By Walid Shoebat At least ten thousand Iraqi forces comprised of mainly military and Shi’ite militiamen and two thousand local Arab tribes finally launched the long-awaited offensive on Sunday against ISIS to recapture the major city of Tikrit and the Saladin Governorate which bridges the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, with rebel-held Mosul in the north. The city has […]
Archive | 2015
Lebanon Opens Its Borders To Receive The 5000 Assyrian Christians Fleeing From ISIS
By Walid Shoebat Assyrian Christians fleeing the Islamic State ISIS are now welcome to take refuge in Lebanon because their humanitarian case is exceptional, Interior Minister Nouhad Machnouk said. Machnouk, after discussing the matter with Prime Minister Tammam Salam and Social Affairs Minister Rashid Derbas, gave the order on Sunday to allow the inflow […]
LEAKED INFORMATION HAS JUST REVEALED: Obama Threatened Netanyahu That He Will Order U.S. Forces To Shoot Down Israeli Jet Fighters Headed To Destroy Iran’s Nuclear Reactors
By Walid Shoebat And Ben Barrack US President Barack Obama thwarted an Israeli military attack against Iran’s nuclear facilities last year by threatening to shoot down Israeli jets before they could reach their targets in Iran. The strength of the leaked report also relies on the confirmed history of the United States thwarting a previous effort when Former US […]
AUSTRALIA: Muslims threaten Senator Jacquie Lambie with beheading unless she helps introduce sharia law
The letter to Lambie warns that “you are the enemy of Islamic State, therefore, I will take the honor in beheading you.” It includes graphic images of a man having his head sliced off by a knife. Adelaide Now Police are investigating a poison pen letter claiming that Muslim plan to behead Tasmanian Senator Jacquie Lambie […]
Muslim Leader of Group with Ties To Islamic Terror Organization Says Praying Inside State Capitol Was Just about ‘Love, Peace and Understanding’
Oklahoma Muslim at the Capitol Day was all about ‘love, peace and understanding’. That’s if you believe Oklahoma’s Executive Director of a Muslim civil rights group with distinct ties to an officially designated Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) in Hamas. Hamas is also the Palestinian wing of the larger Muslim Brotherhood. Below is a news report […]
PROOF that Leftists and Muslims Seek Religious Superiority in the Name of “Religious Equality”
The words “religious equality” tickle the ears of many and in theory, it sounds great. The problem is that many of those who harp on it publicly, represent Islamic groups or nations like the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), who really don’t want religious equality at all. They want everyone to agree on a set […]
BREAKING NEWS: Italy Has Just Sent Naval Ships Into Libya And ISIS Flees At The News Completely Abandoning Their Major Stronghold On The Mediterranean Coastal City Of Derna
By Theodore Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Several sources from within the city of Derna Libya confirmed that ISIS in a surprise move decided to pack up and completely escape from their stronghold coastal city of Derna on the Mediterranean seacoast. Reason? Italy declared that warships will be sent for exercises in the Libyan shores to intimidate ISIS after the latter announced in […]
AUSTRIA reforms its 1912 ‘Islam Law;’ Muslims outraged
The Austrian parliament has passed controversial reforms to the country’s century-old law on Islam. The bill, which is partly aimed at tackling Islamic radicalism, bans foreign funding for mosques and imams. Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz: “We don’t want our Muslim community to be dependent on foreign funding.” BBC Austria’s Integration Minister, Sebastian Kurz, defended the reforms […]
ISIS Jihadists Tries To Capture Young Christian Girl, She Takes Out A Machine Gun And Slaughters Five Of Them. There Is Now A Major Christian Militia With American, Australian, And British Christians All Working Together To Destroy ISIS
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Speaking in his ancient language, the Aramaic, the language of Jesus, this unnamed Assyrian fighter gives his testimony about what happened in that fateful day when ISIS entered the Assyrian Christian villages at the banks of the Khabur river near Hasaka. He speaks of valiancy and how they fought against all odds. We thought […]
ISIS Nothing More than Turkey’s JUNKYARD DOG and Obama is Helping to Feed It
At minimum, Turkey needs ISIS. At a maximum, it really needs ISIS. The government of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, ISIS and the Muslim Brotherhood-backed rebels all want the same thing – an Islamic Caliphate. This gives them all common cause. Turkey has made great strides – and has had some setbacks – when it comes to […]
Prayers Were Answered As ISIS Released 23 Assyrian Christian Hostages. Churches Throughout The World Should Pray This Sunday That The Rest Are Released.
By Walid Shoebat An ISIS Sharia Court in Tel Tamer Al-Hasakah province, northeast of Syria issued a provision for the release of 23 Assyrian Christians from the village of Tel Curran, who had been detained since last Monday. Fayez Curco, head of Politics and Media from the Khabur Assyrian Guard Forces stated that: “Assyrian military […]
ISIS is racist towards Boko Haram, please call Al sharpton and Eric holder, You cannot make this up!
We have reported this in the past, but we know that the Arab Muslims are very racist towards black people including the fact the Arabs were the instigators of the African slave trade also reported here. Black Muslims in Sudan have been persecuted and murdered by Arab muslims. We also know that the Black Muslim […]
Courageous Christian Woman Interrupts Muslim Prayer inside State Capitol Building with the ‘Our Father’; Police Turn Backs on God and Throw Her Out
As Muslims were gathered inside the Oklahoma state capitol and were praying loudly, a brave Christian interrupted their prayer with the Lord’s Prayer – the Our Father. That’s the good news. The bad news? Police threw her out and allowed the Muslims to continue praying. Nice separation of church and state, huh? Muslim call to […]
CONFIRMED: Lois Lerner Sent Email About her Hard Drive Crashing Three Days AFTER Backdating Tax-Exempt Status of Barack H. Obama Foundation 38 Months… on a Sunday
Whether relevant or coincidental, it is noteworthy that on June 29, 2011 – just three days after her signature granted Malik Obama’s Foundation 501(c)(3) status on June 26, 2011 (a SUNDAY) – then IRS official Lois Lerner sent out a bizarre email. In it, she makes a comment about it being unbelievable how her hard […]
Muslims Force Tens Of Thousands Of Christians Into Actual Concentration Camps Where They Are Brutally Tortured, Raped, And Made To Endure Grueling Slavery. But Rescue Christians Is Now Doing Undercover Missions To Save Thousands Of Them (NOW IS YOUR TIME TO JOIN THE MISSION)
RESCUE CHRISTIANS EXCLUSIVE Muslims are forcing tens of thousands of Christians into concentration camps in Pakistan. The labor camps that these Christians are in most definitely fit the description of concentration camps. For they are forced into hard labor, in an area where they are made to live in despotic and impoverished living conditions; they are forced to […]
EXPLOSIVE REVELATION: Documents Show Working Relationship between Osama bin Laden, al-Qaeda and Iran
In a stunning development, some of the documents recovered from Osama bin Laden’s compound by Navy SEALS were introduced by federal prosecutors as evidence in the trial of a terrorism suspect. The documents reveal and confirm an actual working relationship between Iran and al-Qaeda. An explosive article from Thomas Joscelyn zeroes in on one of […]