If you’re familiar with who Stone Cold Steve Austin is (video at very bottom), you might appreciate this clip even more but you don’t need to know who he is to laugh. Stone Cold E.T. at a White Castle drive-thru: Here is the inspiration for half of that character:
Archive | January 15, 2014

Benghazi a pre-planned Movie Narrative?
Thanks to declassified documents from testimony given by military officials to the House Armed Services Committee, we now know that the attack on the U.S. Special Mission Compound (SMC) was identified as a terrorist attack within minutes. We also know that then Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and Joint Chiefs Chairman Martin Dempsey were both […]
A nice interlude from the Mess
While the Arab world along with their propagandists strive to destroy Israel and the Jews, here we see young Israeli music students entertaining the sick and their relatives at one of the world’s finest hospitals. Yet, you can scour the whole internet and you will not be able to find any comparable hospital or talent […]
Muslim Woman Murders Mentally Challenged Daughter
By Theodore Shoebat A Palestinian Muslim woman has turned herself in to police, for beating and then hanging her mentally challenged daughter after finding out that she was pregnant, in an “honor” killing. The victim’s father and brother have disappeared since the murder, and the Palestinian Authority have commenced a manhunt. Amal Al Juabah, the […]
Human Sacrifice Caught On Film
Posted by Theodore Shoebat When Muslims behead people, they believe that the blood of the victim appeases Allah, and thus they see it as propitiatory act. It is, therefore, an Islamic human sacrifice. For more on Islamic sacrifice, please see my latest article on this subject, here. Here is a video showing this evil: