By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack
Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of the U.S. Government and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt both had hands in the 2012 Benghazi attacks on the U.S. Mission and the CIA Annex. The extent of that involvement still remains to be determined but there are clearly individuals on the right who do not want to publicly make these connections.
Unfortunately, indications are that some of those individuals are either part of or associated with the investigation.
When exploring what happened in Benghazi, there are no fewer than three investigative tracks that demand to be pursued to their ends.
Track 1: Weapons being trafficked out of Benghazi to Turkey and then on to Syria’s rebels.
Track 2: Egyptian involvement in the attacks.
Track 3: Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of U.S. Government playing a role.
The Benghazi Accountability Coalition (BAC), which bills itself as an ‘asset’ and resource for the House Select Committee on Benghazi has demonstrated interest in the first track but has gone out of its way to avoid the second and third tracks.

BAC Leaders – Top Left to Right: Andrew McCarthy, Frank Gaffney, Gen. Tom McInerney and Gen. Jerry Boykin. Bottom far right is Clare Lopez.
While the degree of BAC’s influence on the Committee is not known, what is known is that Gen. Jerry Boykin and Center for Security Policy’s (CSP) Frank Gaffney – two of BAC’s leaders – met with House Speaker John Boehner and Oversight Committee chairman Darrell Issa last year about the formation of a Select Committee, as reported. This was ultimately done in May of this year.
As revealed earlier this month, CSP’s Clare Lopez – who also sits on the BAC – attempted to dismiss our findings, saying that there is no connection between the “Egyptian MB and Morsi to the Benghazi attack” and that no one who makes such a claim “should be taken seriously”.
BAC’s About page includes the following:
The BAC applauds the formation of a Congressional Select Committee under the leadership of Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) and will follow its proceedings with close attention. Likewise, the BAC will stand ready to monitor the political arena for inaccuracies, propaganda, and spin and will move aggressively to correct the record as appropriate.
As will be demonstrated, it is Lopez who should not be taken seriously on the topic of Egyptian / Muslim Brotherhood involvement in the Benghazi attacks.
Former U.S. Congressman Lt. Col. Allen West is also listed as a BAC leader. A few weeks after the announcement that a Select Committee would be formed, West published an account of a conversation he had on a plane with an unnamed person who was an alleged witness to the attacks.
In making his case, West said Benghazi was “not about a kidnapping scheme” without providing any justification, only that the weapons trafficking operation eliminates that as a possibility; it does not. As has reported, there may not have been a kidnapping operation but the notion that such an operation and weapons trafficking are mutually exclusive is false.
It is clear upon reading West’s piece that he was shoring up Track 1 at the expense of Track 2 while ignoring Track 3.
In our “Ironclad” Report, the United Nations Security Council Committee (UNSCC) identified the Jamal Network – an Egyptian terrorist organization – as being involved in the attacks. The man after whom the Jamal Network is named has been a deputy to Ayman al-Zawahiri.
Last year, Accountability Review Board (ARB) Chairman Thomas Pickering inadvertently revealed that an Egyptian terrorist group was involved in the Benghazi attacks. Barely two weeks later, the U.S. State Department identified the Jamal Network publicly as a terrorist organization. Earlier this year a Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) even acknowledged the Jamal Network’s involvement, as reported.
The Jamal Network IS Muslim Brotherhood and it IS from Egypt.
Why does the BAC have no interest in an Egyptian connection to Benghazi and why did Lopez set out to discredit anyone who suggested one existed?
Egypt Ground Zero for Video Narrative
As has reported on extensively, there is significant probable cause to suggest U.S. Government / Obama administration involvement in both the production and promotion of the Innocence of Muslims video. The promotion of that video in the Middle East began in Cairo, Egypt.
Nader Bakkar and Wisam Abdul Waris are two Egyptian figures who were instrumental in ginning up anti-American sentiment over the video, as reported just two days after the attacks. Bakkar, who was originally scheduled to visit the U.S. on September 9th to give talks in New York and Boston regarding the Egyptian Constitution; his trip was postponed to September 15th – 16th.
