ISIS has released another video of a British man who appears wearing what looks like an orange jumpsuit. The video is different from ones previously released as it includes a three minute statement from John Cantlie (ironic spelling of last name), a British journalist who was kidnapped by ISIS back in July of 2012 (h/t […]
Tag Archives | video

New York Times Writer Applying CPR to Benghazi Video
By Lynn Woolley David D. Kirkpatrick may be the Seth Borenstein of the Benghazi Islamic video. He won’t give it up. The New York Times’ Cairo Bureau Chief is out with yet another article claiming that the video – the key point in Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton’s deflection of the attack as a political […]
Bill Maher: There is no ‘Smoking Gun’ Email in Benghazi Scandal
According to ‘comedian’ Bill Maher, there is no ‘smoking gun’ email in the Benghazi scandal and the attack actually was the result of a video. Maher completely contradicted this blatantly transparent attempt to defend the Obama administration in the same show when he made the argument that ‘Islam is the problem’. Fortunately, one of the […]
New Evidence Links U.S. Federal Government to FILMMAKER behind Benghazi Fiasco (Shocking)
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** The explosiveness of a ‘smoking gun’ email from a White House Deputy who directed then U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice to blame a video for the Benghazi attack is missing an essential link, a U.S. Federal informant. The man who made the inflammatory movie himself – Nakoula Basseley […]

Benghazi a pre-planned Movie Narrative?
Thanks to declassified documents from testimony given by military officials to the House Armed Services Committee, we now know that the attack on the U.S. Special Mission Compound (SMC) was identified as a terrorist attack within minutes. We also know that then Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and Joint Chiefs Chairman Martin Dempsey were both […]
Muslims Take Joy In Killing Innocent Man Without Mercy
Posted by Theodore Shoebat This man was killed in a horrendous way, without mercy by a mob of blasphemous Muslims devils who are absent of any affection or moral reason: After watching this, PLEASE DONATE NOW AND SAVE CHRISTIAN LIVES

Benghazi WAS about a Video
Why I was contacted by Anti-Muhammad Filmmaker By Walid Shoebat The controversy over the anti-Muhammad video the Obama administration attempted to blame for the attack in Benghazi on 9/11/12, resurfaced recently when an exhaustive New York Times piece doubled down on the involvement of that video. In his December 28, 2013 piece, Cairo Bureau Chief […]
Khalifah (Caliphate) to the World
Click here to view the video: The media ignores the Islamic fundamentalist growth and how it is already the majority thinking in many Muslim countries and on the verge of also being the majority in the whole of the Muslim world. In this propaganda video the evidence is apparent that Islam is a massive […]
The Caliphate – The Imams Say, “The West Ignores Us At Their Own Peril!”
This video was published on Hizb ut – Tahrir supporter on You Tube, shows many of the most important Imams throughout the Sunni Muslim World that recognize the Caliphate and End Times. You will also see their confirmation from their own mouths that Islam is a political movement as well as a religion. Click here […]
A 180 on Anderson Cooper 360: CNN’s Agenda-Driven Journalism Against Walid Shoebat Exposed
In 8 minute video report exposing the lies and slander of CNN, as well as the unprofessional unbalanced report. Watch out for a much greater response to the CNN hatchet job over next few months. We will keep you posted! A 180 on Anderson Cooper 360: CNN’s Agenda-Driven Journalism Against Walid Shoebat Exposed CNN has […]
Persecution of Ex-Muslim Converts to Christianity in Egypt
This is small segment of “Persecution of Christians in Egypt” documentary broadcasted by UK’s channel 4 approximately 3 years ago. Click here to view the video clip:
US Patriot Explains the Difference Between Good and Evil
A short explanation including a prominent story that happened in Israel about compassion and crazy double standards. The first video is the explanation, the second video has the news report recorded in Israel about the incident he speaks about… Click here for the video clips:
Hate of Arabs and Muslim in Orange County: The Propaganda of CAIR Exposed
We have the official CAIR video Southern California showing “Hate comes to Orange County.” The video tries to label counter Jihad protesters and patriotic Americans as bigots. And we have a clip from the video that exposes the true facts of really why the protesters were so upset…
Caliphate Conference is Coming Up Soon!
Here is a promo video on a terrorist Caliphate conference to be held in UK on July 9th 2011. It is openly advertised on the internet to promote the Islamic terrorist agenda. For the dummies on the left says that there is no threat this conference should be another wake up call.
Jerusalem, Stolen Arab Land? Really! According to the liberal media Est Jerusalem is “occuppied terrritory.” Well! Our friends over at Honest Reporting give us some hard facts that the average person who knows nothing needs to know.
The Arab Hitler in The Knesset If the “Kach” or “Kahane Chai” parties are considered by the state of Israel to be “far right,” “terrorist,” “a danger to the state,” and are barred from the Knesset, then why is the extremist Ibrahim Sarsur of the “Ra’am-Ta’al” party allowed to keep his seat? Ibrahim Sarsur is an Israeli Arab politician and […]