By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack
During a presidential debate prior to Obama’s reelection after the Benghazi attacks, the President had embraced Friends of Syria stating that “We organized the Friends of Syria”. Today, the man whom Barack Obama has decided to embrace and elevate has a history that includes international drug trafficking as revealed through Arabic sources and exposed here for the first time in English. This figure has also recently employed a woman caught in a cyber sex scandal with a major Muslim jihadist.
Here is how the story goes. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is not unfamiliar with sexual scandals. While in Istanbul, Turkey in early 2012, she met with a woman who would soon be caught up in her own sex scandal (more photos here) involving the top Syrian rebel commander Abdul Razzaq Tlas which was caught on video (sexually explicit scenes are blurred).
That woman was also seen with Hilary Clinton (see photo below) – identified by Reuters at the time as a “young Syrian pro-democracy activist” – has since been hired by the man with whom the Obama administration has chosen to work with as the President of the Syrian Opposition Coalition, Ahmed Jarba.
How she met Hillary Clinton most likely was arranged since Daghestani was prominent in staging riots and gives fiery speeches against the Syrian regime:
And the type of Jihadi operatives that the U.S. Administration is supporting involves some major terrorist leaders cooperating sexually with Daghestani. Some months after meeting with Clinton, Medea Daghestani was caught engaging in Skype sex with one of the top commanders within the Syrian opposition, Abdulrazaq Tlass. According to reports, Tlass and Daghestani performed for each other without knowing that hackers for the Assad regime were able to hijack Tlass’s computer and record the episode.
In this screenshot, Daghestani can be seen with Tlass in the lower right-hand corner:
So one would think that her career would be over? Think again. Daghestani is flung into the arms of the very man whom the Obama works with to take over Syria. Earlier this year, Dagestani was hired as a Public Relations specialist by Syrian Opposition Coalition President Ahmad Jarba.
Despite Jabra’s checkered reputation, Obama still meets with Jarba and was recently given additional credibility when Obama met with him at the White House during a scheduled meeting Jarba had with National Security Adviser Susan Rice:
As if all this is bad enough, just obtained from Middle Eastern sources Jabra’s history in major drug trafficking operations.
And just who is this Jabra really working for? According to reports, Jarba is close to Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan, who was a key figure in Jarba’s new position. Bandar instructed his agents and mercenaries in Syria to appoint Jarba (as a Saudi puppet) despite multiple convictions for drug trafficking between Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and the Gulf States, especially in Saudi Arabia.
Jabra is useful to both the U.S. and Saudi Arabia since he is well connected. Jarba reportedly utilized contacts he developed in the Syrian Embassy to secure his release every time he was arrested.
And it gets even worse, a couple of weeks ago, the DEA while entering the U.S. in Washington Airport searched his body cavities since they knew of his drug dealings and he was let go after someone important made a phone call.
Jarba’s Allegiances
Ahmad Jarba’s predecessor as the face of the Syrian opposition was at one time Ahmed Muaz Al-Khatib Alhassani (Al-Khatib), a Sufi Muslim with loyalties to the Muslim Brotherhood, as reported. Jarba being of Saudi origin belonging to the Shamra Saudi clan makes him an ideal operative to ensure the Wahhabist plans for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia which has its foothold and extensions into Syria to ensure its Islamist future.
Al-Khatib’s removal remains a mystery. Analysts do not agree whether it was Qatar, Saudi Arabia or the C.I.A which foresaw his removal. But in an Arabic news report, Al-Khatib said that Jarba was:
“…bribed by the highest bidder as is commonly known. Qatar and Saudi Arabia purchases through bribes whom they want.”
On his facebook page, Al-Khatib said that 40 members even walked out on Jarba after noticing the corruption.
On his twitter page, Jarba draws a line of distinction between the faction that he represents and the other side, tweeting that he encourages Al-Nusra Front terrorist group (translation below image):

Translation: I am not a member of Al-Nusra Front, but I encourage Al-Nusra Front. What makes the Nusra Front different is that it conquers, it burns and its destructive.
How Obama supports a man who is for Al-Nusra Front that “conquers” “burns” and is “destructive” remains a mystery. Al-Nusra is an Al-Qaeda front and a designated terrorist organization by the U.S.
But there appears to be a shift in strategy when it comes to Obama administration policy in Syria. While the “Friends of Syria” coalition is still in place, the elevation of Jarba means Saudi Arabian interests are being given more consideration after relations between Obama and the Saudis had been greatly strained.
Obama’s Friendship with “Friends of Syria” is Obama’s Farewell to Israel
Obama’s plans seem to coinside with the plans of the Syrian revolution, especially when it comes to Israel by appeasing both the Saudi Wahhabists and Muslim Brotherhood factions in Syria. Weapons shipments by a coalition of western nations Barack Obama boasted about forming and then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton publicly promoted and helped launch. Based on research done by, not only should the true intentions of the recipients of these weapons have been known by Obama and Clinton but they obviously were.
Threats made by one of Syria’s opposition leaders who has been receiving U.S.-made anti-tank missiles to fight the Assad regime indicate the jihadists he leads would like to make good on Barack Obama’s call for Israel to return to its pre-1967 borders, which would include returning the Golan Heights to Syria. The group that provided these weapons is known as “Friends of Syria” or “Friends of the Syrian People”.
