If you’re an American who thinks there is a leadership vacuum on your continent, take a look north of your border; that vacuum may be getting filled in Canada. The Prime Minister there is playing hardball with the Palestinian Authority. Via Arutz Sheva: Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper personally intervened to pressure Palestinian Authority Chairman […]
Tag Archives | United Nations
That didn’t take long; Race-Baiting congressman says Susan Rice being attacked because she’s black
A mere hours after President Barack Obama defended Susan Rice in response to a question about Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham pledging to block her nomination as Secretary of State, Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) played the race card. We predicted that this very thing would happen. Rice, the United States ambassador to the United […]
Video: Obama admits that Susan Rice was Sent, not Sought, to speak on Sunday talk shows about Benghazi
The Weekly Standard’s Daniel Harper finds something cleverly hidden in plain sight here. It also might help explain why Barack Obama doesn’t like to answer tough questions; he reveals more than he’d like to even when he’s doing all he can not to. At an otherwise predictably controlled news conference, Obama was asked by ABC’s […]

Saudi King pushing for Blasphemy resolution at United Nations
If you want to know why the Muslim world pointed to the Innocence of Muslims video, here is Exhibit A. It was used as an excuse to push international bodies and national governments to criminalize speech. Walid was actually able to trace back the origins of this particular effort soon after the attack on the […]
Even Liberals Recognize Obama as a ‘Black Muslim’
Keith Davies Just headlined in the mainstream media is Madonna’s official endorsement of President Obama’s second term at a concert in Washington, D.C. last night. Despite her Kabala interests and so-called support of Israel, she has no problem with Obama’s anti-Israel actions in the recent few weeks and years. What was even more interesting was […]
9/11 Truther Alex Jones has a new target – Angelina Jolie
First, where Alex Jones is right. In the video below, the conspiratorially-minded talk show host rightfully calls out Angelina Jolie (assuming he has her positions on Libya and Syria correct). If Jolie supported the NATO action in Libya and supports similar action in Syria, we are in mutual agreement. The problem is where Jones goes […]
Video: Let’s talk about Women’s rights in the Middle East
As the left wing feminist movement and U.N. groups continue to launch complaints about Zionist abuse of women, Islamic countries seem to get a pass when they should be receiving the most scorn. If you don’t think we’re dealing with misplaced indignation, watch this. Sent in via We are Synonymous. **CONTENT WARNING**
Turkey’s Prime Minister accuses United Nations of backing Bashar Al-Assad
The divide between Turkey and Syria’s Assad government continues to widen. Turkey is supporting the rebels in Syria and the longer this drags on, the more likely it will be for this Turkey / Syria divide to continue. Via Reuters: Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan accused the U.N. Security Council on Tuesday of indirectly supporting […]
Video: The Groveling to Afghanistan continues
It should be patently obvious to any rational human being (yeah, I know, they’re hard to find these days) that these incessant, shameless and yes, groveling apologies to Afghanistan over the Qur’an burnings have nothing whatsoever to do with being compelled to admit a wrong. They have everything to do with cowardice. The only thing […]
It’s time to ask why Turkey supports Intervening in Syria
Note that Russia is standing by Syria’s Assad and Turkey is denouncing him. Remember, Turkey supports the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood. When the Islamist government that controls Turkey supports the overthrow of a dictator, it’s time to question motives. I wrote about whether or not the West should support Assad’s removal. The main reason […]
UN Secretary-General visits Gaza, welcomed with Shoes and Rocks
UN Secretary-General Ban ki-Moon took a trip to Gaza and while his convoy meandered through the streets, it was pelted with shoes and rocks. Via Arutz Sheva: An angry crowd hurled shoes and stones at United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s convoy as it entered Hamas-run Gaza on Thursday. The crowd also struck the vehicles with […]
Why the Latest Israeli-Palestinian Peace Talks Have No Chance
The preliminary peace talks between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in Amman were suspended. Here’s why. When it comes to the Palestinian-Israeli peace talks, rule #1 is that the core issue regarding the conflict is not about land. Newt Gingrich touched on this when he said that the Palestinians are “an invented people.” […]
A Whiff of Sanity: Congressman fights against Funding his country’s own Destruction
The United Nations Refugee and Works Agency (UNRWA) provides textbooks to educate Palestinian children. Since the United States has been responsible for the lions share of funding that goes to UNRWA, it would be logical to expect that these books would be pro-American. Uh, not so much. Not only are they not pro-American but they […]
U.S Ignores Hillary Clinton’s Powerful Aide Huma Abedin at Its Own Risk
A CIA/FBI agent was responsible for creating the first al-Qaeda training manual from classified military sources. Ali Mohamed covertly moved up through the ranks undetected until the Egyptian-born al-Qaeda spy was finally discovered. Though arrested in 1998, Mohamed’s whereabouts and legal status remain unknown. Fort Hood jihadist Nidal Malik Hasan benefited from the same faulty […]
The Man With Bloody Hands
Original Article Here From NY Post Posted: 10:36 PM, April 26, 2011 Bashar al-Assad! You’ve just murdered hundreds of your countrymen in an attempt to keep power. What are you going to do next? “I’m going to join the UN Human Rights Council!” It’s mind-boggling but true: Syria is up for a seat on the […]