Archive | December, 2013

NY Times Writer Accidentally Tells Key Benghazi Truth

In his largely fictional missive about Benghazi, New York Times writer – and Cairo Bureau chief – David Kirkpatrick argued that neither al-Qaeda nor groups outside Libya were involved in the attack on the U.S. Special Mission Compound. He seemed to concede Ansar Al-Sharia was, but in so doing, Kirkpatrick decided to play semantics. As […]

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Do Liberals care about Slaughtered Christians?

While guest-hosting on the Lynn Woolley show, Ben Barrack was talking about the idea of conservatives uniting in common cause against liberalism. In particular, the subject of Duck Dynasty was being discussed. The point was that when there is enough outrage, a conservative backlash can be very effective, as was the case with A&E deciding […]

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When Muslims Behead Christians, Don’t Complain

Brother Rick is angry, he writes, “Please understand that I am very angry, I am very close to withdrawing my financial support from Rescue Christians.” And why is he angry? He adds his complaint, “Ted has posted this expose of Martin Luther; How in the world did become a Catholic blog?” So what does […]

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Russia Will Get Tougher On Islamic Religion

By Theodore Shoebat The recent series of terrorists attacks which have taken place in Russia, in which tens of people were killed, are events that are only adding to the nation’s already growing tension against Islam, and it as well prefigures a religious inquisition being imposed on Muhammad’s heresy. According to the pro-Russian government newspaper, […]

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Why NY Times Lied about Benghazi

Cairo Bureau Chief should know better The New York Times’ David D. Kirkpatrick may have a motive for wanting to leave out any evidence of an Egyptian connection to the Benghazi attacks on 9/11/12; he is the Cairo Bureau Chief. After reading what amounts to his “novel” – replete with actual chapters – in the […]

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Al-Jazeera Employees Arrested for ties to Terrorism

His name is Peter Greste and he is a news correspondent for Al-Jazeera. He and at least one other Al-Jazeera employee – possibly four total – were detained for ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. In Egypt, that means they’re tied to a terrorist organization. Via the AP: The network said Monday that four of its […]

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Heroic Nun Rescues Christian Children From Being Butchered By Muslims

By Theodore Shoebat We would like to announce that Rescue Christians will now be expanding into Syria, Iraq, Turkey and Jordan. This is a very significant step in our endeavor to deliver Christians from this current holocaust that is incessantly increasing in violence and cruelty everyday. This expansion in our mission is due to our […]

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Muslims Play Soccer With The Heads Of Their Victims

By Theodore Shoebat Here is a video of Sunni Muslims playing soccer with the heads of the people they murdered. Don’t forget, these are the savages who are killing Christians, so make sure to donate and save your brethren. DONATE NOW AND SAVE CHRISTIAN LIVES ALSO, DON’T FORGET TO GET OUR NEW DVD SERIES ON […]

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If You Neglect The Persecuted, You Neglect Christ

By Theodore Shoebat Syrian Christian refugees in Jordan have tried receiving asylum in Western countries only to be rejected. In the words of one Christian refugee: Everyone sold whatever they owned in Syria in order to get here, so that we could apply for visas at an embassy. We were all surprised to be rejected […]

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Israeli Government Tells IDF Not To Interact With Messianic Jews, As Israel Today Claims

By Theodore Shoebat Israel Today has reported that the Ministry of Defense has made an order that all soldiers within Jerusalem over the Sabbath are not permitted to have any interaction with Jewish worshippers of Yahshua, or Jesus. This discrimination, as they claim, has come as a result of so-called “anti-missionaries” complaining to the Ministry […]

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On Your Feet, Soldiers!

By Ben Barrack For quite a while now, conservatives have been bemoaning the lack of victories in the face of unadulterated liberalism run amok. Now that A&E has caved and decided to reinstate Phil Robertson, said conservatives should take note of the formula for success. When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they […]

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Egypt Official: Sisterhood leaders may be Executed

Earlier this month, it was widely reported by Arabic sources, that the wife of Egypt’s ousted president Mohammed Mursi, pledged to lead a revolt. In words attributed to her, Naglaa Mahmoud said she was ‘organizing a coup against the coup’ in order to overthrow the current government. Perhaps not so coincidentally, a spokesman for Egypt’s […]

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This Story Will Melt Your Heart, But Will Compel You To Take Action

Everyone, read the words of this Christian man from Syria, that recount how his father and sister were murdered and burned by Muslims. Read this story, and realize how tormenting, unendurable, and horrifying the life of a Christian is under the Islamic yoke. The author’s name is Kamil Toume, and this is the story: ‘In […]

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Muslims Shamelessly Use Church As Toilet

By Theodore Shoebat A church in Kosovo, Serbia, that is dedicated to St. John the Baptist, was desecrated by ruined by sulky and evil Muslims. The same heretics made the church into a dump, and only that, but made the entire sanctuary into their toilet. This beautiful church was built on the sight where Prince […]

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Exposing Martin Luther’s Love Affair With Islam

By Thomas King This will again come as a shock to those whom hold Martin Luther in high esteem, but Luther held Islam and her armies in admiration. It is true that he wrote a tract entitled: “On War Against the Turk”, whereby it appears that he is opposed to Islam on theological grounds and […]

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Back to the 1930’s; a Must-See Wake-Up Call

Her name is Chloe Valdary and in this video, she drives a point home that desperately needs to resonate with more people. The incremental increase of anti-Semitism in the years leading up to the extermination of six million Jews during World War Two is back. Valdary has partnered with Americans for Peace and Tolerance (APT) […]

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