- ISIS jihadis accused the couple of having sex without being married.
- They were blindfolded and tied up and taken to a square in central Mosul.
- Charges against the pair were read out in front of a large crowd.
- Militants then threw rocks at the couple until they died in pools of blood.
- ISIS said that “carrying out this law is for the remission of sins”. In other words, the sins are forgiven since the price was paid with their lives.
While many are sickened with images coming out of ISIS, one thing is certain, that when ISIS shows these images (see link here), the logo on top says “Caliphate In Accordance To The Prophet’s Doctrine”.

Top: Bismillah (In the name of Allah) the most merciful Bottom: Islamic State: Caliphate In Accordance To The Prophet’s Doctrine.
Can anyone on earth simply claim “the brutality is simply ISIS”. No one can deny it, be it a Muslim apologist or Muslim so-called moderate claim that such punishments are not in accordance to Muhammad’s laws. There is not a single human being, be it scholar or layperson who can refute that what ISIS does is in accordance to the laws of Muhammad. Muslim scholars argue if ISIS has the authority to carry out Islamic laws, but can they argue that such laws are not from Islam? So why do we always say “ISIS did this” or “ISIS did that”? It is Islam stupid.
The gruesome new images have emerged showing Muslims stoning a blindfolded and bound man and woman to death in Iraq after they were accused of having sex before marriage.
Taken in Mosul in Nineveh province, the shocking images show a large crowd gathered to watch the Muslim executioners murder the defenceless couple.
Young boys clamber onto their fathers’ shoulders to get a better view of the man and woman being charged with ‘fornication’, before the familiar white-bearded face of elderly Mosul-based executioner-in-chief Abu Ansar al-Ansari orders their stoning to death.

Stoned to death: Taken in the ISIS-stronghold of Mosul in Nineveh province, the shocking images show a large crowd gathered to watch the ISIS militants murder the defenseless couple

Accusation: An Islamic State militant with a yellow scarf covering his face is seen using a microphone and PA system to read out the charge of ‘fornication’ -or sex outside marriage – against the couple
The sickening images begin by showing a large crowd gathered in a rain-drenched square in central Mosul.
With heavily armed militants taking up positions on ledges overlooking the crowd, the young men and boys jostle to ensure they get the best view of the murder
In the background of the image, women wearing black niqabs are seen gathered together.
A Muslim with a yellow scarf covering his face is then seen using a microphone and PA system to read out the charge of ‘fornication’ against the couple, suggesting they have been accused of having sex without being married, not of committing adultery.
A large pile of stones are then seen heaped in the middle of the road, before the barbaric crowd began throwing them at the defenceless and blindfolded couple, who have had their hands bound to prevent them getting away.
As stones rain down on the victims’ bodies, large pools of blood appear in the road, before eventually the man and woman die of their injuries and the savagery finally comes to an end.

Crowd of young men and boys jostle to ensure they get the best view of the murder

Preparing to kill: After the charges are read out, the familiar white-bearded face elderly Mosul-based executioner-in-chief Abu Ansar al-Ansari (centre) orders their stoning to death

Barbaric: The Islamic State militants begin throwing stones at the defenceless and blindfolded couple, who have had their hands bound to prevent them getting away

Horrific: Young boys clamber onto their father’s shoulders to get a better view of the sickening murder

Islam teaches if you steel, your hand is chopped off:
This is Islam. Any questions?