the […]

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Turkey Is Already Converting Major Christian Churches Into Mosques

By Theodore Shoebat Turkey is already converting churches into mosques. They have already converted the ninth Hagia Sophia church into a mosque. As we read from one Russian report: The Hagia Sophia Church in Eregli (the Greek form is Heraclea) has become the ninth Hagia Sophia Church converted into a mosque by Turks over recent […]

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ISIS Plans On Sending Muslims Infected WIth Ebola Into America To Infect And Kill Americans

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE Theodore Shoebat and Walid Shoebat ISIS threatened the United States, and the allies to spread the Ebola virus, within those states, if continues to wage war on the organization inside Syria and Iraq. ISIS explained that among the viruses that its members can “synthesize and produce” are “Ebola and Corona”. ISIS also said, […]

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Muslims Resist Russian Police, Russian Police Officers Then Arrest Thirty Muslims Right After Their Friday Prayers In The Mosque

Theodore Shoebat Russian police officers in Moscow arrested thirty Muslims after their Friday prayers in the mosque. One report gives us more detail: In Russia’s capital city Moscow, Russian police arrested a Muslim man as he was coming out of a mosque before his Muslim friends took him from the police vehicle. After this, Russian […]

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Muslims Slaughter Fifteen People And Brutally Injure Another Forty

By Theodore Shoebat Muslim jihadists in Iraq slaughtered 15 and injured another forty people in a car bomb attack. As we read a report: A car bomb near pet and vegetable markets in Baghdad killed 15 people and wounded another 40 on Wednesday, Iraqi security and medical officials said. Several cars were damaged in the […]

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Muslims Take Christian Family, Force The Son Into Slavery, Brutally Beat The Wife In Front Of The Husband, And Horrifically Torture The Husband And The Entire Family

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Pakistan took an entire Christian family and enforced them into slavery, laboring in a brick kiln. They took the son in order to send him into another brick kiln, and when his parents resisted the captors, they brutally beat the mother in front of the husband, and then […]

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Antichrist Nation Of Turkey Is Getting Closer To Invading Syria And Iraq

Theodore Shoebat As I have said before, Turkey will enter into Syria under the pretext of bringing stability to the nation. Now Turkey is moving closer to entering Syria and Iraq under the title of intervention. As we read from one report: BAGHDAD—Turkey’s government edged closer Tuesday to direct intervention in the conflicts in Syria […]

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Shooting Range In Arkansas Bans Muslims From Entering In Its Premises

By Theodore Shoebat A shooting a range in Arkansas has banned Muslims from entering its premises. As we read from a report: Jan Morgan, who owns The Gun Cave Indoor Shooting Range in Hot Springs Arkansas, announced the ban by posting her 10 reasons on her official website. The conservative blogger and NRA-certified Firearms Instructor […]

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The Vatican Again Calls For Military Attack Against Islamic Jihadists

By Theodore Shoebat The Vatican has again called for military attack against Islamic jihadists, as we read in a report: A high-ranking Vatican official is calling on the United Nations to use force to protect religious minorities in Iraq and Syria from the onslaught of the Islamic State. Vatican Secretary of State Pietro Parolin addressed […]

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The Only True Baptism Is Done Under The Holy Trinity, Anything Else Is Satanic And Antichrist

By Theodore Shoebat The only true Baptism is done under the Holy Trinity, anything else is satanic And antichrist. I did an entire video of this exposing the heresies people are preaching to cause spiritual and theological anarchy: AFTER WATCHING, PLEASE CLICK HERE TO MAKE A DONATION THAT WILL SAVE CHRISTIAN LIVES

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Those Who Demand That We Do Not Celebrate Christmas And Easter Because It Is Pagan, Are Part Of A Cult

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat Some of the most enthusiastic, charitable and zealous people I’ve ever met are Messianic believers, and I will always hold to this view. This article is not against them at all, but against a radical sect that is lurking about searching for anyone it can devour. Amidst the billowing smoke […]

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Muslims Promote Antichrist One-World Religion In Brutal Plan To Kill Christians

By Theodore Shoebat There are two kingdoms, one of pure light and the other of pure darkness, and as all of humanity bears witness, the glimmering brilliance of the dawn’s awakening foretells which one shall gain the victory, with the borders of Heaven meeting and giving comfort to the miserable earth. Amongst the ranks of […]

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Jihadi Teacher Instructs denial of Holy Spirit

If you ever needed an example of why Muslims hate Christians, the video below should more than provide it. Westerners who do not understand that the goal of Islam is to completely erase national borders and put the world under a “New World Order” (our apologies to the Alex Jones crowd who see the Bilderbergs […]

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Muslims To Christians: “Your money is for us to take, your wife is for us to sleep with, and your children are for killing.”

By Theodore Shoebat This is the message that a Syrian man received from Muslims: Your money is for us to take, your wife is for us to sleep with, and your children are for killing. His father was kidnapped by Muslims and was in captivity for a week until the Syrian army rescued him. The […]

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Muslims Attack Cab Driver, Pull Him Out Of His Car And Behead Him

By Theodore Shoebat Recently, a Coptic Christian cab driver named Aziz was driving down the road when a Muslim noticed that he had a cross hanging from his rear view mirror. This vexed the demonically possessed souls of the heretics, and within moments the devils surrounded his car like the reprobates of Sodom, pulled him […]

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