Archive | 2015

**UPDATE** Retired Four-Star General and Former Head of AFRICOM Appears to Tweet ‘May Allah Bless you’ in Response to Tweet from CIA Director and Skype Account Appears to Show He was Friends with Fort Hood Jihadist

***UPDATE BELOW POST – ACCOUNTS FAKED / HACKED?*** Thanks to one of our readers who commented on an earlier post, we’ve been provided with two extremely bizarre yet fascinating screen shots from what appears to be the twitter and Skype accounts of a retired four-star Army General who was head of AFRICOM at the […]

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U.S. NATO ‘Ally’ Turkey Providing Safe Harbor to Muslim Leader of Foreign Terrorist Organization

It’s been formally acknowledged that U.S. NATO ‘ally’ Turkey is providing safe haven to leaders of Hamas, a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) so designated by the U.S. State Department. By its very definition, an FTO should be considered declared enemy of the U.S. Despite this, Turkey doesn’t appear to be paying any price. Another player […]

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Muslims In Germany Take 19 Year Old Pregnant Girl, Stab Her In The Stomach, Then Cover Her Entire Body In Gasoline, Set Her On Fire, And Watch Her Slowly Burn To Death

By Theodore Shoebat Two Muslim Turks in Berlin, Germany, took a pregnant 19 year old girl named Maria, stabbed her in the stomach, then covered her whole body in gasoline, set her on fire and watched her burn to death. They then covered her charcoaled body with leaves and left. I did a whole video […]

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Muslim Media Outlets Spew Libelous Propaganda by Blaming Jews For Muslim Terror Attacks in Paris

Palestinian media outlets – and more than 80% of Palestinians – believe that the Israeli government led by Benjamin Netanyahu was behind the Muslim terror attacks in Paris earlier this month. It’s one thing to wallow in denial about whether the terrorists acting in the name of Islam were actually Muslims. It’s something else entirely […]

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Popular Band Gives Surprise Performances at HETEROSEXUAL Wedding Receptions in AWESOME Music Video

The latest video from Maroon 5 may qualify as one of the top three music videos in the modern era. The band spent a day going to as many wedding receptions as they could and secretly set up to perform their latest song. The wedding couples in each case were brought up front and center […]

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Democrat Congressman Admits Obama and Hillary had ‘No After Plan’ for Libya but Fails to Understand That WAS the Plan

The claims made by Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HA), that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton had ‘no after plan’ in Libya once the removal of Muammar Gadhafi was complete, were a bit surprising, coming from a Democrat. In an interview about the deteriorating situation all across the Middle East, Gabbard was asked about Libya specifically. She […]

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Both Muslims And Homosexuals Want To Destroy Christianity

By Theodore Shoebat Both Muslims and homosexuals want to destroy Christianity. Just look at some of the news that has come in recent times. Muslim activist, Fiyaz Mughal, joined forces with major sodomite activist, Peter Tatchell, to help fight intolerance against Islam, and of course homosexuality. Here is a video I did on this subject […]

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German Government, Leftists And ISIS Try To Destroy PEGIDA, Now Tens Of Thousands Of Germans Are Rallying In The Streets Carrying Crosses Even Israeli Flags And Ready To Fight Islam

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Last time PEGIDA tried to rally their troops, it was the police that stopped them claiming that threats from ISIS is a hazard for public safety.  And while PEGIDA is hated by many in the German government including Merkel, PEGIDA persisted to whom even Merkel had to respond to an ultimatum: does Germany stand […]

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Liberal Atheist Comedian Gets Liberal Godless Politician to CONFESS He’s a LYING ‘PROPAGANDIST’ when it comes to ISLAM

In order to better appreciate the exchange between liberal atheist comedian Bill Maher and far left-wing liberal politician Howard Dean, it’s probably best to watch a short clip of Dean from an appearance on MSNBC’s Morning Joe shortly after the Muslim terrorist attacks in Paris. At that time, Dean delivered the now ridiculously infamous line […]

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Courageous Prosecutor Found Shot Dead Hours Before He Would Present Evidence to Congress that His Government Conspired with IRAN to Coverup Terror Attack That Killed Dozens of Jews

Just over 20 years ago, a Jewish Community Center in Argentina suffered a devastating terror attack when a bombing resulted in the murder of 85 people, with more than 100 injured. After all these years, no one has paid a price except for possibly the prosecutor – Alberto Nisman – who was hours a way […]

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The British still think there is a “Moderate” and “Extremist” Islam

On the 13th January the BBC aired a broadcast on News Magazine program Panorama (the equivalent of CBS 60 minutes). John Ware the reporter is one of the few good reporters on the issues of Islamic extremism and obviously he is constrained by the BBC editorial policies. It appears that even despite this better report […]

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VIDEO: Major Homosexual Activist Confronts Christian Man, Christian Man Destroys Him In A Debate Every Christian Needs To See

When Theodore Shoebat published his recorded phone calls exposing how intolerant the gay bakeries were when they refused to put “Gay Marriage Is Wrong”, the LGBT community were upset. It ended up with VICE Magazine sending one of their best gay writers Josiah Hesse to interview Shoebat. What VICE did not know was that Shoebat […]

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Video From ISIS Killing Japanese Hostages Reveal An Evil Antichrist Master Plan To Revive The Ottoman Empire

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Understanding how the world ticks today, alongside reading your Bible is the key to unraveling the future. And while we try to understand what is holy, we must also point what is evil. When it comes to the world, Machiavelli once said “even evil acts may be put to good […]

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Obama, the anti semite in the White House along with Prophecy in the News

Short Video made by David Horowitz Freedom Center in 2011 which is as relevant in 2015 as it was back in 2011. Charles Krauthammer Fox News contributor and columnist for the Washington Post gives his analysis on the current Bi Lateral relations with Israel and the United States. Iran and Turkey are flexing their muscles […]

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Saudi Arabia Catches ISLAMOPHOBIA and XENOPHOBIA As it Builds Walls on Its Borders with Iraq and Yemen to Keep Muslims OUT

Whenever westerners warn of the threat of mass Islamic immigration, they are accused of being Islamophobes and Xenophobes. In the case of the U.S., any time someone suggests that America should construct a wall on its southern border to prevent illegal aliens from traversing that border, they’re labeled as intolerant bigots who lack compassion. The […]

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While Arguing That Islam Is Not The Problem, Secretary of State Says, ‘We have to… Keep our Heads’

From the Secretary of State who insists man-made climate change is the greatest threat to the world comes another irresponsible and outrageous assertion that Islamic terrorists who commit acts of Islamic terrorism are not Islamic. Ironically, while making this asinine claim, Kerry used a bizarre metaphor that takes on added significance when paired with his […]

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