Part 7 of the End Times Series. To view part 6, click here.
Archive | August, 2012
Egypt’s Mohamed Mursi and John McCain on same page over Syria – Why?
Senator John McCain (RINO-AZ) used his speech at the Republican convention to give voice to a common refrain of his – that the United States should arm the Syrian rebels against Bashar al-Assad (video at bottom of this post). Almost simultaneously, Muslim Brotherhood leader / President of Egypt Mohamad Mursi was calling for the end […]
Lesson 6: Modern Misconceptions on Prophecy
Part 6 of the End Times Series To view part 5, click here.
A Dead Usama gets more attention than his living Financiers
Walid Shoebat The Navy SEAL whom Fox News reported was Matt Bissonnette, wrote a book entitled No Easy Day, which is due to be released on September 4th. Frankly, I have zero interest in how Mr. Good-Riddance Usama Bin Laden was killed and when I listen or watch American media (be it right or left), […]
CNN gives Muslim Comedian once promoted by CAIR a platform to bash Michele Bachmann
His name is Dean Obeidallah and he is a Muslim comedian. His act has also been promoted by the Council on American Islamic Relations Los Angeles (CAIR-LA). CNN published an opinion piece of his during the Republican convention in which Obeidallah claimed that the GOP has a ‘Muslim problem’. He singled out Bachmann specifically and […]
Hillary Clinton will be half a world away during Democratic Convention
The Daily Caller’s Neil Munro writes: Hillary Clinton to leave the hemisphere during Democratic convention Not speculatin’, just sayin’…
See How These Heathens Respect Human Life
—- Posted by Theodore Shoebat
John Boehner at the Convention: ‘At least (my name’s) not ‘Weiner'”
While speaking at a breakfast during the Republican convention, House Speaker John Boehner threw out some red meat for attendees to eat with their waffles. Via New York Post: House Speaker John Boehner made Weiner, who resigned last year in a sexting scandal, a punch line in a breakfast speach this morning to the New […]
Understanding the real cause of the Arab Jewish conflict over Israel / Palestine
When it comes to the Arab Palestinians, winning the propaganda war on various Pallywood stages is one thing they may be better at than the Jews. For some inexplicable reason, Palestinians are able to garner world sympathy with incessant melodrama and deceit. If you want to know the truth about what’s behind the Arab / […]
Lesson 5: How Christ will Judge Hezbollah
Part 5 of the End Times Series. To view part 4, click here.
Jumah Prayer at Democratic Convention should sound loud Alarm Bells
This Friday, approximately 20,000 Muslims are expected to descend upon Charlotte, NC for a Jumah prayer at the Democratic National Convention. The event is being hosted by an entity that bills itself as the Bureau of Indigenous Muslim Affairs (BIMA). If you think that name is similar to the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA), […]
What Muslim In Iraq Are Doing To The Chaldean Christians
Now with Saddam gone, and the Shiite’s unchecked, the Islamists have been committing atrocities upon the Christians in Iraq. — Posted by Theodore Shoebat
End Times Today Series Lesson 4: How Christ Will Defeat Arabia
Part 4 of the End Times Series. To view Part 3, click here.
Video: Navy SEALs not happy with Obama’s Bow to Saudi King
This video carries added significance for us in light of what Walid discovered about the Saudi Royal family. h/t WZ
Listen up folks: This is Egypt
Translated by Walid Shoebat After you watch this terrifying video of what is happening in Egypt you will never be the same. Are you willing to grow as a human being by watching it? Please support our efforts to help the persecuted Christians.

Huma Abedin’s Defenders Outed
Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack Much has happened since Reps. Michele Bachmann, Louie Gohmert, Trent Franks, Lynn Westmoreland, and Tom Rooney fired off those five letters to various Inspectors General back on June 13th. Based on all that has transpired to this point, we thought it a worthy endeavor to chronicle the individuals / entities […]