The objective of the two men was to use the video to ratchet up pressure on western countries to criminalize criticism of Islam.
Another reason to look toward Egypt is that despite protestations from conservatives and Republicans that Benghazi was not about a video, there were protests in Benghazi over the video in the days after the attacks. As reported, Muslim Brotherhood affiliated groups in Benghazi used social media to exhort Libyans to follow Egypt’s lead relative to the protests.
Any U.S. Government involvement in the video itself would preclude interest in calling attention to Egypt as player in the Benghazi attacks.
Muslim Brotherhood Infiltration
At the time of the Benghazi attacks, the Muslim Brotherhood ruled Egypt. A few months earlier, it was revealed by that President Mohammed Mursi’s wife and Huma Abedin’s mother were colleagues in their respective roles as leaders with the Muslim Sisterhood. Abedin has been a close advisor to then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
The CSP acknowledged our findings on Huma Abedin’s familial connections to the Muslim Brotherhood and used that research in the paper cited by Rep. Michele Bachmann in the summer of 2012. To this day, Gaffney, Lopez, and BAC chairman Andrew McCarthy continue to find our work on the Abedin family to be credible and have referred to it often without citing us (it is difficult for the Vice President of CSP to discredit us while her organization continues to use our work).
When Bachmann came under fire in 2012 over the letters she wrote to five separate Inspectors General about Muslim Brotherhood infiltration, it was CSP that came to us for more information to back up their claims, which they originally got from our work. It is believed that Rush Limbaugh had a role in our work on Abedin getting noticed and it could have been fed to him by CSP after we first reported on the relationship between Abedin’s mother and Mursi’s wife on June 24th of that year:
Yet, CSP Vice President Lopez attempted to discredit our work on an Egyptian connection to Benghazi.
Abedin and Hillary Clinton provide part of that connection all by themselves!
The security of the Special Mission Compound where U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and Sean Smith were murdered was the responsibility Hillary Clinton’s State Department. As the Secretary of State, Clinton had long been compromised by Abedin, a woman with familial connections to Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood.
Another tie the Clintons have to Egypt is through one of their former employees – Gehad el-Haddad. El-Haddad was the Chief of Staff to Egypt’s then top Muslim Brotherhood deputy Khairat el-Shater. Both men are currently in jail. As has reported on extensively, the connection of Hillary Clinton to El-Haddad also indicates a link between the Benghazi attacks and Egypt.
The Select Committee on Benghazi was formed in response to a ‘smoking gun’ email obtained by Judicial Watch. While the contents of the email are indeed significant (White House Deputy Ben Rhodes instructs names on the distribution list that Susan Rice should blame the video for the Benghazi attacks), it is one of the names on the distribution list that should serve as a red flag for the committee.
Mehdi K. Alhassani, once President of the Muslim Students Association (MSA) chapter at George Washington University, is likely a Muslim Brotherhood agent, as has reported. As such, he was involved in the decision making process that resulted in then UN Ambassador Susan Rice blaming the video for the Benghazi attacks.
Another figure who warrants more attention is Rashad Hussain, a State Department employee who is the Obama administration’s envoy to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). As has reported, Hussain has been an integral part of the Istanbul Process, a process that led to the promotion of the “Innocence of Muslims” video as being responsible for the Benghazi attacks.

Rashad Hussain with close Hillary Clinton adviser and Muslim Sisterhood daughter Huma Abedin at White House Ramadan dinner in 2011.
Again, that video narrative began in Egypt, not Benghazi.
In the recorded meeting that took place on May 8, 2013 at which Boykin, Gaffney, and West were all in attendance, Breitbart News chairman Steve Bannon interjected at one point and spoke of the need for ‘message discipline’.
Any such ‘discipline’ shouldn’t have the effect of suppressing the truth.
Unfortunately, at least for now, that appears to be what BAC and the Vice President of CSP are doing.