By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive)
Islam has several Hadiths (saying of Muhammad) regarding Jesus praying behind the Muslim Mahdi. Today, Iran, Obama’s empowered and favored Mid East Muslim ally is excited foreseeing the coming victory against the Jews and the Christians. For that they are having giant posters portraying Jesus submitting to the will of the Muslim Mahdi standing and praying behind him. FARS News, Iran’s news media stated “This banner was designed to show the final victory, led by Ibn al-Hasan Imam Mahdi”.

Jesus appears dressed in blue standing humbly behind the Muslim Mahdi
The collection of narrations related about the prophecy that “Jesus” will follow Mahdi’s lead in salat (“prayer”) after he descends to conquer the Jews and the Christians. The prophecy is narrated in numerous hadith collections. A total of 29 Hadiths relate the return of Jesus, and his prayer with Mahdi’s lead.
Muslims believe that Jesus is alive according to Quran and he will be Muslim and will appear just before judgment day which Iran perceives is coming soon.
When I read the Bible and found so much that describes the Mahdi who I had learned so much about growing up, the shock to me was that, while a character identical to my Mahdi was seen throughout the pages of the Bible, this character was not called “the Mahdi”, but rather “the Antichrist.” The Mahdi to Sunni Muslims was “The rightly-guided and awaited One.” Shi’a Muslims refer to him as Sahib Al-Zaman “The Lord of the Age.” This is exactly what the Bible calls Satan: “The lord of the age” (II Corinthians 4:4).
You might think that this is simply a coincidence, but there are dozens of similarities between Islam’s system and that of the Antichrist. It is difficult to claim mere coincidence. It is not:
But what should really frighten everyone is that this Antichrist story is not simply a nightmare story that one reads about in some ancient sacred texts, but it is rapidly becoming a reality right before our eyes.
P.S: Please consider the serious issue on Christian persecution which will increase as we see these events unfold. we operate a very effective mission in rescuing fellow Christians. We are a unique organization (Rescue Christians) who rescue Christians, perdominately in Pakistan that live under the Muslim yoke baking bricks in kilns under the heating sun. Christians in Pakistan are also burned in furnaces. To see an example out of the thousands we rescue, click here, and listen to the amazing testimonies first hand on how you can help and make a difference, now in this life and for eternity.
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