Georgia Signs Major Anti-Abortion Bill Into Law

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp signed the “Heartbeat Bill” into law, which outlaws most abortions and some say is a potential case to target Roe v. Wade and will likely go to court:

Within minutes of Gov. Brian Kemp signing the controversial “heartbeat bill,” protesters gathered outside the Capitol to voice their opposition to the new law that effectively bans most abortions in Georgia.

Andrea Young, the legal director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Georgia, told Channel 2 political reporter Richard Elliot that the new law is unconstitutional and that the ACLU will challenge it in court.

“We are going assiduously through all the implications of the bill. It’s unconstitutional on its face. It’s a violation of Roe v. Wade, but we want to make sure in our comprehensive legal filings we’re addressing all the problems,” Young said.

At the protest, demonstrators promised to make defeating heartbeat bill supporters at the polls their top priority.

“You are nervous to take this vote, and you should have been nervous because we are watching and we are coming for you and your seat,” Fox said.

Democratic lawmakers condemned the bill and the legislators who voted for it.

“This bill bans abortions at six weeks, before many women even know that they’re pregnant. It is an effective outlawing of abortion altogether,” state Rep. Renitta Shannon said.

Acworth lawmaker Ed Setzler, who wrote the bill, told Elliot after the signing ceremony that he thinks Georgians will accept the new law.

“I think the people of Georgia, once the shrill attacks of the opponents sort of fade into the background, I think the common sense of Georgians will kick in,” Setzler said.

The new law doesn’t go into effect until January 2020.

The ACLU said it plans to file its legal challenge by the end of the summer. Planned Parenthood said it will file one, as well. (source)

Roe v. Wade is long overdue to be thrown into the firepit of history. But will it?

Abortion is a form of eugenics, and it owes it existence in the US to the eugenics movement. Many people do rightly point to the influence of Margaret Sanger’s work on contraception and her racism as fundamental to building popular support for abortion (although she never directly lobbied for it, contrary to popular myth), but to focus on Sanger’s history is to ignore the history of eugenics in the US.

Eugenics in the US goes back to the 16th century with the initial settlements from Massachusetts to North Carolina. Many of the people “resettled” were not the “best and brightest of Britain,” but were the criminals, impoverished, socially awkward, religious cults, or just people not liked by society for any particular reason. Much of the emigration from the UK was a form of “cleaning” society of disreputable people, and not for the good of the people or society, but because of ideas that were rooted in a concept of superiority of certain men over others to the point of denying the humanity of the ones being removed.

This philosophy never disappeared from Britain, but stayed and took different forms, and it was passed on to those who came to America where the people enforced it rigorously, beginning with the laws targeting Catholics, Germans, and Irish immigrants as well as African slaves, which were later expanded to other immigrant groups such as Italians, Slavs of all backgrounds, and Hispanics. While laws would change and some would disappear, it did not pass away because of a change in the people, but because the group that was being targeted was deemed “acceptable” after a certain point by society, or that the treatment a certain group received was no longer considered culturally acceptable. It is less per se tied to one particular “race” and is about a philosophical concept which like the virus that it is, mutated into different forms.

The 19th century greatly popularized eugenics, where in some areas it became a near household word and whose work was fundamental to the German eugenics movement of the late 19th and early 20th century, where deriving direct inspiration, ideas, and processes from the Americans, German eugenicists along with their Japanese allies greatly contributed to its advance by applying the philosophy to its logical conclusion, which is the reduction of the human race to the state of farmed cattle.

When Germany and Japan were defeated after the Second World War, the US selectively prosecuted eugenicists, allowing men of low rank and knowledge to be placed in prison or for execution, but gave to the men who created and administered the eugenics programs, the masterminds, high-paying salaries in top-secret government posts. What the US exported to Europe and Asia she re-imported back to learn from them.

The entire American eugenics movement is still in the US. It hides behind a number of legitimate fronts as it has done in the past, such as with the anti-immigration movement or the anti-welfare movement, as while both movements have many people of good will and genuine concern, many who hold positions of power in these groups are supporting or lobby for the same ideas supported by eugenicists of past years. Abortion is one of these fronts.

Abortion and the current biotechnical industry cannot be separated, as many of the bioengineering technologies such as CRISPR run on body parts obtained through abortion. It is a source of money and raw materials, to put it coldly and brutally, to many in scientific research or development professions.

Banning Roe v. Wade is a potential threat to those markets and the customers they represent, which go up to the highest ranks of government as such genetic research is being used by the DOD.

The Georgia heartbeat law is good, and it is likely going to cause a lawsuit that will go to federal court.

Will Roe v. Wade be overturned? One should hope, but not be overly hopeful, instead to watch and pray, as such a case is also going up against the history of eugenics in the US, something which is no small matter.

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