When it comes to the House Select Committee on Benghazi, there simply cannot be enough healthy skepticism. Those who optimistically assumed the appointment of Rep. Trey Gowdy as Chairman would ensure success are the ones who could use more. In addition to all of the concerns Shoebat.com raised early on, the antennae of the man […]
Tag Archives | turkey
Obama Caught by Twitter Using Stealth Muslim Brotherhood Tactic while Describing ISIS as ‘Not Islamic’
Exactly one month ago, Barack Obama stood in front of the American people and told them a bald-faced lie when he said, “ISIL is not Islamic”. He said this not because it was true but because stealth Muslim Brotherhood agents in the U.S. needed him to say it. Just five days prior to his speech, […]
Turkey’s Prime Minister offers to Fight ISIS if U.S. helps build a Bigger Caliphate
Turkey’s Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said in an interview that his country will send ground troops against ISIS in Syria “if others do their part.” This is clearly a reference to the removal of Bashar al-Assad. Davutoglu argued for a “comprehensive” strategy to prevent another terrorist group from replacing ISIS if the latter is destroyed. […]
Antichrist Turkey Calling for Ground Troops Against ISIS in Kobane part of larger plan
The Syrian town of Kobane, which sits along that country’s border with Turkey, has become a key strategic area to help carry out Turkey’s deceptive plan. The Islamic State is making huge gains in Kobane and the surrounding northern border region against the Kurds. Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdogan is calling for ground troops to […]
Antichrist Turkey Funding Research of Physics Professor who wants to build Jewish Concentration Camps
By Walid Shoebat A physics professor in Turkey wants to build death camps for Jews in his country. One month after making his wishes known, his research was awarded government funding. Ali Ihsan Goker is yet another symptom in a very real and growing problem in Turkey. That Goker is able to call for the […]
U.S. Vice President Joe Biden Calls President of Antichrist Turkey to Apologize for Telling the Truth about Turkey helping ISIS
The world is upside down when telling the truth is considered a gaffe. Vice President Joe Biden is known for gaffes but when he spoke at Harvard University recently, what he said shouldn’t have been considered one; but it was. As a result, Biden apologized to Turkey’s lying President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for actually telling […]
Bachmann Shows more Guts than Most Men as ISIS Features her in Latest Video
Last week, as Shoebat.com reported, Rep. Michele Bachmann gave a speech at the Values Voters Summit that included language most – if not all – men wouldn’t use. She referred to the fight America is engaged in today as “spiritual warfare” and identified Islam specifically when describing it. As a result, Bachmann made the cut […]
Turkey’s LYING President wants U.S. Vice President to Apologize for Telling the Truth
It’s not very often that U.S. Vice President Joe Biden gets something right but he did during a speech at Harvard University this week. While explaining how ISIS grew out of Al-Nusra and al-Qaeda in Iraq after finding open space in eastern Syria, Biden did something few American politicians do; he dropped Turkey in the […]
ISIS Beheads Another Sympathetic Leftist with Poor Judgment
ISIS has beheaded four Westerners on video – two Americans and two Brits. In each case the victims appear to have been either leftists or individuals who were sympathetic to Syria’s rebels. The latest victim is Alan Henning, a Brit who went so far as having a tattoo on his arm that expressed solidarity with […]
Muslim Enemy Using Charm to Deceive Retired U.S. Military Pilots in Congress
There are no fewer than two former U.S. military pilots in the U.S. Congress who couldn’t be more wrong about America’s enemies. One is Senator John McCain, who blindly supports Syria’s rebels and the Muslim Brotherhood. The other is Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) who, despite his obvious intelligence and patriotism does not have the eyes […]
Prophecy Unfolding on future Turkish Invasion of Egypt
Report today from Israel Nationals News Daniel 11: 43 – 45 43 He shall have power over the treasures of gold and silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt; also the Libyans and Ethiopians shall follow at his heels. 44 But news from the east and the north shall trouble him; therefore he […]
American Greed and Cover-up the Reasons Why American Politicians Prostituted Themselves to Antichrist
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** During a recent interview with Michael Savage, Walid was delivering rapid fire answers to very hard questions. There was one question he admitted to having no answer for; he simply couldn’t explain it. That question was: Why do so many American politicians support the Muslim Brotherhood, Turkey, […]
Muslim Leader who Reveres Turkish Leaders that Desire Caliphate will Lead Lecture at Prominent U.S. Law School
Once considered an institution of excellence in higher learning, Yale Law School is exhibiting a high degree of empty-headedness by welcoming a foreign Muslim Brotherhood leader to head a lecture there. His name is Rachid al-Ghannouchi and like other Brotherhood figures, he benefited greatly from the ‘Arab Spring’ and he heads the Ennahda Party in […]
Russia’s Support to Iraq against ISIS will come with Eye on U.S. in Syria
The Obama administration continues its tacit admissions that it was wrong a year ago as Russia pledges to support the fight against ISIS in Iraq. This puts Russia and the U.S. on the same side of the fight when last year, the two countries were on opposing sides. In Syria, the U.S. is fighting the […]
Michael Savage Talks Turkey With Walid Shoebat
Though Walid’s recent interview with Michael Savage involved a discussion about current events and ISIS, you’ll definitely find the map below helpful as you listen. We are truly witnessing a major geopolitical chess match and Walid ties it all together. As the U.S. launches air strikes on ISIS and Syria, something much bigger is taking […]
ISIS Helping to Drive Deeper Wedge between Turkey and China
The notion of the Islamic State / Caliphate announced by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi should be viewed as a preview for what the neo-Ottoman Turks want – a Caliphate that will dwarf al-Baghdadi’s version. When it comes to the Ottoman Caliphate these Turks wish to resurrect, there is absolutely an eye on northwestern China. In particular, […]