British Bishop Wants Prince Charles to Surrender to Islam

There are plenty of Muslims in Great Britain who are pushing for the inclusion of Islam into British society. They don’t need any help from British political and religious authorities but they sure are getting it.

Turkish Sheikh Hisham Kabbani with Prince Charles (photo via Phoenix Publishing).

Turkish Sheikh Hisham Kabbani with Prince Charles (photo via Phoenix Publishing).

The latest example comes from the Daily Mail, which quotes a top bishop who says the Qur’an should be read at the coronation of Prince Charles:

Prince Charles’s coronation service should be opened with a reading from the Koran, a senior Church of England bishop said yesterday.

The gesture would be a ‘creative act of accommodation’ to make Muslims feel ‘embraced’ by the nation, Lord Harries of Pentregarth said.

But critics attacked the idea, accusing the Church of ‘losing confidence’ in its own institutions and traditions.

Lord Harries, a former Bishop of Oxford and a leading CofE liberal thinker, said he was sure Charles’s coronation would give scope to leaders of non-Christian religions to give their blessing to the new King.

The former Bishop of Oxford, who continues to serve as an assistant bishop in the diocese of Southwark, made the suggestion about the Koran during a House of Lords debate. He told peers the Church of England should take the lead in ‘exercising its historic position in a hospitable way’.

He said that at a civic service in Bristol Cathedral last year authorities had agreed to a reading of the opening passage of the Koran before the beginning of the Christian ritual. He said: ‘It was a brilliant creative act of accommodation that made the Muslim high sheriff feel, as she said, warmly embraced but did not alienate the core congregation.

‘That principle of hospitality can and should be reflected in many public ceremonies, including the next coronation service.’

It is amazing the lengths of rationalization people like Harries will go to justify their own treasonous behavior. He actually believes that Muslims will give their blessings to Prince Charles because he recites the Qur’an at his coronation. The truth is that the Islamic world sees it as a sign of weakness and subjugation, not something worthy of respect.

In fact, it’s just the opposite.

It sure would be refreshing to see this “Bishop” demand more Christianity in Muslim lands instead of more Islam in his homeland.

h/t BNI


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