Clearly, sending anti-tank missles – as Friends of Syria has been doing – to jihadists who threaten Israel does not serve Israel’s interests. It would seem, however, to serve the interests of Barack Obama, who called for a return to the 1967 borders just months prior to the formation of Friends of Syria:
One day later, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rebuked Obama publicly, from inside the White House:
Based on the claims in an interview with a rebel Division leader named Ahmad Al-Sa’oud, the high powered weaponry should be considered a threat to Israel’s sovereignty. Al-Sa’oud told the interviewer, “We are for the return of all Syrian land occupied by Israel”. Just two days prior to that interview being published, the U.S. State Department issued a press release reiterating U.S. support for Friends of Syria.
During a presidential debate prior to Obama’s reelection (after the Benghazi attacks), the President had the following to say about Friends of Syria:
We are playing the leadership role. We organized the Friends of Syria. We are mobilizing humanitarian support, and support for the opposition. And we are making sure that those we help are those who will be friends of ours in the long term and friends of our allies in the region over the long term.
Who are these friends and allies of the Obama administration?
Several months earlier, while in Tunisia, it was then Secretary of State Clinton who held a news conference at the group’s first meeting (the second meeting is when Clinton met with Daghestani), where she expressed the Obama administration’s commitment to the Friends of Syria. It was made clear that the administration would be assisting the group in its efforts to remove Bashar al-Assad from power. Said Clinton:
I think today the Friends of the Syrian People sent a strong and unified message that the Assad regime’s escalating violence is an affront to the international community, a threat to regional security, and a grave violation of universal human rights… we resolve today to ratchet up the pressure on the regime and increase its isolation. Now you know that until now, the Assad regime has ignored every warning, squandered every opportunity, and broken every agreement.
Turkey was represented at the Tunisia meeting by Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, who said:
“We should concentrate our efforts on empowering the Syrian opposition, which will be the backbone of a new democratic regime.”
One month prior to the Benghazi attacks, Clinton traveled to Turkey, where she met with Davutoglu and Syrian refugees. According to National Public Radio, the purpose of the meeting was two-fold. 1.) To prepare for a chemical weapons attack by Bashar al-Assad’s regime and 2.) To plan for Syria’s collapse.
According to the details of a report relayed by, the U.S. operation in Benghazi was about covertly shipping weapons out of the CIA Annex to Syrian rebels via Turkey. These claims were bolstered by an admission from Speaker of the U.S. House John Boehner and reports filed by Catherine Herridge of Fox News, who reported that a Libyan ship docked in Turkey days before the Benghazi attacks was allegedly transporting weapons. A consequence of the attack was the cessation of that covert operation, which had allegedly been run by CIA Director David Petraeus.
A couple of months after the Benghazi attacks, Mouaz Moustafa, the executive director for the Syrian Emergency Task Force (SETF) attended a Friends of Syria meeting in Paris according to his group’s website. The website underwent quite an overhaul when its political director Elizabeth O’Bagy found controversy after the chemical attack that occurred in Syria last year, as reported by After leaving SETF, Senator John McCain curiously hired O’Bagy as a Legislative Assistant.
Less than one year after the Benghazi attacks, the U.S. Congress approved a deal that would ship arms to Syrian rebels. At the time, O’Bagy said of the deal:
“…I wonder how much of this is simply an announcement of what they’ve already been doing on the ground,” referring to pre-existing administration efforts to encourage Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey to ship weapons into the country with assistance from the U.S.”
That comports with the explosive findings of veteran journalist Seymour Hersh that describe what the Benghazi Annex was being used for prior to the attacks, according to a ‘highly classified annex’ to a Senate Committee Report that explained the details of a deal between Obama and Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. It was about the weapons trafficking operation:
By the terms of the agreement, funding came from Turkey, as well as Saudi Arabia and Qatar… The operation was run by David Petraeus.
Congress agreed to officially ship arms to Syrian rebels after being lobbied hard by the SETF and the Syrian Support Group (SSG).
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Mike Rogers expressed concern over where the weapons would eventually end up but signed off on the deal anyway.
A man named Mazen Asbahi sits on the Board of SSG. He was ironically jettisoned from the Obama campaign in 2008 as Muslim outreach adviser because of his time serving on a Board with radical Islamic cleric Jamal Said, who has close connections to Hamas. At the time, CAIR-Chicago’s Executive Director Ahmed Rehab defended both Asbahi and Said (CAIR is a Muslim Brotherhood front group):
Despite these connections, Asbahi has been an effective lobbyist for Syrian jihadists who seek to take back the Golan Heights from Israel.
As this lobbying was going on, Friends of Syria held a meeting in Turkey. Those present included Al-Khatib, the Obama administration’s handpicked choice at the time to be the face of a post-Assad government in Syria, as reported by It was after this meeting that Al-Khatib announced his resignation for the second time. Reports indicate that he did so out of frustration over the inability of the Friends of Syria to ship weapons to the rebels.
The decision by the Obama administration to negotiate with Al-Khatib as a Syrian leader is disturbingly revealing. The administration attempted to give the extremely anti-Semitic Al-Khatib a political facelift when, in reality, he’s a member of the Muslim Brotherhood who has referred to all Jews as “the enemies of Allah”. This view obviously comports with that of rebel division leader Ahmad Al-Sa’oud, who represents Syrian jihadists who recently began receiving shipments of advanced U.S. weaponry.
Just because al-Khatib resigned from that post doesn’t mean he’s out of the picture. Just this month, he was part of a delegation that visited Egypt recently to negotiate political solutions in Syria.
During a trip to Cairo that took place before the lobbying efforts of SETF and SSG had paid off, Al-Khatib was photographed with SETF’s Mouaz Moustafa and former chairman of the Dar al-Hijrah mosque Bassam Estwani, who serves on the Board of the SETF, and is connected to terrorism as reported [here, here, here, and here]: