Tag Archives | trump

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The Kurdish Deal With Syria Might Lead To Trump Doing A Military Withdrawal Out Of Syria, Which Will Only Empower Turkey

Syria’s new rebel government has made a deal with the YPG (now known as the SDF). The Kurdish force has agreed to relinquish its control over its territory in Syria’s northeast and to integrate themselves with the Syrian military. As we read in AP News: Syria’s interim government signed a deal Monday with the Kurdish-led […]

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Iranian Nationalism, The Destruction Of Israel, And The German-Persian Alliance

By the Shoebats “We hear the shouts of the world-eating Jews from the throat of the Saudi king … Our missiles will rain down on our enemies. Our Sejjil Missiles will drop in the heart of Tel Aviv. The voice of Heydar [Ali] will prevail from the Kaaba. This is the Shia flag that will […]

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Right-wing nationalist demonstration in Germany

53% Of Germans Agree: “Americans cannot be trusted”

By Theodore Shoebat In a recent poll taken by the European Council on Foreign Relations, 53% of Germans agreed: “Americans cannot be trusted”, revealing a more widening gap between the US and Germany. As we read in a report by Steven Pifer: Opinion surveys show that German citizens share these questions about America. In a late […]

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biden trump

The Biden Administration Is Now Defending Donald Trump

Trump is getting defense from the most unlikely entity: the Biden administration, as we read in Reuters:  Former U.S. President Donald Trump may have an unlikely ally to defend him against lawsuits alleging he incited the U.S. Capitol insurrection: President Joe Biden’s Justice Department. The Biden administration paved the way for that possibility, say constitutional […]

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biden covid

The Biden Administration Reveals: US Intelligence Suspects That Covid Came From A Lab

The Biden administration just recently revealed that an element within the intelligence community suspects that covid came from a lab, and that an ongoing investigation has been taking place to see if came by human contact or by a leak from a lab. As we read in Fox News: An administration official told Fox News […]

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Benjamin Netanyahu Makes This Warning To Israel: ‘Mob Violence Is More Dangerous Than Hamas’

By Theodore Shoebat Benjamin Netanyahu just recently made the warning that the mob violence which has been taking place in Israel is more dangerous to the country than Hamas or any other outside threat, which makes sense since Hamas — while being a force of destruction — is not an existential threat, whereas internal strife […]

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Left-wing Fanatics Get Arrested For Smearing Pig’s Blood And Leaving A Decapitated Pig’s Head On The Home Of Witness Who Defended Derek Chauvin

  In another example of how low Leftists are willing to go, three women in California smeared pig’s blood and leaving a decapitated pig’s on the home of a defense witness for Derek Chauvin, as we read in Fox News: Three suspects were charged and released weeks after allegedly smearing pig’s blood on a northern California home […]

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The Manipulation Of Blacks To Hate The Police Is The The Spirit Of Rebellion And The Revival Of Nimrod

Hatred for the police abounds in the political atmosphere of America. The black cause is being manipulated as a means by which to stoke up revolt against law enforcement. This strategy of rebellion — wherein the criminal is elevated and the law enactor is despised — will advance criminality and encourage lawlessness. The rebellion is […]

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Erdogan Announces That 18,000 Migrants Are Now Heading Towards Europe And In A Few Days The Number Will Jump To 25,000 Or 30,000

By Theodore Shoebat It looks like another migrant crises is in the making with the president of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, announcing that 18,000 migrants are heading towards Europe and that the number could increase to 25,000 or 30,000. According to the BBC: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says 18,000 migrants have crossed Turkish borders […]

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The Ancient Cathedral Of Notre-Dame Has Been Engulfed In Flames And Is Now Being Destroyed By Fire. Was This A Deliberate Attack?

By Theodore Shoebat It is a sad day for us Christians, seeing such a monument of Christianity’s beauty and triumph, destroyed by flames. The fire has only been so far “potentially linked” to the renovation of the building, and currently this is being suspected as an accident. Nonetheless, so far we do not emphatically know […]

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Western Civilization Is Not Great Because You’re White

By Theodore Shoebat There is an idea that has been becoming something of a trend amongst the Right-wing, and that is that “Western civilization” is great because its native inhabitants. These people wish to make things about biology and genetics as opposed to spirituality. Here is the video: Click Here To Donate And Help Spread […]

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