Until the majority of political leaders become more like this man and less like Michael Bloomberg, for example, Islam will continue to make incremental gains with the subtle intimidation that comes with creeping sharia. It’s a reward / punishment dynamic that far too many western leaders relent to instead of seeing Islamic scorn as a […]
Tag Archives | turkey
Egypt’s Elections and where the Middle East is headed
Walid Shoebat Raymond Ibrahim presents an accurate picture of the condition in Egypt’s elections: “as the Western mainstream media fixate on images of purple-stained fingers—it is well to remember that there is much more at stake in Egypt’s elections than the mere “right” to vote.” He adds: Bear in mind that this is not the […]
Report: 58% of Turks Religious Bigots
Imagine if 58% of Germans didn’t want to live among Jews and 40% of them didn’t want to live among Christians in post-Nazi Germany. Now, replace the word “Germans” with “Turks” in post-Armenian genocide Turkey. Via Times.am (h/t Free Republic): Today head of the Armenian science department of “Noravanq” educational foundation, expert on Turkey Alistakes […]
Turkish Commentator’s wishful thinking: Leftists and Islamists all one big happy family
Walid Shoebat Mustafa Akyol is a Turkish political commentator who seems to be either fooling himself or others by implying that the left and Islam can coexist when their common obstacles are out of the way (Mubarak, Gadhafi, Ben Ali). The problem is that history doesn’t support that notion. Via the Dallas News: For years, […]
The Case of Democratic Congressman Bob Filner and the Gulenist movement
This entry is a separate follow-up to this post from last week. In particular, it focuses on the ties of Democratic Congressman Bob Filner (CA-51) – who is currently running for mayor of San Diego – to the Fethullah Gulen movement as well as the degree to which he is beholden to that movement. The […]
The 60 Minutes Whitewash of Fethullah Gulen
This is a follow-up to the two-part post I put up last week. Before continuing, you might want to read that first because in addition to the 60 Minutes piece on Fethullah Gulen, it also includes an update on the Democratic Congressman, Bob Filner, who has connections to the Gulenist schools and is running for […]
Fethullah Gulen’s Movement to be featured on 60 Minutes; San Diego Mayoral candidate beholden to Gulenists?
This is essentially a two-part post having to do with separate developments relative to Turkish Imam Fethullah Gulen. First, set your DVR for this week’s installment of 60 Minutes as Leslie Stahl will be doing a feature on Gulen. Via Donna Garner at Education News: I do not know whether this Sunday’s 60 Minutes TV […]
Duh. Egypt holds less favorable opinion of U.S. now than before Arab Spring
In our ‘you don’t say’ post of the day, the Muslim outreach by the Barack Obama administration seems to be having an effect directly opposite to that championed by its proponents. Via NBC News: The United States has given billions of dollars to Egypt in recent decades, but research published Tuesday by a major think […]
Paging John McCain… (again)… Muslim Brotherhood now most powerful Syrian opposition group
This is a bit of a continuation from yesterday’s post, where Republican Senator and self-identified “maverick,” John McCain, insisted that the U.S. arm the Syrian rebels because they’re a “repudiation of Al-Qaeda.” Reuters is now reporting that the Muslim Brotherhood – the umbrella under which al-Qaeda resides – is the most dominant group among the […]
CNN Contributor: Secularism in Turkey is dead
Walid was roundly ignored when he warned about what was happening in Turkey several years ago. In 2006, during an appearance on Glenn Beck’s Headline News program, Walid warned that Islam was on the rise in Turkey and that secularism was in danger of being thrown into the dust bin. Now that it’s already happened, […]
Vice President Biden seeks to Reward Brutally repressive Turkey
Yet another reason for leftists to ask themselves a question. If progressive leaders are the champions of human rights, why do those leaders consistently reward those who champion retrograde ideologies? Unfortunately, when it comes to very inconvenient truths for those leftists – like Joe Biden speaking at a $2,500 / plate fundraiser held for the […]
Turkey trying to block Israel from NATO Summit; State Department silent
Last month, State Department spokesman Victoria Nuland would not recognize Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel. Now she is refusing to respond to questions about Turkey’s attempts to block Israel’s participation in the NATO Summit to be held in Chicago next month. Via CNSNews: Taking advantage of NATO’s decision-making-by-consensus, Turkey is working to block Israeli […]
Stratfor tackles the issue of Turkey’s Strategy
We often talk about the Biblical import of Turkey and have been warning about its rise for quite some time. George Friedman has an excellent piece that examines the geopolitics in the region generally, as well as Turkey’s strategy specifically. Via Stratfor: Turkey is re-emerging as a significant regional power. In some sense, it is […]
Report: Turkey now at the top of the Honor Killings list
Does anyone think it’s just a coincidence that honor killings in Turkey have gone through the roof since the fall of that country’s secular government over the last ten years? Now, Turkey is allegedly way ahead of Pakistan when it comes to honor killings. Via Europe News: To educated Muslims, honor killing has nothing to […]
Syria’s Assad forces reportedly fired on Refugee camp in Turkey
It’s being reported with greater frequency that the fighting in Syria has spilled over into both Turkey and Lebanon. The tensions between Turkey and Syria – and by extension, Iran – are expected to continue escalating as long as Assad is in power. Via Haaretz: Shots were fired Wednesday morning by Syrian forces toward a […]
Senator John McCain doubles down on being wrong; wants to arm Syrian Rebels
For some reason, John McCain continues to double down on a strategy that would put the Muslim Brotherhood in power in Syria by calling for the arming of Syrian rebels. Via The Hill: Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) visited a Syrian refugee camp on the Turkey-Syria border Tuesday, as they accused the […]