Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer referred to the issue of charging Bowe Bergdahl with desertion as a “titanic struggle behind the scenes” between the Pentagon, which wants to charge Bergdahl, and the White House, which wants to continue stonewalling. Based on Barack Obama repeatedly showing a proclivity for defending all things Islam, the absurd terms on […]
Tag Archives | White House
Muslim and Huma Abedin Defender Who Obama Welcomed Into White House this Week Shows True Colors by MOCKING Concerns about Muslim Brotherhood Infiltration
On Wednesday of this week, it was reported that President Obama met with ‘American Muslim leaders’ at the White House. The report captured more attention because the names of those Muslim leaders were not officially made public until they were listed at the end of the transcript of Thursday’s White House press briefing. Muslim comedian […]
Obama, the anti semite in the White House along with Prophecy in the News
Short Video made by David Horowitz Freedom Center in 2011 which is as relevant in 2015 as it was back in 2011. Charles Krauthammer Fox News contributor and columnist for the Washington Post gives his analysis on the current Bi Lateral relations with Israel and the United States. Iran and Turkey are flexing their muscles […]
White House Makes STUNNING Admission that Obama NOT Detached; Knows EXACTLY what he’s doing (Crashing by Design)
As the world continues to descend deeper into chaos, the most stinging criticisms of President Barack Obama are that he is detached, disinterested, uninvolved, etc. The logic is that the reason things are getting worse is because the President isn’t leading and that a checked out American President leads to disaster around the world and […]
Obama Brothers Meet Two Days before Malik visits with Cult Leader who wants to Build Jerusalem’s Third Temple
By Ben Barrack Malik Obama is either schizophrenic or brazenly deceptive. In 2010, he visited Yemen and donned a Hamas stoll that said – in Arabic – “Jerusalem is Ours. We are Coming!” and identified Palestine as being “From the River to the Sea”. At the same time, he was partnered with a cult leader […]
Many Fear to Tread where Benghazi Facts Lead
By Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** The chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, Trey Gowdy, insisted in an interview that his committee will “go wherever the facts take us” and that if the committee does not do that, it “will be punished” by the American people. It is critical that Gowdy understands the true […]
Benghazi Bombshell: State Department official concerned Ambassador Kidnapped
Making news today is that a Legal Watchdog has dropped some bombshells relative to the lies told by former Ambassador to the United Nations and current National Security Adviser Susan Rice, about a video being responsible for the Benghazi attacks. In other correspondence with Rice, a State Department official expressed grave concern that U.S. Ambassador […]
Terrorists Use American Equipment, “paid for by US taxpayers.”
By Theodore Shoebat If every American, who actually pays taxes, knew where their money is going to, there would be a torrent of anger and uproar (not that there already is outrage, but it would be even greater). Fred Hof, who once served as Hillary Clinton’s special representative on Syria, reported this week that Islamist […]
Muslim Puts Castrated Slave For Sale On Facebook
By Theodore Shoebat A Saudi Muslim man has tried to sell a castrated slave on Facebook, with this horrifying advertisement: Peace be upon you … I have a [male] slave I bought from an African country and arranged for his visa and stay till I got him to Saudi [Arabia] His description: 1 – Black […]
Turkey to fight for Mursi at White House with Obama?
As Deputy Secretary of State Bill Burns rubs elbows with jailed Muslim Brotherhood leader, Khairat al-Shater, in an attempt to help the Brotherhood jockey for political position, a report has surfaced that Barack Obama has agreed to welcome a Muslim Brotherhood delegation to the White House. Also expected to be present is a Turkish delegation. […]
Do Benghazi emails released by White House contradict Hillary’s January testimony?
By Ben Barrack Problems continue to be mounting for the former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton. When the Weekly Standard’s Stephen Hayes identified former State Department spokesman Victoria Nuland as being involved in the altering of Benghazi talking points, the mouthpiece for Hillary was implicated. Now that the White House has released more emails, it […]
Joe Biden’s National Security Adviser Implicated in the altering of Benghazi talking points
Should Vice President Joe Biden fire his National Security Adviser or risk drawing the White House further into the Benghazi cover-up? When the 9/11/12 attacks in Benghazi went down, a man named Jake Sullivan was a Deputy Chief of Staff to then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. We now know that Sullivan was intimately involved […]
Al-Harbi (Saudi National) made multiple visits to the White House??
After the Boston marathon bombings on April 15th, Abdul Rahman Ali Al-Harbi went from suspect to ‘person of interest’ to witness to innocent bystander to victim all in less than 24 hours. According to DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano, Al-Harbi was put on and taken off a terrorist watchlist during those 24 hours as well. Then, […]
Video: Authors of Explosive book about Benghazi
If the charges made by former Green Beret Jack Murphy and former Navy SEAL Brandon Webb are correct, the truth about what happened in Benghazi is coming out despite the Obama administration’s attempt to avoid it. The charge made by Webb and Murphy is that John Brennan was ordering weapons raids in Libya without the […]
Video: Former CIA Officer Adamant the White House lying about Petraeus Investigation
Former CIA Officer Gary Bernsten leaves no room for doubt about where he stands relative to what the White House knew / knows about the investigation of CIA Director David Petraeus. “They are lying.” Via Breitbart:

Munir Quddus: Muslims should vote for Obama because he defended Huma Abedin
In light of the fact that the Obama administration has implemented policies over the last four years that have benefited the Muslim Brotherhood at every turn, is it any wonder that Muslims are being encouraged to vote for him? In an op-ed entitled, Why Muslims Should Vote to Reelect President Obama, Munir Quddus offers several […]